Thursday, December 10, 2009


They say STAY out of polotics and religion I say poet pour it on. Poetpoor. Talk to them take Jesus for a side of beef he flayed the speare pointe thrust he took the hit. Attaque the status assembled que. Hit them below the belt iff they is girly men hit them above the snow line iff they is women. Let them knoe when the public does not like it. Let them knoe when they have gone too far on streets of manure linned with passages of words in the dust. Take the thrust meant for others that cannot speak remember prisoners let them talk with your mouth let them poet with your pen. Let them begin to have that voice a poet has the right of admissions the right of assembly the right to redress those issues no one will touch a poet he is usually just dust. The dust speaks the stones cry out for justices. Poet pore that blood poet pore those encapsuled notes into the measure of GOD RULES in love. Say the namme of Jesus its okay. 666 has come today. The end of time is nigh I can feel the Breathe of Satan down my neck as I prepare to give the LORD my Head. Death is life instead. For as I poet pour my life into the living and the WORD I feel no dread. Poetpour.

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