Monday, March 30, 2009


BellVoicesBellVoicesBellVoicesAngels Sing; People talk dogs bark, but bells do many things. They chime they ring some flap some clank some staccato flat some peal with laughter or they toll with sad the bells the ringing bells. Announce, and they proclaim of entertain in musick time (some grimace when they break the overtone when sustained) But one thing a bell must often be is time for school. Time for break at work buzzer often substituted for bell is still a bell refrained for how often does the teacher or the principle just say "the Buzzer has rang go inn now it’s time for class today" no no dear ewe "Its bell" they say, " the bell has rang." And at the ending of every Symphonetic drumming solo is the bell we call the Triangle the drums Crescendo deafening the house. And then it comes the tiny bell voice to announce the end of time of voices bell. A Ting but not a Clang it RINGS but not as Symbol does it just reverberates then holds the tone of all bell voices done. This Triangle it just rings just as the bell it does.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


CrawlyNervescncnEye am non alcoholic for five years sober for all of it not one drink not one glass of beers so today eye took some cough medicine the type that people shoplift from the drug store to get a buzz and eye drank some eye did not steal it at all but just found it we call this scrounge, on the street we eat of it. So now eye have them crawly nerves. The belly wants a real drink it’s called a trigger on the street. The only defense is to eliminate and that is what eye did it was so much of a surprise eye will do laundry now early in this week. The nerve lines the place near my neck starts up runs along mye jaw then back it turns and misses the connection that it’s supposed to have and fries mye mind with pain. This is from a gangers beating. The tooth is broken on the other side sounds bad but eye survive hurts less than the other side. It was only two of them that made the muscles of mye face into a mass of jell. Hurts like it won’t ever get well. Remember pulling chalk across a blacked board. When eye move the jaw from side to side eye think it will break soemday like a wire that is twisted too many times but so far it seems to be internally a problem only. CrawlyNerves. Thats what we call them.

Monday, March 23, 2009


BogusINventionsBogusINventionsBogusINventionsDoohickey Watchamacallit there must be hundreds iff not thousands of inventions while good ideas they did not fly. Thingamabob Thingamajig Uncertain that they failed eye make the poetrypoem that lives upon the internet. Get a Grypp. there is a listzapper there is an Arkansas Do Nothing a real invention a wire on a board that rotates with the handle crank to go nowhere over and over. Eye hope they sold a Million P$. object; physical object ah but then we come to the Gimmick which is a differance a device a twist on a device a new device not just an objection. There is a thing in itself psychological feature a feature of the mental life of a living organism knoeing resone ambility proper placement space There is a Sir Isacc Newton Fig Bar. There is a Rain in Spain Coat made of Plastic Garbage bags. There was a famous blank page book that no one wanted. Eye invented a battery operated cooler with a battery pack on the side of a metal cooler then found out someone already did it they are there in a magazine for sale. the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning Thomas Alva Edison created a telegraph how do we noesis. episteme charlaX the body of ideas that determine intellectually certain knowledge at any particular time one lump some is better than a lot of promises cognitive awareness of a factoid the psychological result of perception and learning and reasoning namme of precognition recognition eye knoe therefore eye am a dangling participle waiting for Godot kneading dough wanting limericks and haikus wading into areas afoot drenching rains and laminited plastics A related technique called the bogus pipeline involves connecting a person to a non-functioning polygraph (or other sophisticated looking device), and convincing him or her that the device can detect deception. One example might be a metal colander placed on the subject's head, with non-functional wires leading to a Xerox photocopier. When a lie is suspected, the copy button could be pushed - thus spitting out a piece of paper with the words "LIE DETECTED". There have not been any confirmed examples of this actually being used by a police department a placebo effect used in place of a lie detector test. Introducing the World's First and Only Flatulence-Odor Eliminating Blanket!!!Forget the toaster and the wok! Place your order today! Unique among all the anti-flatulence novelties out there; this one is the answer for anyone who is married or is going to be. It completely and quickly absorbs and eliminates flatulence and its odors here is where we part company ewe for eye cannot write the thousands more there is not time to finish Bogus INventions.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


A conglomeration of effection
collected in the strangest places knoe to man
the inside of the bottom of the trousers
not the socks but actually on the pants themselves
GO LOOK it’s there the belly button has some
the bottom of the closet oh you dry clean so what
GO LOOK it’s there under the bed
behind the refrigerator magnets behind Chester’s Drawer
in the hall way making a huge large ball
in the pockets of all ladies jackets
and all men’s pants even Jeans GO LOOK it’s there
in the folds of dinner napkins that have been washed
and dried at the laundry mat and refolded
there is lint.

