Saturday, July 26, 2008


ThirtyPieces ThirtyPieces CharlaXTitles Themes30 Is Judas Iscariot the AntiChrist is he the one we seek to come. IS Judas after all the abomination of desolation the wounded head that did not die? Let's use the scriptures history and some conjecture for a poem has a license plate and facts can be lost and found. The entry fee to hell already paid with thirty pieces of them silver kind. The LORD has Anger just ask them sodomites and Gomorrahn's they knoe firsthand what it's like to receive anger from above the fire and brimstone fell in tons. The city proper disappearing only LOT and his whole family escaped too cave. “So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel - let the reader understand.” Just for the sake of my theme poem and for the argument sake as well let's assume this is meant to be a Resurrected Judas Priest come back from the dead to rule the known world. “He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him.” "As the navel is set in the centre of the human body, so is the land of Israel the navel of the world... situated in the centre of the world, and Jerusalem in the centre of the land of Israel, and the sanctuary in the centre of Jerusalem, and the holy place in the centre of the sanctuary, and the ark in the centre of the holy place, and the foundation stone before the holy place, because from it the world was founded." The ancient foundation under the Dome of the Rock is apparently octagonal. Such a foundation is more consistent with an original pagan shrine having existed there before the Dome of the Rock was built in 691 A.D. Women may have done this High Priestesses of Satan. There is a saying that the numbers on the Roman Catholic Headdress the conical hat of the POPE the most first and foremost religious leader of THIS world may total up to 666 using the roman numerals effect. The one perpetrating The Abomination OF Desolation is the person known as the Antichrist. The Mark of the Beast is only a number 666. The Antichrist however is a real person incarnate with a soul eye believe once belonged to one Judas Iscariot late of Galilee. He will cause the IMAGE of the beast to speak. This could be a clay statue or as some are now suggesting a Robot with a computer head and face. The thing to remember is that this DUPLICATE GOD is not GOD at all but just the Devil the old Satan and his power is not real but only smoke and mirrors to deceive. A Robot built with legs is not uncommon now to see. The face a screen speaking blasphemies is just Dell XP? A little dry CharlaX humour some say dehydrated. The Word Before the world was given to the sky and light shined. There was only GOD. Jesus in the father and the Son and Spirit come. Identity is important now to everyone they make the mark come true the need for a number to identify the ewe is there is it the social security and the drivers license and the number on her hair bottle fragrance sweet. They have not created the number on the head or in the hand not yet. There is still some time to live there is still some time to chant and worship GOD with teacher is okay today there is still time created when the world began for love and talking some to chat complete. The poet can still write the word that bleeds he writes his love. The scanner at the market scans the code but it is still upon the food still getting old and has not come upon the user getting younger in his age not yet as the beast is getting ready in the market place for that we must soon refuse then to partake of all the waste. And clinging to the namme sake the living namme called JESUS there will soon now be a clear choice to make. A word of wisdom came to me you cannot use yourself to channel information to others totally as a resources but you can entertain as a poet which art form is older than prostitution. Keep watching the Temple area in Jerusalem. Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders... And they... bought with them the potter's field, to bury strangers in. Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, and they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value; and gave them for the potter's field. And I said unto them, if ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. Beware also when all men speak well of you it is far better to hear curses on the way to the lieberry than praise. This is the discrepancy it was not Jeremiah but Nehemiah who wrote the prophecy: And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter this is the price of the potter's field.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Eighteentitles Eighteentitles CharlaXTitles StudentAwol Doctors waiting rooms are full of people from the desert just embarrassed at the sneezes say it aint so Joe It's so. The student from a frozen world of winter is the hardest hit they suddenly find themselves jogging in a desert and living in a tropical hydrate climate. A boy of eighteen paying simoleons for a year of education in the clutches of Madonna and the Dean. He jogs without his shirt his sweat turns into Sheen of clammy wetness shining in the sun reflecting heat turned into some hard cheese left out on back of boy so young. He showers in the garden hose out behind his dorm and still brings in the ant he found on hose so stubborn of an ant he clings to those who need him to be lost not found in jam on bread by window ledge reposed. Have you ever tried to pick up a quarter off the floor someone else has dropped only to find your hand is suddenly stuck under a gumshoe holding the quarter no longer an option eye only wanted my hand back again. The man said that is my quarter in such an awful manner it fell out of my pocket as iff it was meant to be his forever. My hand on the other hand was just temporary to him? What obesity in elder. The free concept of space and usage in this country is lost on the rich or even student operatives they have no time for lieberry they have now got to decide just how to spend that extra thirty minutes between class they limp a lot on shower shoes and walk too slow to be a threat to eye. They mislay a book and backtrack all the way to Burger King to find it gone oh lost and found yes someone turned it in oh happy day again but please oh yew kind sir just next time let it lay we were on the way. Sometimes the internet is treacherous like today nothing working no connections flat they braid they twist away and pages seldom meet in ether net the missing link is the lag monsters dinner lunch supper and breakfast brunch. Lagg is eating a lot. Eye got so many errors today that eye cant copy them all. Thanks to the AWOL student who not only misses and skips all his classes he is begging for bread and molasses in front of the groceries hiding from the masses trying to get cashes to take back to the bar for kisses from all the coeds the ladies of the evenings lasses. A 666 program file A Satan's Seat a university masking as an institution of higher learning then taking away the capabilities of the student by restricting usage this is why Johnny cannot willnot read and the student is now AWOL get the news at eleven on most stations the news is so bad it says that bad men thrive they love to do evil and look big in the peoples eye they look tough and like to hurt people who will not ever hurt a fly they hide behind the badge of authority like a student gone AWOL. Religion is the JESUS and politics is this a Republican is someone that talks without saying anything all day while a Democrat is someone that gives a speech and never says a word of interesting. When someone is rude they are disgustingly rude when someone is fat we say they have a great personality. Milk is good until it's bad when milk is good it is very very good when it goes sour its very rude like the AWOL student with his purloined book The Student AWOL.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


