Monday, April 23, 2012

money 6 money 6 money 6

money 6 money 6 money 6money 6 money 6 money 6the horrors of war some men lived with the trench coats on they lived with the bombing attacks and the killing they had to do it to the enemy tried to kill them but the worst thing was eating without money ask any soldier that got cutt off from his supply line what did they do to get the money for the food the next time you go parade the flag think more carefully about the murder done to protect you and to father this our famous country eye am not a fake a charlatan hesitant to use money for eye do not receive the 666 or work for employment or beg as some of the street people drink booze eye do not smoke cheroots or left handed smokes or use any of the illegal drugs in the vein varicose or various eye get my thrills externally online or in the bed asleep in myh dreaming instead it is time to reaffirm the definitions Prose Poetry def. prose a. noun. ordinary straightforward narrative or expository expose a story or narrate one with less rules add paragraphs without worry about rhythums and rhyme scheme as much as you wish or scram before its done then add more its your baby in the over leaf once it is edit is easy but never look at batt the homerun is always the best hitt prose CharlaX has chosen prose to tell his story of his homelessness without being forced into the poet structure using a certain stYle to bring those birds to life when they smile down on my printed page in all those bird cage eye lived my life to the best of my ability without resorting to the daily use of money not many people alive can even say this with any certainty the use of prose allows me to dispense with the rules of verbiage the occidental adjective and the improper noun the long crunk and the elongated e afford me. Words are my friends. Poetry my homeless life. Amen. money 6 money 6 money 6 again

money 6 money 6 money 6
the horrors of war some men lived with the trench coats on they lived with the bombing attacks and the killing they had to do it to the enemy tried to kill them but the worst thing was eating without money ask any soldier that got cutt off from his supply line what did they do to get the money for the food the next time you go parade the flag think more carefully about the murder done to protect you and to father this our famous country eye am not a fake a charlatan hesitant to use money for eye do not receive the 666 or work for employment or beg as some of the street people drink booze eye do not smoke cheroots or left handed smokes or use any of the illegal drugs in the vein varicose or various eye get my thrills externally online or in the bed asleep in myh dreaming instead it is time to reaffirm the definitions Prose Poetry def. prose a. noun. ordinary straightforward narrative or expository expose a story or narrate one with less rules add paragraphs without worry about rhythums and rhyme scheme as much as you wish or scram before its done then add more its your baby in the over leaf once it is edit is easy but never look at batt the homerun is always the best hitt prose CharlaX has chosen prose to tell his story of his homelessness without being forced into the poet structure using a certain stYle to bring those birds to life when they smile down on my printed page in all those bird cage eye lived my life to the best of my ability without resorting to the daily use of money not many people alive can even say this with any certainty the use of prose allows me to dispense with the rules of verbiage the occidental adjective and the improper noun the long crunk and the elongated e afford me. Words are my friends. Poetry my homeless life. Amen. money 6 money 6 money 6 again

Friday, April 20, 2012

April is a Twenty, Bill.

April is a Twenty , Bill.

April is a Twenty , Bill., April is a Twenty , Bill. April is a Twenty , Bill.No mail call no letter the pain in my head is killing me eye set myself upp for failure and when it comes it triggers my want for a drink and now eye am sober and recognize this symptom but nothing helps eye refused to eat the sack lunch available at CAMS because my mail was stolen the Lady in the mail room must have taken my letter and ate it upp. To her credit she looked in the letter pile twice and mentioned that the mail gets delaid sometimes perhaps my letter is in a mail bag in Mississippi. Eye was devasted yesterday when the keyboard died. The wire chaffed into near the houseing plastic eats the metal cover it happens on even very expensive ones two. The Best Buy people were nice and sold me this chinese version you see here for only a Twenty, Bill. $$$. 666 which thing fits the day of April and the MOnth of Poetry eye so hoped to be able to finish only one poem each and every April day is like a shiney new penny. It must be tails to be luckey. It was heads upp and nothing good will happen eye am not even eating until eye get to What a Burger on the bus eye still have my Thirty $$$ pass eye saw the sign they paroday Burger King it says have it Your way here. I think it was so funny cant wait to be a customer. Eye knoe they do not do wifi so eye will not be online to descrive my eating habits to ewe. Some of ewe just said Oh Thank God. Again. Must eye reiterate the need for meat is outwaying the need for the money in my pocketbook. Eye intend to get fries and a coke with ice. The burger will be nice for Hice. Mustard grass is lettuce pray for onions twice. Its a sort of homeless celebration. So feeling bad it will be sort of a damper on the comatose. A boys night out. In my castigation the state of this nation and the poll gone south the revertabration of the entire continental divide the remains among you into April is a Twenty, Bill.

