Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The Computor is designed as a machine to wear out quickly to cause the user to spend more money in a effort to just keep her up and running or get another like leaving them old worn out shoes in front of the shoe store after getting them brand new booties. Most people set the computor down or up and then they sit for several hours longer then they should without rebooting it. Eye turn my Dello on and off at least four times in just one day to give it time to dissipate the heat from the carapace. The thing is made to trap the heat under the fan or they would have putt legs on it to hold computor up about four inches off the table and since no one does this eye have never seen anyone elevate the Dell above the table in an inane effort to just cool it. CharlaXCliffsnotes. The improper predicate and adjective disagree meants cause people in Cleveland to grow hair on the palms of the hands they clap together mentally and scream in panic when tagged on facebook notes again the poem is self inflicted. Online afflictions too numerous to mention. Oh Sir and you and ewe and yew are not you glad that you took your valuables and hid them in that tree. Then came and read this hidden tree poem from me. NOT one tree was chopped or cutt to make this crinckled poem upp. The little knobs they made under the laptop only holds the thing up a few centimeters off the table so the fan wont burn up. Eye kidd ewe knot. Its Dello.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Several missing parts some scars beaten up and left for dead the mighty men have used the fists oh GOD when will eye get some rest walking walking looking looking searching for my hideaway my endless questing telling portenting changing my namme today.
Jesus tells me in the Bible he has a namme for me to find so whenever eye see a stone of white eye look asunderneathe the rock and ponder. Oh wow there was a small dark stone there so eye took my namme to mean DARK STONE in an Indian manner my new nicknamme was visible there and given mee today. Charlax Darkstone sounds like some lost Indian fighter with buckskin britches pooring out his heart to save the villagers. A Statistic very bad vibrations from the passing stranger’s men it seems have followed Satan they are walking after lust not contemplation Oh brief candle out out but wait for love and stay alive she loves me please just try to find me ewe knoe just who ewe aer.
Leaning to the million dollar giveaway the DOUBLEDAY publishers called me today and begged me for another chance to publish my anthology a prance of under moonlighted night the moon is setting way too quickly falling light is dark so dark it fits my namme my new nicknamme the DarkStone man has come. She sits and drinks her coffee sipping past the lipps and seeing only love. DarkStone is that yew old bean and how eye manage to avoid the many StormTroopers in my area and the Gendarmes who come strolling jauntily aiming from the hippopotamus erectus at the eye. Overcome with honor that she loves me this one is at odds become extant with the extinction of us all the problems of a man even when he is forgiven are so many and still varied until they multitude them past the ending now. Eye have a problem with the Judging all the man who meet me seems so evil and eye still do want to curse them even though the GOD the JESUS does not like it the statistics missed me nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah. To the man in the truck the tires is only rubber and they bounce the road will not protect you but someday it will come and get you so look out. Make me shout make me holler make me doubt. Eye have beaten all the odds and lived in spite of odd man out. Revelation 2:17
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.

Friday, August 13, 2010


People go a fasting. Often just for prayers. Some people use the juice for diet purposes. Some are fasting for religion just to be a better person. One day without food even one meal is hard for most people to abstain from. Three days and nights is tops for most normals. Eye have learned to fast for as many days as needed to make prayers or change the life style to move the body out of troubles. You simply pray while abstaining from eating solid foods eye can drink fluids but dont need them when not working or doing great exercises oh its true. The Greatest Person whom ever fasted longest was the Jesus Christ remember his story of the Forty Days and Forty Nights. It is my suggestion that a person does not try him to outdo him in this demonsion you can leave the world as some have inside the jails and prisons. Lots of people simply have found the body shuts down with out sufficient food and water to process it takes the life of the physical man away. The world calls this death but this is a temporary problem for the Christian is not under such restrains. There is two ways to see this old school and new school the math is the same. Respect and fear the Lord and do not dare to do more then he has done. To place youself as greater the LORD is to ask for punishment this is the old school way of searching out the heart. To GO to new school is to quote scriptures in the attempt to justify the gather and the length of time you fast. To extend yourself further then the LORD himself. You can say we are to do the things that he DID and to do the Greater things because he has sent us the Holy Spirit. But eye will add the school of hard knocks to this teaching of this study. Common sense will learn you this. When you went 41 days in fast and then bragged about it to a man you were not being in the will of the LORD not in the school of hard knocks. You went even further and cursed at eye as eye was telling you the truth. This is not a good thing for you to do. The people were selling CDs and tee shirts to commemorate the event and the police were riding horses and motorcycles and busting heads. Not my idea of a religious fasting. You should have went to get yourself some food as eye suggested. At the least you should have had some sort of respect for a poor brother trying to give sound advice. INstead of full of yourself and fasting twice as long as Jesus Christ.

Jesus Saves fasting People LOZLX ♥
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You, Edward van Sluijs, Dave Lewis and 2 others like this.
Susan Hedge Ritter-Norris I thought that was a very interesting writing...you have a lot of common sense and intelligence in your works. ♥
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Charles Robert Hice eye am tagging people who read this note to see who cares
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Susan Hedge Ritter-Norris I care.♥
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Charles Robert Hice eye tagged your ass
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Dave Lewis it isn't the getting there fast or slow its enjoying the journey . . .
Yesterday at 9:06am · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Mary-Marcia Casoly interesting to think that going without is "fasting" and having everything in sight is "feasting"
Yesterday at 9:20am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Charles Robert Hice Thankzx YOu MIZ Marcia. LOZLX ♥
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Monday, August 9, 2010


My life is filled with people in it some good some better some best and when eye lose a friend it makes me less
It makes my whole world shudder and seem opaque it makes me blanch it makes my tummy squeeze my food it makes my heart sneeze it makes me bleed inside.
It makes me sad to tell someone that eye will ever love them and now she can not even read my name out loud where is the gain in all of this where is the love?
Eye am left out of a heart that has no real need of me but crys she crys real tears and laments for me of this ewe see of this im sure.
She has her mothers eyes.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Because she does not have that same sense of urgency that you have she has time from now on only for her and her crappe not for you. She forgot that time wont let me she forgot that time wont stop. She is managing to make a comment seem stilted instead of love by the way she chatters on at every other one. She did like the world the gay old grand. The bible says to shut your mouth it is this way it is that stuff they do they say it is a nasty gay old place. The sun smites a beaten face harder then it is felt by a healthy man does not feel pain so sharply or so flat inside the case is done. The people that did this to my brain are goats they are not sheep they will not stand on Jesus hand and live in Heaven they are destined to be ashes and forever burned. Not because eye am someone at all but the company above the one whose namme eye call he will recall the harm they did to me and he and he alone will soon repay the chief. Its a gay old world and dance among them old bad boys get as many kisses and other advances that you can stand but do not fear the reaper he is eye. And Lady eye do forgive you. It is the heart.