Tuesday, March 3, 2009


PreImmenancePreImmenancePreImmenanceGod is not an alien or an artificial intelligence he is a perfect being not created just a constantly moving force like the impossible perpetual motion machine the inventors allways aer trying to reinvent only already done He could be a cow although its not likely He could sit inside a Dove and stay there constantly but then He would miss so many other things eye think he does the GOD thing constantly the focus of attention on the Throne where he does sit. When we humans (eye include the android races) worship GOD we have a tendency to press our hands together in a paroday of clapping but silently we point them up but cast our eyes down to the ground or rug there is a certainty we fear the GOD that we need help from. Pre means before Immenace in this context means the persona or image or being or just say person. In the person of one Jesus Christ we have three personas such as Father Son and Holy Spirit. It does not say that the Holy Spirit is female or male but spirit is sexless so we can assume that Jesus was a male child brought up in the Jewish religion and that the Father image the Anchient of Days the GOD we all think of as a Bearded man is the Father of Jesus in the Spirit of Christ. Three persons in one being. PreImmenace is the idea that Jesus created the Earth at the moment of Earths Birth in the Form of GOD in the Spirit of the Father and the Spirit of the Son. Life as a triplet person Enthroned and esconsed as the ruler of the Universe. Having been there before there was anything to see or created. He will be there after this creation is disposed of and a new generation is concieved. Take the fact that a GOD would learn from his mistakes and not create the sameness we have now but make it better somehow. Then apply the thinking that makes better people of us all and realize he changes us to help us live there now inside the heart not until the physical is changed can we actually see GOD. But there is one way. Turn around the next time you attend your church and smile and look closely at the person in the very next aisle over. Chances are you just saw GOD in his preimmenance.

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