Thursday, July 30, 2009


Computor changes Numbers so random changes change with each random reservation and cancellations change late assignees signing in five minutes late can change the total assignation designation and the Inputt Terminal has a differing view of overall differing areas nothing else changed but the place that I was making the reservation from but the length of the time the same amount of waiting period but now who has a differant number as a final destination. I had two extensions on a session when i left quite certain that this thing now has a reservation i noticed one available computor. It was still open so strang. So guess where the Inputt Terminal sent me back to the Computor i was using for one more hour session. So why did not who get all his full extensions. Here is what most probably occured. The third extension came and went without a word of register in time but who reserved his own computor time, available no longer but red reservation letters with my TIME my login clearly available NOW, someone else snagged the Green One. No Reservation needed now for the Indian. For them not for who must follow through the system. I reserved a Computor at the Upstairs INputt Terminal. YOu guessed it it was Number FOUR. I now had a weight of 55 minutes. I walked downstairs to the DownStairs Inputt Terminal. There i was given a reservation for Computor 6 but with the same 55 minute weight. Since nothing else was changed except the area of the Inputt Terminal, who has decided the Computor is a Sentient creature and must also be able to think at least in differant ways in differant areas it thinks most differantly. UNLESS someone upstairs was making a reservation simultaneously with who now down the stairs. He (the INdian) no doubt has Number Four reserved in 55 minutes more. Who has Number 6 in 55 minutes. Only the Computor really knoes. It's Sentient.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Giddy Bag

A Giddy Bag
A Giddy Bag
A giddy bag is only merely a nylon bag with a draw string it is not good for carrying weighed heavy things but it is designed for light weight carry such as a sleeping bag rolled. The namme may be a throwback to GiddyUpGO and old wild west term a Cowboy may have said this to his Horse after leaping into the Saddle from that high rock jump. OUCH. Who always said they must have very tight jeans on to land like that and still chase after them bad men. While who is penning this who wants everyone just to remember that most Cowboys just was reacting to being jumped on by trail thugs they were not heroes or Sherriffs or rangers except for Lone. Lone Ranger. Ouch. What punning er penning. Roll this one up and putt it in your Giddy Bag pardner then pull the Drawstring tight on your GiddyBag goodnight.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Solar Winds still trace an oblong orbit where third planet from its sun was racing on its Celestial pathway around the SUN is Black a hot Coronae Haloe the only evidence of its trace. For one day the ugly Creatures there impaled the Living Christ of GOD upon a tree. Killing in Crucifixtion the only means to live a life COnfusion is now the Ruler of the BlackSun. We have heard there was a Judgement day. The Lord now risen from the Dead took SOULS from Earth to Heaven where they play while somewhere left forever lay others in BlackSun. A lake of Fire and Brimestone was always there like an Evil Eye in SKY of Earth a silent witness to the Evil under Sun. Perhaps GOD reached down from heaven after Book of Life was closed and putt away. We think He grabbed the Earth in a giant nailscarred hand perhaps a Single Dropp of Blood left on the Hillside of GOlgotha. He took The World with all the Dead Souls there and tossed it up spinning like a curve baseball into SUN. There is the Flames of Hell sputtering and Black at Judgement come. The Second Death is the lake of Fire and Brimestone. AJudged the little SOlar System stopped. NOw working like a clock which spring has sprung. All remaining Planets just exploded a little pile of stones where each one was. Today the Intersteller Mappers took off the Milkeyway from Routes Venues Areas and Advertisements for the BlackSun. NO place left to play.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Satan met Daniel Webster. The Devil: Can you tell me the length of the driving rain? Daniel Webster: Oh Pain. Only GOD can really know it. Where do you get these awefull questions you Devil ? do you sit in your office all day make them up just to torture the like minded weak? The Devil: Come on Daniel Webster, play my game, answer my question. Figure it out with your intelligent way. Sway back and forth on those Barrister toes back on them heels let me play. Can you tell me the LENGTH of the Driving rain? Daniel Webster Barrister is rocking back and forth forth then back on heels begins to make his answer to Satan. Daniel Webster: The length of the driving rain is the distance from its conception the Cloud in the Sky drops of water fall in lines swept by wind driven all directions in the Storm until they hit diverse places in real time. The Devil pauses and swipes at his sweat. The Devil was smiling now frowns down stroking his beard on his chin He astounds me this Daniel almost figured it out. Yes, Webster, He concedes, yet you gave me no LENGTH? one more time now What is the LENGTH? Daniel Webster frowns down, rocking ceasing eyes searching side to side for the answer is right in front of him he can see it now. You Devil, I have it now. The length of the driving rain is the certain distance from the Cloud to the Ground times the wind driven distance as the storm begins to howl, the final mathematical equation is just one word "DiverCity". Satan Bows. In Mock Humility. Defeated at once. He howls much like a storm driving rain with its wind he turns back just once and spits. "DiverCity". Yes Daniel Webster YOU win. You still own your soul YOU won. You may live.

Friday, July 10, 2009


every thing who has done is linked up the thing to remember is its linked to every other one every time you open who it goes to a new page some of you do not have windows some of you have apples and appelettes strang offbrands of dell or even laptops only have look up capabilities cannot open webpages DO you have a pop up blocker it will be in tools on the tool bar on better computors the rest of you have to punt go look it up mabe its in the start go look and turn it off let the freebe ads come up then X them off whats left is pure CharlaX stuff. WHo wants to be read perused used up.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


The mouse would not work the time does not print on the printer for the waiting period. They suggested that its AI. It only does that when you do it. No one else has ever had this problem. Dadada Dadada Dadadadadadadadaddadaaaaaaa. You CharlesDarkstone CharlaXAndroidoneSeven you have entered an area of confusion commanly called the TwilightZOned. WHen Charles entered into the elevator it said it was going up to the second floor. The polarity reversed the thing felt like it was dropping. He had a witness but the boy will never talk to anyone or admit what happened. They will accuse us all of using drugs or sniffing old wet socks because the proscribed pattern fits the masses but fails to touch my lashes back AI say get back up on the elevator to the printer does not print the waiting time but only just for him it omits time they seemed convinced the higher echelon the problems dont exist the complaintant only AI. The boy was ridding with me he admitted it to AI but will he tell others that it happened AI do doubt it now. They pull up near the door expectantly then horror as they realize the time the time the time is zoned for nine. When AI step off of the curbed the street looms large AI run the risk of being meat. The cars seem to bend they try to get at me The BUMPERS point a ninety degree turning at the last moment form AI reverse the polarity to drive them away in lanes of Twilightzones surprised they failed to mow me down. The roof is rood how cosmetic made of rain falling threw on you but the Apertures where no one sits or stands the rain it stops the sky from falling on the AI in this TwilightedZOned.