Saturday, May 30, 2009


sing this to the TUNE of "The Streets of Laredo"
As eye walked out in the streets of DUrango
Eye wore them pointy toe boots in DUrango
As eye walked out in the streets there one day
mincing when leaving the last shop and grill
eye can tell yew aer a cowboy
blistering toes to be cowboy DUrango
hoping no one was hiding there watching me squeal
walking so toughly on hard sidewalk DUrango
reaching for every support on the street
leaning on widows and orphans eye creep
trying to navigate too where eye sleep in DUrango
full of caffeine on the Streets of DUrango
pinching whats left of my cowboy feet
walking the main street past the train
skirting the rain on them streets in DUrango
singing this song as them leather boots squeak.

Location: facebook

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