Wednesday, April 29, 2009

LetTt HIM in

LetTt HIM in
Eye could weep for where eye been mistreated:
Eye could shake my fist at heaven raging for oblivion:
Or just do what comes against the grain; forgive them:
Walk on to heaven walk on to Jesus Doorway,
HE is there with open arms.
HE is there on every highway.
He is there with you in Prison; HE is there inside the heart.
Look within the Prisonor; feel forgiven as HE stands ready to receive us.
LetTt HIM in.

Monday, April 27, 2009


The fish that always gets away the mammoth that slips the hook swims past then bumps the boat is whale a Classic tale. The lines are so forgotten not time to stop while they are flowing in the stream of consensus. Eye rhymed each other word to make this classic tale unfolding in my mind it reached into infinity the limits and beyond the normal flow like the novella War and Peace eye fell asleep the Classic yet unwritten no words kept from the night. Convinced that eye had failed my life desire to be a poet eye write each poem now as iff it is to be the last one written down eye cannot read the Classic back from memory is gone not even subject to recall not one word of plot or substance falls into place. The Classic CharlaX swum away.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Pressed white rice nothing added to it try to chew it white rice just has no taste that’s why white people cook it add them things they add to it. Some people eat Melba toast without adding anything to it. They just chew it it is bland it is bread even cooked it has no taste but bread. White bread has a taste it has a smell perhaps it is just gluten or the pollutants that they add to white bread makes me glad. Wheat bread is more complete it has a taste and a texture and can be eaten raw or with nothing added two slices of wheat bread all alone. No one in the history of mankind has ever eaten butter all alone. Have anyone ever gotten the butter dish and went to town just licking platter clean with butter running down the sides of the mouth. Pudding made for diets without sugar but that no salt also so that it tastes like nothing going down the tubes. Crackers with no salt added let them age and get real old. Some typecasting of certain fruits that normally are fine there is one type that is sour or off they call it OFF they say the taste is off. Pecans. Especially Walnuts. The real old ones almost rotten how it’s hard to get the meat out of the shell. Peas or any veggie has been frozen and not thawed out so good or cooked at all but oh so bland then they become like gelatin or gel. But the king of bland is straw ewe eye don’t see how them cattle make it eating hay all day its nothing but bland a chew of an acquired tastor there is no flavor in a straw but blander it becomes the longer ewe do chewer the blander it is done.

Monday, April 20, 2009


ABC gum is stuck under the edges of every table and chair and desk everywhere the ABC gum is still ready to chew please get your own leave mine for me or take some for you already been chewed your ABC gum is still good for you. Everybodys doing IT doing IT doing IT picking their nose and chewing IT chewing IT some sought boogers but ITs not ITs Snot. Last seen on a light pole in your area escaped dog a poodle "picture goes here" ed.note.ed eye saw the poodle with a spoon in its mouth just the other day but did not think to question such a loyal friend and follower now there is a rather large hole under the fence the poodle is gone escaped out running free in all the neighborhood someone capture poor Manfred bring him back to me, signed Tom Terriffic.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Restrictive Housed

Restrictive Housed
Restrictive Housed
Restrictive Housed
Bless me Father for eye have sinned wait no that’s sneezed. High Coo Loe Mu Love ewe Living in APARTments, cul de sacs, shantys, briar patched, rent fixed, payed by the government. HUD has acted putting people in the sack. A Pot with every Chicken no longer squawk but crocked. Restrictive housing rules the masses lifes worse than any force of primed weapon triggers tell them the time is only parking between the hours of nine to five one fifteen minute limit for the parking on the Street. That limit sign has made this poet think. Is there even time enought to knock the bell aside the door there wait for Jenny to unwind the deadbolt locks after gluing eye to spycam? She decided to let me in allowed me just one kiss Hello is all we have the time for limited to 15 of them minutiae back in the motor then around the block go eye to park against the other wall. We have got to stop meeting like this there is not enought time left to kiss eye hurry up them stares from all the neighbors’ wives and run back down again the motor on. In modern day affordable housing in them Neolithic bricked and mortared houses on the way to motor eye find this note. It was carefully folded who knoes iff it was Jenny tossed. There is no title to this note no signature to quote just tersely printed green ink “Lots of talking today I don’t want the talking to interfere with StepBo completing his work tomorrow.” Odious Ode to Restrictive Housed not living no love.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Various Varied Very Us

Various Varied Very Us veryvery
Who tried to make it very say verious it must have been Jesus when he said to dot them eyes and cross them tees let them yesses mean yes and them noes mean noes। Who can it be but the living GOD every religion hates to actually see। They have the Journey and the Tao but not the actuality। There is no Bhudda on the thorny throne but GOD. Words are taught to a Christian from Russia that knoes no English he would have to view this in Russian to read it. Its all just Greek to mee. The actual meaning of life may indeed very from each culture level and life to mean entirely differant things to various peoples but only ONE LORD only ONE GOD only ONE JESUS. The very idea. The very thing. The very one. Actually and factually very in descriptive mode is very imprecise. Jesus is not a variant of GOD but the whole real deal. Verily Verily Truth Truth Truthfully eye say that Jesus is the Lord today yea verily.