No mail call no letter the pain in my head is killing me eye set myself upp for failure and when it comes it triggers my want for a drink and now eye am sober and recognize this symptom but nothing helps eye refused to eat the sack lunch available at CAMS because my mail was stolen the Lady in the mail room must have taken my letter and ate it upp. To her credit she looked in the letter pile twice and mentioned that the mail gets delaid sometimes perhaps my letter is in a mail bag in Mississippi. Eye was devasted yesterday when the keyboard died. The wire chaffed into near the houseing plastic eats the metal cover it happens on even very expensive ones two. The Best Buy people were nice and sold me this chinese version you see here for only a Twenty, Bill. $$$. 666 which thing fits the day of April and the MOnth of Poetry eye so hoped to be able to finish only one poem each and every April day is like a shiney new penny. It must be tails to be luckey. It was heads upp and nothing good will happen eye am not even eating until eye get to What a Burger on the bus eye still have my Thirty $$$ pass eye saw the sign they paroday Burger King it says have it Your way here. I think it was so funny cant wait to be a customer. Eye knoe they do not do wifi so eye will not be online to descrive my eating habits to ewe. Some of ewe just said Oh Thank God. Again. Must eye reiterate the need for meat is outwaying the need for the money in my pocketbook. Eye intend to get fries and a coke with ice. The burger will be nice for Hice. Mustard grass is lettuce pray for onions twice. Its a sort of homeless celebration. So feeling bad it will be sort of a damper on the comatose. A boys night out. In my castigation the state of this nation and the poll gone south the revertabration of the entire continental divide the remains among you into April is a Twenty, Bill.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April SevenTeen Poetry.

April SevenTeen Poetry


Seventeen things
Pett Peeves revisited
1. People who abuse there job adhering to the wrong principles and hard nose cops this is the first thing wrong with eye. 2. Snipe hunters who find money eye might have found instead of them not the snipes the money not the friend.
3. Something wicked on my shoe not the leather but the under of the sole oh well you knoe. 4. After settling into bed to have to get up and leave it in the middle of the night again. 5. Itching in a place eye just cant reach in public. 6. A wet shirt and no spare to change into. 7. A belt that works very ? Every once in a while. 8. Strict interpretation of the scriptures hatred of other people to the point of embezzlement a false witness. 9. Words insisting on a correct spelling words that will not rhyme words need more then two meanings.
10. Food that is not useful for the whole day they call it a snack and they give it away freely but to me it only makes me hungry. 11. Half empty beer cans on the bus stop. 12. A heavy sack in the trash containing only trash with nothing useful inside. 13. Superstitions. 14. Friends who only pretend to be friends for some reason of there own knoen only to them. 15. My nerves gone and still eye must preform. 16. Cell phones usage near me even in my ear outside. 17. Accidental death NO WAIT death of any kind it never liked me it was always unkind. This has been April SevenTeen Poetry.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

April Three A poem a Day

April Three A poem a Day

"LargeOSaurausLargeOSauraus2012 2013 the time will end the new beginning the crack of doom will open both the poles magnetic losing earth oozing into space the end of world the end of gracethe human racing to the end will find the cockroaches will winthe dinosaur is the next living creaturehe is very huge he is very largehe has large wooly ears and wings but does not flyhe eats planted things but sniffs at passers byehe wears no clothes but skin is dry like leather but with feathers how can we be completely sure the lidded lizard eyes or the open bird like wonder of the flew he did not fly too large a head for body he walked slow and pondasaurus he will have a human face and legs and eat the planted things we left some pine trees on the hills we left some hardwood in the rills we left some food for the largosaurus when he comes when he comes to rule did he come from the egg or from Brooklyn all green from the nuclear winter the troll under the bridge is just human with wings after all"

Handwritten poetry on the back of a cowhiding in the bushes several people ignoring this poet looks like a real cowboy somehow fooling everyone yesterday eye wrote the second poem this month is almost gone this is the third poem written on the second day does it matter as long as the requirements is one poem every day so nervous eye could not roll upp a smoke iff eye did smoke every now and then eye quit eye am a quitter eye even got mad at some old facebook women not old women but old facebook friends and quit writing poetry several more times this is not the only once some people get offended at the dumbest things like a person finding something that they posted is funny and commenting with a laugh it does not seem fair of them to tell you not to chuckle but it IS there Aritcle is posted for more Serious believers. Some of the women who left me were old. SOme of them were young but not underage eye do not friend 14 year old women a woman who is married should be flattered to recieve my dalliance she should knoe eye am not trying to give her my whole heart and why get offended at only one little part it seems almost a crime not to share our love and eye am not even a womanizer in real life a short hairy homeless man in need of kisses. Even close freinds make me depressed sending me to find the box of rocks will talk to me instead of warm caring human beings who feel eye am not attractive or worth any of there time like talking to a wall on the timeline no i think too many self important people not learning to be friends with other people who would love to be more friendly is the key to emotional bankruptcy and this poem started to be funny or perhaps it was just me eye stand corrected on my April Three A poem a Day lays heavily on me