Saturday, October 31, 2009


Is a long way from the Hacienda To the City from my door Senor~
Is a long way from the Hacienda from my door from my door Senor~ Is a long way from the Hacienda to the City Senorita~ Is a long way from the Hacienda to the door Senorita~ There she is. Is a long way from the Hacienda to her door to the City Senorita~ Mye lady stands looking for my Senorita~ is She calls mye namme with her love splendid want. Is a long way from the Hacienda PAPA from my door to the city Today as I walk. Is a long way from the Hacienda to the city from my door Senor~ e Senorita~. EN Franco. TheLoveSOng TheHaciendaDOor reste un long chemin de l'Hacienda à la ville depuis la porte de ma Senor ~ est un long chemin de l'Hacienda de ma porte de ma porte Senor ~ est un long chemin de l'Hacienda à la Senorita City ~ est un long chemin de la Hacienda de la porte Senorita ~ Là, elle est. Est un long chemin de l'Hacienda à sa porte pour la senorita City ~ Mye dame fait la recherche de mon Senorita ~ est Elle appelle namme mye avec son amour splendide voulez. Est un long chemin de l'PAPA Hacienda de ma porte à la ville en tant Aujourd'hui je marche. Est un long chemin de l'Hacienda à la ville de ma porte Senor Senorita ~ e ~.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Too DUrango Public City Lieberry.
WHen I left you the doorway closed permantely behind me like a screen door catching flies. Sealing the area no longer FREE to me. Too take away any resource too then pretend too harbringer Knowledge of the Public Bumpkin. Eye give you back your ADministraited Lieberry mye head on a SIlver SLavery in this Country is still against mye Laws. Do not even tell me you are helping me then BLocking me from DOwnloads which is still only a COmputor FUnction. WHile I ask a CharlaX question of your eye. WHy is nuts so expensive in a Nutcan in the store but so much cheaper iff you buy a bag of Trail MIx out the door you have to sort out the nut you want from all them raisone things that you cant or wont eat them things is it still worth it just to get your Nut? You can keep your FLuxus Lieberry daily says D.A.CharlaX.Levy

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Is it GOD will, HIS image eye should keep
My heavy eyebrows to the weary sleep?
Dost thou desire mye holy rollers should be broken
While shadows of mine enemy do mock mine night?
Is it GOD spirit that thou send'st to mee from Christ
So far from highway into my shelter with no privey,
To find out where can I pee away thine idle hours found inn me,
The scope and tenure of GOD jealousy?
O, no, thy love, so much, is greater when I must sleep:
It is my GOD that keeps mine pet skunk awake,
Mine own true lover that doth mye slumber takes away,
To play the overseer ever for GOD sake.
For Bebe watch I, whilst GOD dost wake elsewhere,
Unlest she somehow spray me, with others all too near,
while CharlaXSLept while CharlaX sleeps while Bebe eats.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I really have no time to hit each like and link I would never write the big one done THE prose the stinking rose that wins that boobey prize it flees the time away from eye suppose. I will relate to you the tedium the tandem dressing drink the 2 liter soda shove them booties on and go from store to home iff someone yells at me I yell right back. A little snore a few minutes more sleep then out the door onto the bike to highway hangging on to daylight. I advance down the road toadie on my way to this Lieberry into Glories in this City scaping scrounging Coffee on my way I gather more things than I may ever need to use them. Butt I refuse to be a bare naked CharlAX inn the snow. I may need more dry changes clean to just stay warm this winter I try to do a lot on Facebook but I am sorry for it seams. I also miss a lot to do there and so this is a poem of apopoleptic apology. I simply must now apoligize to all my Facebook Friends again I can not possibly relate to all the things all of you do each and everyday. I try to like the links you post I like to say hello to most I hit some apps return some gifts and poke poke poke. But mostly I wind up stuck in Documents just typing this scritch scratch scatheing creating erasing poem making conniving convincing writer of Prose Poetry attempting Fate. While still relating words of unlearned understanding worm to set before your eyes. This dubious fest try just to imagine a large white plate before you with one item to be eaten there in the Middle of your day suddenly there on your wall or written in his notes or on his wall in a note or photo album is this new CharlaX Poem.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


He stood there a Tall drink of water his Mall for driving spikes was in his hands, I had just got threw telling him that I did not want to think of him as a human being because he drinks more beers then me, and I had never seen him sweating. He laughed his smile he told me thats because I have a girlfriend she drinks most of the beers I buy. I was wringing wet. My jumpsuit was clinging to me too, wet to dry properly all summer long even in this summer sun the foreman was a Cowboy. It was so hot humidity and temp was hot. Everytime I pulled a shovel of that miry Red Clay from underneathe that Railroad Tie and sailed it off my shovel full to the side of them long tracks, He smiled his laugh. A foreman to the corps. You are leaving another dead Indian out there. I almost cried. Too proud to Quit just because I was working for the Bosses Brother In Law. I tamped some more Rocks certain that iff I got bigger ones large enought the gravel would finally break the Tie one day. The other workers noticed this Both Black men semi retired most all of Seventy Five. One of them took my shovel from my hand. He pointed too the smallest Gravel he could find you fill your shovel with this smaller stuff we aer tamping Ties not Rocks. This JOB was tought. I kept on tamping the larger stuff the Rock was meant to build my strength up after all I was now digging up them Indians from underneathe them Ties. I was strong and tough working in that Summer Sun was fun. Sweating out them beers I drank too much at night. Back to the track. The foreman slapped his Mall on the rail having warned us first he was still the White man after all. The Plates fell off the bolts where he had used the torch let go the Rail was twisting like a noodle does one end still a noodleing attached to bolts still placed on plates. The Rail almost got me but just missed what can I say it was a Good Lord Day. I saw him cringe for all his tough ways he thought that Rail had GOT me. He hurried over to where I was still prancing on each foot a little dancing side to foot in place to avoid the Railroad Rail, still somehow moving like a Snake. He smiled his laugh at me, Why arent you hurt then he said this Let me tell you BOY, these Rails soak up some heat is why they twist like that when I cut them bolts off with this Acytelene Torch of Bosses. It was a nightmare in your Daytime, for I am the Devils Nephew. I just dragged the new Rail into place and fit the longer bolts in twisting them both back out into the bucket and finding two more old ones much shorter that would actually fit them plates I took my Railroad Wrenched and twisted them no trace of sweat at all the jumpsuit now a Uniform I was still thankfull for a JOB, still working for my Absentee Boss and this Foreman He had hired his sisters Husband my Bosses Brother-In-Law, the Devils Nephew. We never whistled out there on them Tracks while we were working on the Railroad.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


hush little charlax dont you cry momma gonna buy you a larger size nail them nails them coffin nails momma gonna buy you a special grail when that olemissyriverbird begins to singe momma gonna rock them businesses namme no nammes no brand nammes and still make complaints okay here goes its a breakfast place and rhymes with Lennys bruce was there he gave me plenty grief no special prices for a thief in time no coffee brought to you at booth without a breakfast bought at this regular price order now over to the coffee place now get a discount price is right get a dressing down with every cupp look out they are laughing in the back at you out the door to pay regular over to the fancy place with DISCDollars for a namme I want the internet added advertisement for shame you must bring to us a coupon from the internet to play with coffee good and plenty go back and print one out then over to the grocery at least they gave to me a coupon with a free cupp of (dubious size) iff thats a tall size then I could never order a small one would be nonexistant sorry try again to hit me with a freebe