Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Poetry does not pay well the Novel makers get big bucks the playwrights make the dough re me but the poets live for love. They seldom pay a poet for the living they proscribe to others as a bounty off the main. They do not pay big bucks for artists still they starve the poet lives on street and begs for hand to mouth to eat. The price of fame to make it is to sleep a belly full or want not what others fail to ever ascertain. The power of love is in the hearts of two lovers rich or poor. Shared with the one and taken from the other they leave each other to find the tasks to work for often must they thrive the big bucks are needed to be Joneses Johns and Mikes. Pardon moi butt eye do not ever see me paying someone to take my poetry. Publish me for free take 33 percent the first third goes to the Salvation Army Church. The rest is royalty. Someday the ewe and eye complete. We need the money for the Suite eye never want her to ever cry or need for PoetryisFree.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


eye will have poetry in my life.

eye will have ewe in my life.
And adventure.

ewe will have poetry in your life.
And love. Love above all.
No ... not the namby pamby of a useless new york fop but a lot of love,
not playful and poetical games of love
for the ruination of an evening, but love
that ... respects life. Unbiddable,
ungovernable --- like a riot in the heart,
and nothing to be done, running up and down all my emotions on come ruin or rapture.
Love --- like there has never been in a respectful play.

for ewe are still and ever mye Lady.

Friday, June 11, 2010

rules Rules

rules Rules
Eye was gonna do the old double standard but its triple now what with inflation down in the mouth and all. There is rules for them and rules for us and a separate and distant rule for the individual. Robots need no rules the security sends them to eat the guard was overheard saying it is time for me to go and get my food. The group has the cafeteria trays and buffets the events constantly flaying out freebes but only to them masses. Some rare distinct individuals still nursing coffee waiting for the late mid afternoon classes. Lunch is not covered in the bill. The Collage bill is steep they sleep but can not afford to eat only supper is supplied by residence only. Them they have they always have they gain the greed they fill the coiffures constantly bombarding they of kind who listen to the constant whine. Rule number one was made for only them. Then there is rule number two. For you. This rule states that whatever appalls to THEM does not relate to YOU have a differant function. YOU are the have nots. The lowlife barristers and numbly peg players. The Doctors and the Indian Chefs and all others et al they soon discover they are not elite on the list. A few of YOU become them. So few of THEM ever stoop to YOU level. Rule number three applys only to the individual. The THEM rule number one applys only to THEM it is so simple. THEM RULE. The US Rule number TWO is harder. YOU do not rule THEM. THEY RULE US. The third rule is really convoluted. You as an individual never rule. They rule over us and they rule over YOU and they rule over the starving leftover. OH. That's also you. Two. And Three.

Monday, June 7, 2010


once open a time in the hood
charlax seven wrote a poem that was read
by Poddar and when he saw this

come to me unbidden in the love
come to me in the light of the day
come to me and give me succor
come to me and give me love
love is a man with his heart entwined
in branches turning purple in the night
pouring out his heart in love
pouring out his love
love is the kiss
the trust
the love
he made a poem up
and what a poem it was too

The Pyramid Shaped Paperweight
To Charles Robert Hice

An inversed pyramid,
you wonder about the toe.

Ha, the weight the toe carries.

A run of rain on the panes,
you stab pain in the ashtray.

An inversed gift is swirling,
a simple paperweight can lighten

an indoor evening.

© All Rights Reserved By Kushal Poddar 2010
eye stopped smoking over six years ago

you stab pain in the ashtray
this was great and ey eam healthy now

th toe
is the big toe
on mye left foot
ey eam halt

a simple paperweight

a wonderfull hidden refrence hidden message
about the poet carryiing a poem within himself
eye am sure this is what was meant

either he meant eye
or him
Kushal Poddar is a great poet almost a seer