Sunday, April 25, 2010


thoughts of jesus
power tripp
eye am GOD now in my spirit using powers of persuasionairy thinking to support my minions pleasures inside my heart is beating eye am living in the middle of my life is almost over my life is starting over now eye poet now eye speak when eye was dumb and deaf can see the words that eye am typing for the world to read can this be love can this be feeling can this be from GOD above my thoughts of Jesus as a blind man making medicine for eye cant see eye cant dance or love the frustration that is eye the smallest function serves as fodder for mye mudder where is ewe where is she at when phil colins swatted that butterfly on you tube eye thought he got sick and then he stopped drumming and then he almost stopped walking and eye thought that GOD had smote him but non non no he is GOing BAck now Bob Dylan said eye can only be myself who ever that was whoever eye am which android am eye now number three or seven which person may eye become eye should have been the charlax hope the comic making laughts on stages in the desert of nirvana lost in traces of the tracks of james dean carry me home sing off key songs hold a cigar ashes to ashes to charlaxes benny was an idiot and he made all them zillions where is rochester now new york or new england where paris is there is rooftops sidewalks richfolks standing up standing downwind of charlax in the petitefoggrass minding business of his poetry the chain of command works only iff everyone is working they pass that buck they get the dough or the young bambi one but no one gets the granddaddy of them all used up his participles danggling

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


There is rules in life. There is rules. You do not advertise free wifi then get mad when someone brings in a computor to your coffee shoppe. Who the elf are you. You do not like looks. SO WHAT. You do not like free things at all you are in business you say. SO WHAT. You need a new business to be in. There is a reason no one swims the dogs in the pool at the recreation center. Iff you take your dog into the pool you will both be arresstted imPOUNDed and jailed. You go into a coffee shop you order a cup of joe you pay the full price and tax you sit. You open your computor now it is just time to go ??? NO. non. This is not acceptable to eye or lots of other patrons of this free wifi connection. Eye am only purchasing your coffee eye am not buying time. Braggart Preacher. The man was Billy Graham like a cracker like a preacher killing time. GOD is money money is our GOD. The congregation says amen tossing hundread dollar bills at him. Lifting people from the burdens taking poor and homeless people to your jail can kill them when you find the stable they was inn.
mye namme is not bogo
but and iff it was bogo
eye the clown of bogo land
would run the filthy town crier down
and step upon this fithy street
with bogo down between mye feet
and sleep with bogo in between
the supper and the dog run
and there my skunk will live again
when flies come back from bogo land
select game pick auto play deal move a few try to get them all unelected unselected money pays for home you are stuck select game auto play deal move the cards try no money means a bum you are stuck
Sorry, the contents of this thread are temporarily unavailable.Thankzx facebook eye did not need them fingernails that long now is the time for all good men to get on the donkey and ride him again ??? who who who WAS it mabe the message before it is a clue ??? but iff it is them why is it still there and iff its the one after why is it still there who sent this and why is it unavailable ??? oh my god

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Cleveland Poets
Yes this is my cleveland poem. Burroughs Borsenik Brooks Landis G(O)ttL~ eye cant make that squirrely thing (lolzx)
over the (O) hio Smith and Charles Bukowski ??? wait Charles Wildermire Chesnutt was a writer in Cleveland he did enliven them. Anne Frank ley mye dear eye dont give a frank. Him it was him. A prolific author, CharlaX Millhouse Chesnutt wrote thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories, and six novels, eventually having over 60 books in print. Wait eye have only less then 2000 now but eye am only 55. Still eye quail at 60 books how long did men back then still live. (reprints of poetry). "I think I must write a book. I am almost afraid to undertake a book so early and with so little experience in composition. But it has been a cherished dream, and I feel an influence that I cannot resist calling me to the task. . . . The object of my writing would be a poetry anthology of CharlaXANdroidOneSeven.
--CharlaX Wilheim Chesnutt, journal, May 1980
Basically and basically baskets can be made bye hand. Eye could sell them with poems attached like yahoo pictures. The mind is a terrible thing to waist is 34 cause eye wear more then one pants at a time is of the essence is flea powder. Hair is worn out under hat the wool eye wear takes care of that the hat is back up top of head in layers cause snow gets wet when melts there. Services labeled free aer never expected to be that or this not free they want a kiss at least they want a sigh. Plugged in being a consumerial contractual tax paying citezan kane. At least sales tax representative there is three pennies given every coffee cupped day. Two pennies for the Driver of the Charon Barge. One pennie left for eye. State and Local no mercenary no charity. @ McDonalds. Do they have them there in Cleveland. ? sigh