CharlaX15 CharlaX15 KublaCharlaX CharlaXKhan Line One. He who would be king dictates; Dictates not much too she who loves him. Emperor is not the title Khan is motivated Motivated mostly by destruction anger self. Ribbons of the special washing floe Floe upon the brow dripping down. Incantations left in air from beautiful man Man and wife follow eye behind. Invisible machination marking time in ethnic etching Etching on the sand dudes. Speed of light is nearly indivisible only Only caught on tapes and love receptors. People have a penchant for ruling Ruling everything around them but the mouth. Life is made with a hard outer existence Existance a skin of some different thicknesses. Poetry is better in the dark Poetry is better than sex. Line 18 no repeated word, the first. The screen on the computer is now lighted Lighted with candle power. O is an infinite unlimited number so is 0 the number Number or the letter neither one. Food is better when ewe aer hungry and thirsty Thirsty is best to carry not water. Let Gunga Dinn bring the lather make it sit Sit upon the platter stator. The big ruins house large rats the Egyptian Egyptian ruins have only death. Rum never hurts a man the words he speaks Speaks when drunk may ruin him. Often times people have expectations that defy Defy reality not everyone is gay. Silver and Gold often bring theft to the hoarder Hoarder they bring death. Walk forward never looking backward or Euripides Euripides will follow after. The echo of a river off the rocks Rocks when coming down from high. When someone talks too much it causes dents Dents in others minds. Pain when lived with for too long becomes a lessor god God to some. Wait someone rapping tapping on my door. When planting beans on hills of red the blue Blue ones then come up instead. Enfolding bright green spots Spots of sunny. A forced mountain momentarily was forced Forced to be a fountain. A Dulcimer of fashion playing Playing all night long. Reverberation of the musick Musick in the Khan. Kubla Khan of CharlaX Titles 15 15 Titles Done. Can't seem to remember more.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

