Thursday, January 21, 2010


Sitting Room. One candle in a large coffee canned. The crucifixed holds a level lower then this flame near the chair a hard backed wooden crated elevated levitated insinuated instigated prevaricated intimidated locked inn from the outer court yarded gaited laminated liquifed Icy walk way out there to get a look at her inn this window sill eye stare up at the window from my vantage pointed on the street a broken soul united states the obvious disgrace no uniformly formation calling birds larking in her window. Why do they call it Pizza Pie? it is not a pie at all; it IS just bread with garnished extra items meat with cheesed oh wait mabe what he said was piece of pie in bad italics like the movie. Anyone drinking ALE at the inn and eating bad kidney pie had better cool it off first and give it back to TheInnKeeper.

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