Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Welcome Matt

Welcome Matt
The kisses lemone oh so sweet
Welcome Matt
female english welcomed
Snitch Johnson
old son son of john son of snitch
Adore Smith
tradesman english male
Love Bread
female english love
Iron Posse
stems from gang terminology
Facebook Enemy
title of this poem
you were once my friend now gone you left me even iff eye clicked the mouse it was you that caused me to do this to us why did you take away my love and hurt me so much just before CHristmas no love on the day of remembering my LORDS birthday how he was Born in the Manger with Snow outside and swadling clothes on his little baby body it must be why he wore those purple fitted sheets all his life
he is sure wearing his GOlden WIngs now
Christmas BOneus
Tinkle Bells
now yall must knoe just why they call me so
for the pretty way eye walk
and Bells
for the pretty that eye sound
fooled you all
names for $666 AleX
strong man
super man
Exit Rug

Saturday, December 10, 2011


ELF, ELFELFEye took out my dreamcatcher full of nines (999999999) and hearts (

a penny for your thoughts

money rules this world the people think of nothing less they spill the beans must come from solyant green and brown the very idea that a man could come from being homeless to a millionaire or even a small business in the industry when eye feel eye will never work for pay the students coming out of school get all the smart jobs seem to be gone the way of misery is mine no job no check no prop under my feet is only the sidewalk now eye lay in poverty my homeless shelter edges of a roof iff no one sees me furtively edging into spaces meant for stepping past the sticks and stones omg no one should live this way at all but why eye feel the need to work so hard when all eye need to do is hide my bones beneath the cold cold soil and stop the day to day struggle of existance. Let me tell you it is this certain struggle for food and dry clothing that makes a man what he is it gives me strength that money cannot buy for me the life that eye have chosen seems so harsh until you think of poverty of rich the loss of love the loss of life that comes from worshipping a lessor god just numbers in a book they equal power for some people just add more to swollen bank accountants adding ledgers to existing dollars charging more for services already over extended. Today my heart is full of ewe and friend's who love me too my feet are dry my belly full of food my clothing adequate for a mild winter the first for me in several years of snow pushing the limits of my luck each day brings to me my own crazy satisfaction dropping some names to illustrate my happiness do you think e e cummings his works brought to the public in the form of new york plays do you think it made him happy to be homeless his work his poems his style of keeping rustic crude religion showing in his writings from his golden heart his poetry ruling him in love worth more then many ducats of gold the silver dross when asked to preform on television Jack Kerouac grabbed his tome and read from his book what he had written there in poetry do you not see yet how homeless he once was and yet the poem was his everything to be. Stop feeling sorry for this homeless poet and start reading more of what eye have there written in the vast crinkles of the paper of the web while eye can get online to make this POEM this POET is undone still happy just to thrive alive outside the dead poetry of love one ounce of poem words outweigh all the gold of time