Monday, April 13, 2009



a bunny day
a bunny day
Eye came unhurriedly into the Ronstadt center walking unhurriedly for it is a Sunday Schedule on the Bus Sun Tran couple this with Easter and a holiday to boot upon the land of this renewed AmeriCa, may GOD in Jesus help mee eye forgive her; When to mye surprise delight a happy Easter eye surprised the EGG just laying there forlorn and forgotten from the Basket on a ledge where bus patrons sit and Gather dust just waiting for the buss there it was boiled and purple colored Easter Egg with White left interspaced and looking closely eye discovered some spattered mottley colors there none of them a primary some EGG childe artiste had created this created creation just for eye to find so eye peeled it carefully of shell but some color still remained on EGG transporting me back home to MOTHER and to Yard again while eating EGG a man now eye took half of it away with just one bite while eyeing yellow yolk inside a smile then one more bite egg was gone a swallow a lifetime remembered happy childhood was revisited all in one short moment of an Easter Sunday Suntran Bus day. On this mye Easter Sunday.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Some will bring 100 some 10 someone.
There is a scripture in the bible heard of every funeral service used about an exact not a quote but see the scripture first The Lord Gave, and the Lord Hath Taken Away this is often misquoted it’s in the book of JOB that says the LORD giveth and He taketh away. Today we focus on OUR Happy Easter coming and listen to this CharlaX Poem. The LORD takes. He takes mye time and makes it HIS again. HE takes my sin and crucifies the addictions and the lusts that sometimes threaten to overwhelm and drown us. There is another scripture that says Do not say unto thy Brother let me cast that THING out of your eye; BUT first go remove that LARGER THING out of your own eye. But then go back to Brother safely grounded and lead him out of penury. TOO long it took me to get to this point of clean and Sober alas the little Brother is gone to dust he can not come to visit eye may just soon join him where he has gone? Mye nearest neighbor is a drunk full of whiskey wine or any out of luck he is missing and eye want to see him before eye see mye other friend its bad luck to make men mad mad enough to fight eye quailed at every light last nite but secretly was pleased that drunk was not around perhaps mye gift of thorny crown was not meant to help anyone else but eye on this GOOD FRYDAY was the day the Guards came up to Jesus on the Mount of Olives way where Judas betrayed HIM with a kiss they led mye LORD away to Judge him for our sins. (for GOD was reconciling the Whole World unto himself in JESUS who bears the sins of the Whole World in himself upon the Tree the Cross of the Place of a Skull. On Golgotha lies mye lies; mye misery mye death and as eye live today eye remember HIM by just keep saying JESUS as he takes (all eye can give is this poem to be read).

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Poet Poese Poetess

A Poet Poese PoetessA Poet Poese PoetessA Poet Poese PoetessWhat are you a man or mouse or female prose maker rhyming making poems not prose but real live poems making nouns meaning what they say and never in verbal disagreement. Your adjectives are where they are supposed to be and your contractions all have marks. Your conjunctions fit the content and the poem looks so nice. The ideas come from Science Fiction unbidden springing from the hidden well we keep them. Universes in your mind and only one love inside your heart is mine. True love is lets the person go to be themselves if she returns then love was there. IN every written word ewe write eye see myself somewhere to the side of them iff not directly mentioned there outright. Your Verbage is the word that eye was looking for invariably you make the poem bleed and howl when it was stated from your heart a universe apart from head when stating verbiage again. For now eye drop the things that are depressing mee the lost Christmasses and Birthday wishes the lost Holidays when no one seemed to care for eye become just love in each and every day a poem yes a poet lost in love for someone special in his heart now ewe deicide dear gentle reader ewe is this the one ewe want to love. A Poet Poese Poetess for ewe.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


RainCoveredSKYRainCoveredSKYRainCoveredSKYThe sky is Western Covered sky dark for half the canopy is covered up the smell of rain filters down some conflicting with the surroundings the landscaping the hey fever springing here nearby. The birds were swimming in the sky the western sky with wings folded they glide then extend the wings again then fold them back confused by the wind in western sky. They glide then fly then glide. The poet however must walk than lamely then halting lame he walks under the western sky rain never falls but clouds roll out of the valley walls but back they come as poet walks. He walks and as he limps along he notices them the gliding flying birds are gone.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

