Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wee Fee or W eye F eye

Wee Fee or W eye F eye
Wee Fee or W eye F eye, Wee Fee or W eye F eye
Wee Fee or W eye F eye
DOn Quixote my homeless friend has fried my brain with his ideas OR could this poem be about someone other then myself
He was windmilling in my mind he told me Alchemy and Myth and History and Time he likes the idea of the numberology not like eye eye see things differantly then anyone else but eye caught some of his Passion play for Christ and so eye struggle with his lingoe and try to understand this homeless man so differant from me eye wished to dismiss his ravings to be lunatic and yet he mentioned Valentine eye spoke to him of prose poems eye have written in haste to get them down on crinkle paper and then just leave them we talked about the end of time and even Jewish Myth he thinks the number nine is relative to elements and Valentino was a ROman PRiest he got that part from me from eye told hispanic man if he ever time travels not to shake his hand or have any contact with himself in the past or he might cease to exist he liked that eye could tell you things eye said of other universes and worlds sitting on Mars in the Seventh Heaven with the Apostle Paul we talked at length of Heaven his idea is Salt within ourselves but Peace is still elusive how about those mansions in the sky He likes the GOD of chaos and he told me he never wants to get old and senile and homeless one out of three already he is there with me with eye please understand this is about my homeless friend he liked my Science Fiction Stories best when eye told him he should write his ideas and make a book eye told him eye wish to see my book in the Lieberry on the shelf its only about him not me this poem is free still free we did not agree on everything we said but we visited and talked the conversation fresh in mind but why can eye only remember what eye said and not all the things he tried to tell me passion he tried to tell me nice things about the mythical creatures and Valentine if this is vague to you then you have found the truth the poet feels only poem things and loot the loot the loot is leaden words not GOld the prose is worth my very nose and anything eye suffer eye suppose the friend will find his age suppressor someday he may travel backwords in time to save himself the rest of us go on forwords in the midst of the trepidation of life and sorrow so nice to write today about someone other then eye