Sunday, June 14, 2009


Darkstone poem
The lantern was green on the River banked near the undertoe of eye took the plastic pooper picker upper from the store front cafe and stuck it deeply in the water of the river it came up twisting heavily from side to side the fins was stuck like a fish hook got them up eye tossed the largest fish eye ever saw onto the river banked near mye egYpt bag there was only a large lump where the fishes belly should have been was this protruding navel like eye took mye knife and opened the fishes belly and what to mye surprise did eye find it was a scroll with this upon it this is what the scroll was saying We live in an Underwater Cavern we wanted the world to knoe of Mermaids and Mermen we love to kiss and frolic and love is the way we live under the water in Rivers and Seas and Oceans of love we live to be free. And carefully eye ate the fish raw and spit the fins out and there was a Mermaid in the water of this river eye was a Merman and we were in love now we live in the Undertoe Cavern of love.

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