Wednesday, November 5, 2008


For The South China Sea
The Bakers Dozen or
With Juan Yu Get EddRoll
Tai Downe was a smaller sea side appendaged onto the much larger port of Hong Kong South area the Mainland was only a few rice paddy klicks away the main computor in the sampan was chattering friskerly the Juan Tonn oarsman was typing in the operational code EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 into the spy cam area and when he got the return code he typed each letter in slow until the boat was almost below the water line he ran screaming to the side and flipped it up so that he was even keeled and back on course. The code now looked like this EQZ29002900290029001777177717770092
It was never the same code once. He matched. He sent a new email into the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater headquarters in Taiwan. This was now sent from Sampan Jaun Tonn to website of the company Whirly We need no unlimited amount of PIPET.M. @ Or any of your PurpleGLue@T.M. no unlimited airdropps to the South of China Sea we just want the COBALTBLUEandPurple BOX the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater and one two p mabe three unlimited entry. Because he as a Chinaman and because it was on Saturday and Ronald Plence was in the office doing golfing remember those Golf Coarse Screens on all the BMovies ewe how the criminals always had them in the offices. He was practicing his P when the faxt machine spit this out in his face. Flag this message
No. unlimited PipeT.M.@ with PurpleGlue@T.M.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 10:48 AM
"Juan Tonn Sampan"
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Juan Tonn Q Tai Downe Tiawan Mainland China South of China Sea. Send unlimited pipe with glue we want only one bluepurplecobalt box. The sampam is on the move. This is all. The treasurer of the world’s first COBALTBLUET.M.@Powered Company idly flipped the switches on the transceiver radio and AUTHORIZED the airdropp of 1400 p. thinking of his next putt he hoped they would soon order the next airdropp he was salivating at the word unlimited. He sunk a twisting putt and smiled. The airdropp was not a total loss the people of the republican China came out to watch the heliocopter in groves. They stood in the groves and watched the comical way the copter pilot hit the sampan with the first wave of p then the cobaltbluepurple box landed in its side crunching both oars and pinning the Juan Tonn down. He jumped up in time to snag three of the p as they swept past so fast they were just a part of the neap. The children how were waiting at the edges of the water jumped onto all the pipe as it swiftly bye they were singing red rover red over domne on over red rover. He had a small rolled up copper wire and the ground wire was attached quickly the tag on the copper roll was ACMET.M.@ He caught Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ when it came wingging down from Chinese Air Space. He glude the pipe to the machine opened the onesided mechanism poured in the brownsubstance wasted and loosed the catche door once. Then he turned the GreenLight on. The pipe was out the sides of his boat. He looked like a giant dinosaur he began to float up odd the water was several feet BELOW the boat the Sampan was not listing or even crokked. The first silver bar dropped into the South China Sea. Back at the Ranch on Monday Mourning Whirly the President of this company was frowning down at Plence. He said the Heliocopter driver noticed pipe was all bunched up with children sailing her out toward the north we were taken to the cleaners by this Chinaman in a slow boat to Taiwan. The ink in the ledger is red what will we do to make it black again.