Friday, March 13, 2009


TheFalconsLovePhotobucketThreeFalconsThe mother and the father of my love is only just the small as her. They fly together it is plain beauty just to see them move as one when he goes a little too far up she swoops up to catch him up. The young one eye call baby sometimes eye just call her falcon she sits up on the pole and turns her eye to eat me with her want she loves. She has bonded with the eye could have her on a glove or shoulder strap but no she has her freedom in her need she seems to eat me with her gaze she watches me just like a hawk. When she manages her time to be there when eye get home which thing happens not as often as eye want she seems to flutter her wings in a little falcon dance and is her way of greeting me with love. Then she flies up and out of sight to peer at me from hiding place she loves to turn her head from side to side just like a mourning dove in love. She speaks as one who knoes her abilities making throes of attitudes of love. The Falcons Love.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


ChillyWillyChillyWillyChillyWIllyIntitled to the facts of asertation no dissertation can preclude the annoying habit of the thief of making brothers hate one another as they try to fall asleep. One day can last a thousand years the fear inside of come apart at seams released. The EgYpt bag that eye am fond of carry on and off the bus was trashed out turned upside down and shaken all the things in this world that eye possessed was compromised and eye did nothing all not long but cuss a lot. Karma got me as iff eye am a thief myself destined to have nothing yet eye never steal eye take from others only iff they steal it first from eye. The dumpster is a good source for materials eye lie never eye jump in and out unless it’s gone already taken by the rubber tramps so smart they gather all the clothing up in boxes and in back of truck is where the things eye need is now located. They steal them. Same as eye take them from the trash so who is this the answer twice eye noted all the power off the batteries and radios just gone. The only other things that’s missing is the magazines eye am reading and some eating stuff a coyote or a javalina is not capable of doing this. It was human and he left his hat a same sort of karma he lost it when he was pilfering my oat bars and my candy sack. Not even needed bye the eye eye have the hat underneath mye cap a different color than eye had it was not much better than the ones eye have but lean and clean and laundry done perhaps he had a different one on head and this fell from out of pocket in his stead when he was standing there too long and looking in mye stuff. Believe me when eye tell ewe this eye do not like to cuss it is a reaction to the fact that stuff is gone and stolen from. Mye poor neighbor got it most for it was him that started it he took some things when he was newly inn and eye assume it is still him that’s stealing it. Just remember eye have the hat it gives some solace and eye carry one of mine upon the back pack not leaving anything of value in the EgYpt bag at nite just now a ChillyWilly.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Charlax Carroll Bombaugh

Charlax Carroll BombaughCharlax Carroll BombaughCharlax Carroll BombaughA bright and shiney penney for your thoughts

A b shi pen th
right and ney ney for your ought
a fr no mon hon b
A fright no money honey for your boughts.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


FriendFriendFriendHe was a friend to her in his heart he was her husband how could she knoe how deeply his loves goes it goes from his toes up to his nose and there is stops along the way. She had a small home computor not meant to be a window to his world of fast internet and user friend the world was at his fingertip and so he did begin to add connections to his land based base and since it was all free and no one to detect the mess he added in a satellite input to make the thing work faster than before forgetting that his reciever had a wireless set and lap top sores he sent his SOS to love and when she opened up his email to pry the answer from his byte there was a small hissing sound like amplify. She quickly jumped up from the kitchen table and dropped the plug into the sink to cool it off from the electrical connection which was now a blob of ink. She went in to home computor and sent him one dozen of the links so he would never use the lap top wireless connection from his sattelite again. He broke all of the connections except the one to his land base and he only sends her emails that say love and happy face. The reason for the lenghty oratation orchestration of this simile defraction of a satellite deflection is that soon it will fall from orbit past the space station and come screaching back to Earth with all the secret sayings and passwords and saved chats so he is warning her to only use the safety links the usuall and the lasting love will come to boxes where the threads of forums cannot go past Friend ami freund apyr amigo oph please go back to Gmail.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


PreImmenancePreImmenancePreImmenanceGod is not an alien or an artificial intelligence he is a perfect being not created just a constantly moving force like the impossible perpetual motion machine the inventors allways aer trying to reinvent only already done He could be a cow although its not likely He could sit inside a Dove and stay there constantly but then He would miss so many other things eye think he does the GOD thing constantly the focus of attention on the Throne where he does sit. When we humans (eye include the android races) worship GOD we have a tendency to press our hands together in a paroday of clapping but silently we point them up but cast our eyes down to the ground or rug there is a certainty we fear the GOD that we need help from. Pre means before Immenace in this context means the persona or image or being or just say person. In the person of one Jesus Christ we have three personas such as Father Son and Holy Spirit. It does not say that the Holy Spirit is female or male but spirit is sexless so we can assume that Jesus was a male child brought up in the Jewish religion and that the Father image the Anchient of Days the GOD we all think of as a Bearded man is the Father of Jesus in the Spirit of Christ. Three persons in one being. PreImmenace is the idea that Jesus created the Earth at the moment of Earths Birth in the Form of GOD in the Spirit of the Father and the Spirit of the Son. Life as a triplet person Enthroned and esconsed as the ruler of the Universe. Having been there before there was anything to see or created. He will be there after this creation is disposed of and a new generation is concieved. Take the fact that a GOD would learn from his mistakes and not create the sameness we have now but make it better somehow. Then apply the thinking that makes better people of us all and realize he changes us to help us live there now inside the heart not until the physical is changed can we actually see GOD. But there is one way. Turn around the next time you attend your church and smile and look closely at the person in the very next aisle over. Chances are you just saw GOD in his preimmenance.