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day Eleven

Day Eleven
Religious Poem
There should be a free internet signal for the masses like ether button to get the internet without paying like a spirit come down from the sky to dwell with me in laptop places iff they cant make one giant signal make a lot of localized small ones in every town we visit instead of going to MaCDonalds Playground every time. The bum walks to the park and finds a plug he hits the ether button and is suddenly on gmail he tells his girlfriend he is still alive. This can be done with a cell phone by paying them money but old homeless cannot. Public Libraries have redefined the Right to Privacy act by acting outside the legal definitions. You have never had the right to invade anyones privacy especially a (so called ) free (sic) internet signal you have given to my laptop. QuestionIP address is blocked with a filter is it illegal for a Library to do this? The Public Library has filtered my computor for ADULT Content I am contending it should be illegal. It also ruined my facebook photographs and notes. Photo Albums and things went haywire. Iff you do not like what eye am viewing do not view it but do not tell me what eye can view on my own private laptop computor. Where does friendship begin and hate stop. Should eye unfriend all my friends on facebook because they are not homeless? Because they will never understand that eye like the smell of a skunk near my bed it makes me feel safe from harm of any kind. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created less then equal to this administration, that they were not ever endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no you may not have this. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, among them the Americans deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, such as the power of the admistration of a local Library and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, it is time to smurf anon and govern thyself away from the Public Lieberry. Too this end we seek a better signal. AMEN.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


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refresh the page so you can make a comment eye
when a facebook ad asks you to attend or not attend or a mabe attend and you do not like that ad and then you hit will NOT attend they send the ad back later on your home page with a simple ask like or dont like iff you hit the like underneathe the ad forgetting now what the ad was about it sends back the original is now there again on home page asking you to attend or not attend that is the question the smallest gesture makes the mouse pad faint so ewe go and make a comment on a thread then see that thread a little later on the home page you notice quickly that your comment is not there it is just the news feed feeding it to you look back a little later and the comment will appear it is not magic or majic or mahic or malic (e). Aforethought. friends make comments and we try to make them belligerant enought to get them back in a time lee manor. there is lots of reasons there is overlying truth that makes people seem to be ignoring ewe today it may be that they are busily at home it may be that they simply dont have time to waste on reading trash talking poets in the thread it was sent it was in the inbox it was there in the chat box omg omg its no one there on facebook

Monday, April 5, 2010


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It is of no concern of mine iff you need to hang ten and high five. Made me laugh with a mouth full of soda. Spewed it out laughing that looks so funny on a television screen but not on a laptop all over the thing. Eye slapped my thigh that was a real knee jerker as well as tossing up all mye cokkies on the keyboard. Makes this seem differant dudinit, you. Laught so hard eye wept mye pants. Went blind from the people taking pictures of the birthday eye did not have any warning they just started shooting eye can still see them bright shiney stars. Not sure iff a warning would have helped much most people just nod the head and keep on trucking doing what they do no a warning would not have helped me much eye would have nodded to be polite and kept on seeing what eye was doing whay me. Whay does this things only happen unto eye? They took the happy little children outside into the playground and eye am slowly recovering mye sight. Noise in the public eye. Why is it acceptable to yell and let them little people yell in a public place what ever happened to being led to believe we was supposed to be quiet there in public placed. Add to this my normal Holiday depression in the way of rudeness. Makes me glad to leave eventual. Eye will let the scream door slap me in the behind on the way out of Colorado. What makes this poem good leave changes until the morrow make them all in April. HIGHfive.