Thursday, October 9, 2008


No one likes to think of Aeons in the ground of casket place no thoughts no more pretty clothes on carapace nothing left to do but wait for GOD to come his namme is Jesus up above no tomes to fill the eye with love eye used to visit Gravestones when eye was young most of them were numbers some of them had no names just number in the final summation when the role is called up yonder eye suppose the GOD will open up the Book of Life and call out Number Fourteen. Fourteen million people will then enter into heaven all of them so happy that there namme was found there to be written withe the blood and bread of Jesus. So they decided on a Myth to be enlivened at this millennium end of time to happen outside the scriptures and outside of the timeline given seems to be a lie never have eye seen the rapture written never heard the scripture given proved for rapture is a lie. It may make a very nice short story for the money making devils in a hurry for more money selling shorter stories to make more revenue to buy and sell more glory but in actuality of fact it is just not true. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. CharlaXVersion For the dead shall arise in Christ first those that sleep in graves then we who are alive and remain upon the Earth shall rise into the air to Greet the Lord or TO BE with the LORD forever at his coming. This is the First resurrection then there is another when everyone shall be there the Book of Life is searched for nammes eye hope mye namme is there the new one under a white stone found. Preachers of every faith confuse a Rapture with the Resurrection of my GOD, more commonly called Judgment Day come. To escape the end of time coming the plagues upon the earth of EgYpt fame there is a differant way of escape we must soon refuse the Mark of Satan the Brand New System Identification the 666 on forehead hand and card the thing has been begun just look for all the Robot faces of all the younger students who have the access cards and numbers who eat credits living mostly on there parents love; life is meant to be much more than just financially affordable love. They will execute the Christians in the public squares of every city that hates the Lord. When people realize just what’s being done it will be the time to flee the time to go the time to leave to live inside them caves again to wear them animal clothes and pray and look for thy namme underneath that small white stone. But do not expect to fly away like Superman before the End of Time began. It just aint so.

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