Wednesday, August 26, 2009


666revisedrevisitedoncemore 666revisedrevisitedoncemorePicture Identication is required. Photo ID. Do you have an address in COlorado. DO you have a place to stay. Homeless ??? Oh no sir not when we find your nesting place. !!! Lets examine this again travellors and visitors from all over the world come into a given place most every day none of them are legal residents of the state. Many important and RICH $$$ people go incognito. Undercover policemen pose as old men bums. To infiltrate the systematic changes that society places on an infertile man not bristling with weapons not shaking in fear at jackbooted nazi reaching tearing home from backpack to keep it then incinerate it. Knives and gasoline was never meant to be the chosen weapon of policemen. How dare the threaten me's I have recieved. What is a citizen even a homeless one should be treated with dignity and at least offered a chance to abscond the incarceration is against the law. I seem to be wanting to protest being locked up even when it has not happened to me yet or at least not yet where now I am at or even in a very long long time ago. Can I remember it Oh yes I can. I can see the place they burnt my sleeping bag the WOMAN cop had a knife behind her belt but when I looked where she had pointed I got scared cause it was gone. Mabe just mabe she would have used it on someone of lessor smarts. When the men arressted me they said my Alchohol content on the breathalizer was only .30 not bad they said you are not really drunk. I had only had three beers that day. Because. They said because you are homeless. I was in jail FIVE days and when I returned to the scene of this crime my things were burnt unto a cinder. I found the beers as well as the remains of bed I bet the FEMALE copper laughed when they exploded in the gasoline flame they made. Do I stay angry. Let me ask the average JOE homeowner schmo. What would you do IFF you came home to find it rubble and ashed. Think about this last 666revisedrevisitedoncemore.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

" I Married Let's Be Annies"

" I Married Let's Be Annies" u is an Upside down n b is d turn it around and see o is also o in retrospect." I Married Let's Be Annies" When I get home I am greeted there by kisses two of them not one kiss I kiss them both its better than most people get there none. Even when they had one they was too hung up to get that one too often or too long taught from Birth by Satan that its wrong to love. I come between my wives and lie to them aside I smile and glad to be alive I linger there where neither of them touch I love to be where they are not. An ANNdroid loves. He uses sight not touch. A Voyeur peeking undercover from the time it takes to love. I like four of some things. Two of others. Not just one of any loving. And when depression fails to overcome me I cast my bread upon the waters meaning love. I kiss and then I kiss I sigh and then I sigh. I do everything I do at least three times. Because I married let's be annies at sunrise. Please look more carefully at the picture turn it upside and it spelles ELLE NU. Surprise. I love both of you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Mueller Train

The Mueller Train Jack MuellerJack Mueller was a stony faced old mule driver from Kansas City. He was a mormom. Jack was hard tacked a decent docent fellow but brutish as his mule where it does count. Standing in the lead of that Train on that narrow path. Whipping the air making it crack. Never touching the mule with the cracker. The harness was getting old the leather creaking. The Blinders were not made for mule but horse. One eye of Jenny kept peering under to see the edge but Driver Jack kept moving for the train must go on. The stench of left under wheels and hooves mulching in misstepped apprehension. The added stress of the long deep ravine the flies the flies the ever present flies. One step more the wrong direction life is over for the leader of the Train. The Strain would be unbearable for most lessor men of lessor stuff. Crack went the whipped Crack went the wheel suddenly snapped the axle gone the whole precarious wagon was leaning to the left hangging over the edge peering down into the desert abyss. Jenny took the falter left the edge with wagon Jack grabbed the harness went down with his ship. He was screaming but the distance soon made it unheard to the others they had stopped and there they stayed until they learned something of the outcome. The wagon landed in a miricle the mule was under Jack they sort of collided like worlds gone mad. He pulled his hand from harness where he had twisted it to stay forever thinking that at least he would have the mule up there in Heaven. Gideon would have been proud of the bray of that Mule Jenny. He unhooked her from her burden and together they walked back up to that Train. At least he would not go threw that again. The Mueller Train.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


JesusShavesMeewe.iciIt is starting fights in bars it is unnerving the bravest foe it makes love to images it sees when used in love at proper times can be amusing to us all beauty can be seen or held at bay or eaten as a candy evil eye to some an omen of coming destruction sight for blind iff given by the Lord from Heaven a Jesus can. Sighting down a Gun Barrel a hunter sees his foe his love a man can squeeze that trigger then jerk his meat feed his family in winter Hide can be a place to go get warm. Yes, Jesus Shaves me. Who has a razor bladed but who grows a mess upon my face my hair is out of place who shaves the upper cheeks to look a little less a Wolf. He gives me life for Who has died. He gives me food for who still eats he gives me sight for who still writes and reads. He may be inside of people all around but who no longer sees my Jesus in them shaven face frowns. Thought sometimes seeing groups of singers saying Jesus even they ignore the total stranger not wanting to be blessed by Jesus Shaves Me. Yes, Jesus Shaves Me He gives me coat and hat He gives who boots to walk upon the winter tarmac. Singing songs and hymns and fooling masses Yes, Jesus Shaves Me.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Who was home early in the Summer Sweltering Shelter the drinks are only cool in the shaded heat. The old one from yesterday left here is colder than the one who brought today from town misspent the time could not find FORD on river. Who alternates his drink sucking at them both bottles in this heat as soda dwindles from both containers who heard the SatyR coming like as a two legged deer walking. There is no mistaking the sound of them Golden Cloven Hooves : Clip Clip Clip Clop Clop Clop Clop Clip Clip Clop Clip Clip. He clicks and minces with each step the eldest of all gods His Bearded Countance all wooly on both ends but something like a leering human where it counts like a Satan Lancealot come down from Heaven full of love. The only clue of whereabouts the smell that awefull smell of wet wool too long left out to breed all sorts of sinfull smells. His fingertips were sparkling fire of flames the Devil does not smoke nor chew naught but profane remedies red chinese berries he finds growing in the grass on Mountain sides and overpass. The only pathway taken by the mirass of gas sucking intake engines whinning as they throttle up to overtake the carcasses of deer or carapace of who. Who could not kiss them dark black lipps he pulls them over fang of over larger tooth. Who frowns as SatyR almost smiles. Who is glad as Satan leaves and goes away : Clip Clip Clip Clop Clop Clop Clop Clip Clip Clop Clip Clip.