Trade It Shun. Ella faunt ears. The how now brown cow was worth more then them Beanstalks. Jack leftovers boot lace boot leg boot heel boot toe the line them up again the wall is frosted flakes of snow is falling down the chimney home to many outfitters outriggers outhouses. Outhouses now this IS an idea. Houses are out there little one room villages set near the milners home away from home housing no one but remains a mystery the little half moon over the center of the hole on one side or the other. Some had boards peeling up nails peeking out exposed a hammer should be taken out to the outhouse walls. Cataloges and order forms a line. Used in place of paper rolls. Visit once never go outback leave your worries then depart so quickly meant healthy wealthy and rise early in the morn. From London near the Trolley Track the mourning train by looking east to Picadilly Square I spy and old outhouse where they leftovers it near the rummage sail during that HUGE TemporATour.
Friday, February 19, 2010
TemporA Tour
TemporA Tour

Trade It Shun. Ella faunt ears. The how now brown cow was worth more then them Beanstalks. Jack leftovers boot lace boot leg boot heel boot toe the line them up again the wall is frosted flakes of snow is falling down the chimney home to many outfitters outriggers outhouses. Outhouses now this IS an idea. Houses are out there little one room villages set near the milners home away from home housing no one but remains a mystery the little half moon over the center of the hole on one side or the other. Some had boards peeling up nails peeking out exposed a hammer should be taken out to the outhouse walls. Cataloges and order forms a line. Used in place of paper rolls. Visit once never go outback leave your worries then depart so quickly meant healthy wealthy and rise early in the morn. From London near the Trolley Track the mourning train by looking east to Picadilly Square I spy and old outhouse where they leftovers it near the rummage sail during that HUGE TemporATour.
Trade It Shun. Ella faunt ears. The how now brown cow was worth more then them Beanstalks. Jack leftovers boot lace boot leg boot heel boot toe the line them up again the wall is frosted flakes of snow is falling down the chimney home to many outfitters outriggers outhouses. Outhouses now this IS an idea. Houses are out there little one room villages set near the milners home away from home housing no one but remains a mystery the little half moon over the center of the hole on one side or the other. Some had boards peeling up nails peeking out exposed a hammer should be taken out to the outhouse walls. Cataloges and order forms a line. Used in place of paper rolls. Visit once never go outback leave your worries then depart so quickly meant healthy wealthy and rise early in the morn. From London near the Trolley Track the mourning train by looking east to Picadilly Square I spy and old outhouse where they leftovers it near the rummage sail during that HUGE TemporATour.
Friday, February 12, 2010

A man without a country a man without a home no place to call anything but a temporary home no place to work no take home pay no ready access love but when she sends her love to me in a secret message shared a man without becomes a man filled up his heart with a valentine secret love to call his very own now he is a man within was once a man without
In his work, Cummings experimented radically with form, punctuation, spelling and syntax, abandoning traditional techniques and structures to create a new, highly idiosyncratic means of poetic expression. Later in his career, he was often criticized for settling into his signature style and not pressing his work towards further evolution. Nevertheless, he attained great popularity, especially among young readers, for the simplicity of his language, his playful mode and his attention to subjects such as war and sex.
A man without a country a man without a home no place to call anything but a temporary home no place to work no take home pay no ready access love but when she sends her love to me in a secret message shared a man without becomes a man filled up his heart with a valentine secret love to call his very own now he is a man within was once a man without
In his work, Cummings experimented radically with form, punctuation, spelling and syntax, abandoning traditional techniques and structures to create a new, highly idiosyncratic means of poetic expression. Later in his career, he was often criticized for settling into his signature style and not pressing his work towards further evolution. Nevertheless, he attained great popularity, especially among young readers, for the simplicity of his language, his playful mode and his attention to subjects such as war and sex.
Friday, February 5, 2010

CharlaxDisclaimor : this is a paroday public housed prose poem all refrences to anyone is dead.
Good Day, this is the Presidents office in the United States. Perhaps you could call this my fireside chat. Feel Free. For fifteen minutes of this first hour it is just you, the public taxpaying consumer and me you fearless leader; intent on talking a lot without saying anything of importance. We want you all to understand how good we fell sitting up here at the WhiteHouse bar drinking them short whiskeys all day long. Personally I like two putt two ice cubed the very small ones into the glass and tinkle them around and around and watch them then try to float. When there is more water in the glass then cubes it is more funn then to swallow it down Neat er Quick er Fast er ??? Looking at teleprompter ??? Aide steps out from behind the thing holding a sign thats says (Prompter) Neat SIR, the Answer is A. (ASIDE) The President to the Prompter : Multiple Choice Question eh?? A it is. er Neat he says. Turning back to the Camera. We really do not have two many in a row of them expensive whiskeys that we drink on Capitol Hill or we would just get sick of them Neat at the WhiteHouse bar. Barr the Gates quick, Bill. At the WhiteHouse lawn a little dry humor at tax time. You see Martha asked me to Campaign eye had to Powder mye Whig and cutt down the Cherry Tree yes the large one on Presidential Boulevard. Yes, I admit we learned even back then to talk for several hours inside a day without saying anything at all it is not a necessary trait or a necessary trait for a Politcian or even for a Presidential Candidate. Butt it is certainly mandatory for a good Republican. Signed George Washington.
CharlaxDisclaimor : this is a paroday public housed prose poem all refrences to anyone is dead.
Good Day, this is the Presidents office in the United States. Perhaps you could call this my fireside chat. Feel Free. For fifteen minutes of this first hour it is just you, the public taxpaying consumer and me you fearless leader; intent on talking a lot without saying anything of importance. We want you all to understand how good we fell sitting up here at the WhiteHouse bar drinking them short whiskeys all day long. Personally I like two putt two ice cubed the very small ones into the glass and tinkle them around and around and watch them then try to float. When there is more water in the glass then cubes it is more funn then to swallow it down Neat er Quick er Fast er ??? Looking at teleprompter ??? Aide steps out from behind the thing holding a sign thats says (Prompter) Neat SIR, the Answer is A. (ASIDE) The President to the Prompter : Multiple Choice Question eh?? A it is. er Neat he says. Turning back to the Camera. We really do not have two many in a row of them expensive whiskeys that we drink on Capitol Hill or we would just get sick of them Neat at the WhiteHouse bar. Barr the Gates quick, Bill. At the WhiteHouse lawn a little dry humor at tax time. You see Martha asked me to Campaign eye had to Powder mye Whig and cutt down the Cherry Tree yes the large one on Presidential Boulevard. Yes, I admit we learned even back then to talk for several hours inside a day without saying anything at all it is not a necessary trait or a necessary trait for a Politcian or even for a Presidential Candidate. Butt it is certainly mandatory for a good Republican. Signed George Washington.
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