Thursday, July 2, 2009


The mouse would not work the time does not print on the printer for the waiting period. They suggested that its AI. It only does that when you do it. No one else has ever had this problem. Dadada Dadada Dadadadadadadadaddadaaaaaaa. You CharlesDarkstone CharlaXAndroidoneSeven you have entered an area of confusion commanly called the TwilightZOned. WHen Charles entered into the elevator it said it was going up to the second floor. The polarity reversed the thing felt like it was dropping. He had a witness but the boy will never talk to anyone or admit what happened. They will accuse us all of using drugs or sniffing old wet socks because the proscribed pattern fits the masses but fails to touch my lashes back AI say get back up on the elevator to the printer does not print the waiting time but only just for him it omits time they seemed convinced the higher echelon the problems dont exist the complaintant only AI. The boy was ridding with me he admitted it to AI but will he tell others that it happened AI do doubt it now. They pull up near the door expectantly then horror as they realize the time the time the time is zoned for nine. When AI step off of the curbed the street looms large AI run the risk of being meat. The cars seem to bend they try to get at me The BUMPERS point a ninety degree turning at the last moment form AI reverse the polarity to drive them away in lanes of Twilightzones surprised they failed to mow me down. The roof is rood how cosmetic made of rain falling threw on you but the Apertures where no one sits or stands the rain it stops the sky from falling on the AI in this TwilightedZOned.

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