CharlaXTitle1908 TITLE ONE

CharlaXTitle1908 CharlaXTitle1908 Voice CharlaXTitles GOD in the Spirit Jesus must love to stand in the early hour just before daylight and listen to the mourning doves as they great the new day coming as they echo all the voice as they greet each new light beam ray the shine is not forthcoming no heat as a new warning of a hot and treacherous summer day no tribulation yet no worry just the singing added of the little sparrows the peeps of the pecking birds the warble of the mocker the thrilling accolade of the warbler. The owl and the falcon hide they add no voice to the coming of the daylight they live in shadow in the summer to survive. Voice is many so varied the best to me is the least among them they peep. They leap in and out of danger not forthcoming as they avoid the warning of the cactus spines they get inside the areas to dine the choicest morsels hidden in the trash the mundane day has started in the desert place again the voices miss and stay a little silent as the day begins in earnest now. Just before the sunrise and too far away to speak to me two rather large birds are there suddenly they turn in unison as iff to say look it's us we are here too and yes they have Voice inside of mee for eye will never forget the cry of my falcons for as long as ever eye live again. Eye found a homeless camp and sorry as eye feel for him his voice was silent to mee there for he was absent in his body eye just meant away dear from his camp. Eye kicked the fire some dirt to cover over where it lay and moved some things away and found some things to send away there is laws near a town that differ some from desert rule and we are bound some to obey them and even so eye broke no golden rule in turning some small way to law obey his eye was very blue the important things away in dead letter places. The voice so silent of the rabbit not in stew but still alive so happy just to be even in the dust so happy to be mee. The frog that utters not a sound the hummingbird without a voice comes down and vibrates voice to mee. Impossible bullit of love. No shadow or stasis this day but love he left a silent trail of it in my eye. His wings an angle looking for all the world like a missile on the way to destroy the whole world with his voice. Iff eye did accidently slay thee upon the accident of life iff it was just an accident then accidently take my life let my heart be taken from me lay me now down to die and place me in the grave so that my heart will not come nigh thy hell. Oh just and living GOD. Forgive my voice if voice was wrong. And then just let me dwell. A voice. Of love. A voice. Of one. Of dust. A voice.

Title Eight 8

CharlaXTitlesEight 8

CharlaXTitles8 CharlaXTitles8 Schism FAITH is a shield that covers a man from head to toe. True faith surpasses dead works. And now to this title poem. Ed. Note. There is GOD and his SON and his SPIRIT they aer three separated and distinct images and yet they aer one persona one giant mega person perhaps with three faces. No one has yet completely deciphered his image iff an artiste was to create to paint GOD eye suppose it could look something like an Ancient of Days upon a Throne not once but thrice with the same face three times the image of the SON being the predominate one. The first image an old ancient man. The second one is harder a Scepter in his hand of Righteousness a crown of Diadems jewelry that cannot be likened to money or material wealth but as a sign and symbol of his Authority. Jesus has a Crown for he is Ruler of this universe. The third image; that one of the Spirit, is yet harder to discern the same Jesus face in a burning glowing place. A Glow of Flame a Fire; however, made of warmth and love. A SPIRIT made of GOD. He broke the Horn off Satan forehead gave the world back to the Flock. Gentle reader ewe just stop. Stop strife worry remember what a PRICE was paid for love and go back to the cross for there we pray. Yes we build all our deeds the love upon the Death, not counting all the cost our possessions all our love our very lives depend on Christ our King. A living GOD a loving Spirit a wonderful Father who gives more than mere health and wealthy love neither constrained or with any guile or predetermined Schism of the flesh just unconditional love without end lasting forever nothing ever is needed again love. Eye am reminded of the many infirmities of flesh the frailties of a man the Schism of his Grace as eye sit ici with this pen discovering all the needless hashing of old wounds fumbling at the hands and scars the wounds eye sometimes get as certain they aer thine not self inflicted or just mine. Schism is a wrent a tear in time the body dies the flesh in grave the light for all to see apparently asleep yet Schism thrives for eye have seen the Temple of the Lord a Saint a Lady in death's place repose aware of nothing now her Spirit gone to Lord somehow twas more than beautiful to me no longing brought forth from Schism's door a token portent of myself at play upon the earthly plain of dust the Grace upon her face the Peace mere word cannot her Journey over now convey, her Judgment come and gone and Heaven won all in a single word born. Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Come. GOD. The maker of the Schisms all and one.