Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I am still afraid to die. A dog tied to all the living vista visages. Better than to be a dead hero unforgiven. I noticed all the faces of the people who lived here in this Small City, COlorado, DUrango. They were steadfast in the snow. They were poorly dressed for so cold a clime. Yet not a whimper of regret did I detect on vista vistages no helplessness. They lived in it. They shoveled it. They travelled in it. Walked on bridges with them vista visages had the commerce necessary to converse while they traverse simply they lived best. Perhaps the danger lies. Perhaps as long as I stay dry back and forth in Snow will finally make a man of me unless it kills me first. Then I will die all my younger youthful fears were justified. Please just remember this I stayed I tried to keep a Faith house alive near Vista Visages.

Monday, September 21, 2009


ninjja hairey
I was so busy in my mind. But then i lost it. I wanted this one to tbe the classic poet remake. I think i found the theme iff not the words. Hate. TOday is hate day. Pornography needs to be cleaned up. MOvies about love are needed any size group is still appreciatied. But untie my people let them go from bondage this is what i hate. "It seems the murder took place as part of a sexual bondage fantasy," he said yesterday. URBAN LEGEND it seems i have seen these things happen as well as just surmisse them a Detecative mind searches for answers. Zuckerberg said that Facebook's goal with Beacon was to create a simple mechanism for members to share information with their friends about their lives outside of the site. It had to be "lightweight," he wrote, so it wouldn't get in the way of what people were doing on the Web. Ninjja Hairey will go to blazes when she dies. Someone like that will not die peacefully. Perhaps she will get aids. Or they will have to search for all the parts and pieces of her in the car crash. Its all just part and pieces of the budjet cutting neo Nazi ruling of the masse of Salmon Rush dies they do indeed they leap upstream to afford a copy of the Satanic Verses has been banned for masquraiding as prose the odour of a skunk in someone elses nose is praise to one in need while 666 has come at least to only one librarian. She needs glasses enters building code laughing at the door still locked behind her she is standing nakedly yearning for she is greed as no one comes or calls. The state Attorney General’s Office has charged Nina Silchuk with first-degree theft and defrauding Medicaid, which provides money to the poor. She failed to appear for her arraignment Thursday in King County Superior Court and a warrant was issued for her arrest. I got this is a web crawler search. Imagine this conversion Why do you still write such awefull sorties call them prose when you yourself must knoes CharlaX would be banned in all them German Countries still at war. Ithoughtthiswasapoem.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Tem per a tic. NOT temp er atic. Not Tempor temper Temp or attic. Tem per a tick. I took my index finger placed it in my mouth I wet it all over with my tongue then took it out. I took my index finger placed out in the wind I felt the coldest side then off I went to follow men. I took my index finger placed it on the trigger of the gun. I never pulled the hammer down I walked like the crab in the light of the sun. I followed Jesus then I left and went away. I neared the light but then I frowned. The Earth is not my home but here I stay yet all alone. A lonesome finger in the wind without a home a temperatic figure growing cold. CharlaXDEfinition : Windtemperatic : the direction a wet finger indicates in the cold wind. ie. North. Usually and old.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


high noon paroday version
Gunnslinger lifted up his glass He stopped and stared hard at the clock upon the wall of the bar stool under him his back so straight no fear upon His face but it was hot in this place. His forehead beaded sweat He streached his hand He lifted up his drink again this time He drank. Here is what He said inside his head His thoughts spilled out spelled out for us for having read. I am fast I am a lawman come to bring lefty back to justice. My holster is not new but old and oiled, the tie down on the trigger hammer pulled back to keep to keep the gunn from blowing off my toe. I am old, but so is he and slow is what they are telling Me. He shoots too wide can't hit what he is aiming at the barn door closed is safe no bullit holes or splintered jamb no battered loft above the door. I drank the whisky neat and quick so that it did not touch my tongue don't like the taste of it in a hurry now to get the JOB done. The CLock says one minute till HighNooN. I stepped into the street He came out of the sun. My back was to the shadows waiting paitently as he slowed in front of me I saw him Cheat and that surprised me he was using his right hand was closer to his gunn. I saw surprize inside his mind when My bullit smacked into his gullet he dropped his barking gunn for I have won. The Train ride home the casket of this man I shot my badge was earned but no ones knoes the secret cost this Lawwman's work is done.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Please don't call me Sharlax. CH as in CHA. CHA as in Charles. The Charl is like as in a churlish imp a young jew boy all limp and uncut version. The AX is for the Cross of Jesus. Say it with that hard CH not charlots speel it charlotte like the shallot as in seafood on the halveshelled. I, CHARLAX, bought my little notebook where I still pen my dreams drawn in blood I must have bought a thousand of them when still a teen in school they hated me how they must have hated me. My dreams to be a poet not a bloody Actor on the stage. How important yet impotent. RequestDenied. They even carried Jesus to the grave.