Tuesday, November 17, 2009


A Paroday of Water on the Moon
There is bread on Uranus. There is only Twelve FIve Galleions BUckets of water in the valley of the moon. But the hills are alive on Uranus all of them are diffearant kinds of breaded loaves. Stay Tuned. Each man carried a CObalt Blue Phazor capable of melting a Solid ROck Hill into molten lavae Steel. No one noticed the Padre Jjhon Miesterson as he backed away from the group he never carried the Phazor they had givin him. A true son of GOD in his religion. He waved his arms around them and seemed sure of himself as iff the ground was made of Bread to feed them. They had come to Georgium Sidus a distance from Earth of 2,870,990,000 km on the only SOLID fueled CObalt Blue Radiation ROcket in existance. They were not wearing helments the outside temperature was Kelvin. Hydrogen, Helium, Methane clearing his helment when the Captain walked up behind the Padre Jjhon Miesterson was breaking a A ROCK into with his bare hands and eating half of what looked like a pound round loaf of Bread. Each Hill is a differant TYPE of Bread he told the Captain this one is Roman Meal there is lots of Bread here 8.686 x 1025 kg The Padre looked up and smiled. Captain THompson of the Starship CObaltprize grimaced up at the figure floating across the ground toward them when the Padre said Oh look Captain theres Jesus. Jesus Said unto them I am the Bread of Life. This Nth Planet from your SUN how did you arrive. Oh wait I can SEE you came to Heaven in a CObaltprize on a Solid ROcket Booster flies so you must now leave in your ROcket the same way that you got here but please take some bread with you to Earth. For I still believe in feeding my enemies. ASIDE the Lord said when these BOZOS leave eye can reassemble this place back into the ROcks its really made up of. Just wait until they find out what that WATER is I left there on the moon. They will never make a moonbase there for NASA cant drink angels leave there droppings there and here. What did you THINK that bread was. BreadOnUranus.

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