Thursday, April 23, 2009


Pressed white rice nothing added to it try to chew it white rice just has no taste that’s why white people cook it add them things they add to it. Some people eat Melba toast without adding anything to it. They just chew it it is bland it is bread even cooked it has no taste but bread. White bread has a taste it has a smell perhaps it is just gluten or the pollutants that they add to white bread makes me glad. Wheat bread is more complete it has a taste and a texture and can be eaten raw or with nothing added two slices of wheat bread all alone. No one in the history of mankind has ever eaten butter all alone. Have anyone ever gotten the butter dish and went to town just licking platter clean with butter running down the sides of the mouth. Pudding made for diets without sugar but that no salt also so that it tastes like nothing going down the tubes. Crackers with no salt added let them age and get real old. Some typecasting of certain fruits that normally are fine there is one type that is sour or off they call it OFF they say the taste is off. Pecans. Especially Walnuts. The real old ones almost rotten how it’s hard to get the meat out of the shell. Peas or any veggie has been frozen and not thawed out so good or cooked at all but oh so bland then they become like gelatin or gel. But the king of bland is straw ewe eye don’t see how them cattle make it eating hay all day its nothing but bland a chew of an acquired tastor there is no flavor in a straw but blander it becomes the longer ewe do chewer the blander it is done.

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