Saturday, July 18, 2009


Satan met Daniel Webster. The Devil: Can you tell me the length of the driving rain? Daniel Webster: Oh Pain. Only GOD can really know it. Where do you get these awefull questions you Devil ? do you sit in your office all day make them up just to torture the like minded weak? The Devil: Come on Daniel Webster, play my game, answer my question. Figure it out with your intelligent way. Sway back and forth on those Barrister toes back on them heels let me play. Can you tell me the LENGTH of the Driving rain? Daniel Webster Barrister is rocking back and forth forth then back on heels begins to make his answer to Satan. Daniel Webster: The length of the driving rain is the distance from its conception the Cloud in the Sky drops of water fall in lines swept by wind driven all directions in the Storm until they hit diverse places in real time. The Devil pauses and swipes at his sweat. The Devil was smiling now frowns down stroking his beard on his chin He astounds me this Daniel almost figured it out. Yes, Webster, He concedes, yet you gave me no LENGTH? one more time now What is the LENGTH? Daniel Webster frowns down, rocking ceasing eyes searching side to side for the answer is right in front of him he can see it now. You Devil, I have it now. The length of the driving rain is the certain distance from the Cloud to the Ground times the wind driven distance as the storm begins to howl, the final mathematical equation is just one word "DiverCity". Satan Bows. In Mock Humility. Defeated at once. He howls much like a storm driving rain with its wind he turns back just once and spits. "DiverCity". Yes Daniel Webster YOU win. You still own your soul YOU won. You may live.

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