Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Welcome Matt

Welcome Matt
The kisses lemone oh so sweet
Welcome Matt
female english welcomed
Snitch Johnson
old son son of john son of snitch
Adore Smith
tradesman english male
Love Bread
female english love
Iron Posse
stems from gang terminology
Facebook Enemy
title of this poem
you were once my friend now gone you left me even iff eye clicked the mouse it was you that caused me to do this to us why did you take away my love and hurt me so much just before CHristmas no love on the day of remembering my LORDS birthday how he was Born in the Manger with Snow outside and swadling clothes on his little baby body it must be why he wore those purple fitted sheets all his life
he is sure wearing his GOlden WIngs now
Christmas BOneus
Tinkle Bells
now yall must knoe just why they call me so
for the pretty way eye walk
and Bells
for the pretty that eye sound
fooled you all
names for $666 AleX
strong man
super man
Exit Rug

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