CharlaXWordsworth the vernacular perhaps his style but charlax words an emulationThe owl was hoot the hour was late the jig was sawed, as the total stranger entered town he walked and carried a Hurley bough bundle on a stick much like the old train hoboes used to did. He wanted wine the kind of thing a hoboe wants when in a town and so he began to unwind the contents of the stick he laid the bag down and carefully untied the bundle just like anyone would or the Idiot Boy in summer did. He shook the Hurley Bough again the money was still missing. He waited until daylight and then walked into the market place he was very near the door the people used to enter market when he put a pence he had found on ground in hand and did his asking for his alms. He had a want for the glass bottle with the cork it was only 185p a steal at that price he noticed that the content was too high about 12 % alcoholic high. He finally had the mark the price in hand and entered near the bargain bin. The bottle was so old the label came off in his hand but no suspicion entered in the mind he paid the counter helper then he almost ran away to a dark shadow where he could hide from them that drink. The bottle sipped he walked away to ask his alms anothere day. His shiney pants was give away to what he does for a living. His shirt was not much better but he had the stuff he needs for weather in the tummy tucked away of the total stranger.

Monday, April 6, 2009


INspectedDEjectedhorning poet lay tormented clutching her manuscripted answer the publisher would not answer any more cell calls she was dejected had been inspected and now lay in torment her words spilling out of the manila envelope around her on the bed room floor. She had rented the penthouse sweet it was a classic room with view overlooking parked cars. Her computor was locked her TV was open but just snow showing up she was late for greeting the day. She lit another cheroot and spilled some more lemmings in her glass of ice added. She splashed it all over. She was drunk. She had to get together. The mouse in the corner roared. The ice squeaked. She managed to find the door when it opened. The bell rang three times then there came three knockouts on the wall next to the door. She leaped from the balcony balustrade echoing on the way down. She filtered threw the trees and leaves and fell headlong. A bicycle went by its bell was tinkling. The wind was whistling in the dark dawn light. She groaned. The enormous gloom entered the area. The grass roots all over the lawn were weeping the bugs that would crawl were wet. She made it to the edge of the lawn when the storm hit. The lightening cracked the thunder. The train was horning in the distance. The cable car clanged as far as South. She made it to the highway pediment. There she stopped. Thar she blows. Her nose was stopped. The faraway queen of the leprechauns lowered the bridge that draws flying aspects. Save me she cried and the Truck Driver opened his ride to another hitchhiker borne. Where else could we go but to Horning Ohio near the border of Turning. Where the editors give second chances.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


TheCountryVersionTheCountryVersionTheCountryVersionBetween your eyes your beauty lies. As useful as hinds in a field dear. Raining harder than pizza on a flat rock.If ut works leave it alone. Harder than a peeper bird. Stranger than a three dollar bill.Like trying to stretch a quilt over a rain barrel top. He will get right on it like a traveler on a platter. He dropped his pocket.Like flint on a hard rock. Like Flies on Lemonade.You can’t fight your way out of a cardboard box. Like White on Rice.The more things change the time changes things more than changing times wait this can’t be write The more things change the more they stay the same.NO that aint it. You can fool the people some of the time and fool the rest of them any of the time but you can’t fool none of them people all the time. WaitYou must be thinking of the country version.


ASFASTASTHOUSHALTWANEASFASTASTHOUSHALTWANEASFASTASTHOUSHALTWANEParodayAn Answer to William ShakespeareMayhappenstance recall as fast as thou can go, then thou departFrom conjecture to the truth of aging well, the truth is better than the off thou slothFor the youth of life is given once so young, then old thou doth becomeAnd stay that way the rest of life convert to olde. Vanity is youth that never seems to age. Add to this the fourscore years of summer sin, who dimly ascertaineth age. Let then the wombe and the bed languisheth as they play the king and qyeenThe qyeen is it who hath the moore.Which bounteousness apply to lave. She ornately twinned thee and in her haste has made thee copy.As fast as thou shalt wane thy paroday. As fast as thou shalt wane, so fast thou grow'st,In one of thine, from that which thou departest;And that fresh blood which youngly thou bestow'st,Thou mayst call thine when thou from youth convertest.Herein lives wisdom, beauty, and increase;Without this folly, age, and cold decay.If all were minded so, the times should ceaseAnd threescore year would make the world away.Let those whom nature hath not made for store,Harsh, featureless, and rude, barrenly perish;Look, whom she best endowed, she gave the more;Which bounteous gift thou shouldst in bounty cherish. She carved thee for her seal, and meant thereby, Thou shouldst print more, not let that copy die.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


HOAX HAIKUWEDNESDAYWEDNESDAYThe night has grown still.Nothing stirs but that Martianblasting its heat ray.(by CharlaX)
Tripods fire their beamsSpreading death and destructionAcross the landscape.(by Charlax)
You silly people!Don’t you think you’d see a signif aliens came?(by CharlaX)
Aliens shoot, zap and destroyThis is surely the end of time.But no, it was a ploy.(by CharlaX)
April Fools is CharlaXed.note the parentheses is mine all else is plagerized in funn