Friday, March 26, 2010

Re Religious OR Not Religious

Re Religious OR Not Religious
In this discussion today we are taking affirmations of faith. You are re religious or you are not religious. For the purposes of this discussion which is for entertainmeant purposes we shall consider no one to be only religious. There is two archetypes of people. There is the saved and there is the re
saved. WHICH one are you. You can be both. Or neither or niether in your secular thinking. So we will continue to send messages back in time until we change the previous histories. Today we sent a message to Post Toe Styes some 700 years in the ago. Eye have been watching his forum thread in the hopes that Historionic changes can be palatably felt. So far he only posted a poem that was alrady there.e. oops the e is silent. Eye placed a copy of the message at Yahoo email as soon as eye see it on his Forum page eye will race there and retrieve it. YES there is the message there it is the message it there yes it worked oh this proves we can time travel on the computor. Wait Wait Wait this experimeant has failed here is the email eye retrieved it the message is gone its that dastarddly e again

Thursday, March 25, 2010 1:03 PM
"Charlax Hice"
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Saturday, March 20, 2010


Safe is not safe. A safe place is never a safe place to be. Safe is never safe or ever safe. Safe can be the slider near the outfielder tamping leg with cleats. Safe is not safe then. Safe can be a locking box a devise of man. Open says the thief. Not safe then. Safe is free from harm at home most accidents begin. Safe is a Mothers arms. NO non sorry not safe there now. Safe is the idea in the mind (mabe at one time) thought police take thought and safe away from safe today. Take no thought what you may eat erase the thought the thought police play safe with meat take out the money and go dine. Safe the cooking safe the meat safe the place that you go to eat. NO sorry once again not safe. Safe house. HA ahha. The movies all show them getting offed just from being in that safe house. Safe not. Safe knot. A slip knot tied over twice still comes off the boat is gone. Not safe now. Safe as a Murder of Crows. Safe as a safe shelf up high. Safe as a Cokkie jarred. Safe as a Vaccination. Safe as a Carving painting. To be or not to be safe. To be one with the world one must be the odd one. Safe. Safe is dangerous to be called safe. Safe thinking. Safe action. Safe working. Safe playing. Safe as a BUtter balled up into a patty made into a cokkie too much safe fattening. Safe as fuses. Safe as lighting. Safe as a candle fluttering in the darkening. Safe glasses. Safe connection. With that CharlaX is bleeding into his fibre optics dial up internet free rec center phone lined SAFE place to be today. Smiling down at keys and laughting. SAFE. SafeParoday.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


EveryBody has got to be somebody sometime. EveryBody has got to be somewhere sometime. Hillsides glens dales oasis clear spaces forests parks lost waysides lost wilderness. Try to go and place a place at park place is taken they will come they will tag your door they will tell you to move on you cannot stay you cannot come they want the pristene chapels to be precondtioning they mark the trail they flag the corners of the new instigations they investigate the caverns. They asked me where was eye located in a tent just in a tent or a house like they was really interested. Hide in a well or just go and hide well they really have a problem with that free word dwell. Even iff even or even with even more. Four or fourty miles away they send in heliocoppers they repel down the hill to get you away from them places to stay all them wonderful free places to stay are just wrong for the throngs. Running in place with a white sheet upon a young Casper with eye holes so to see who to flee from. Not warm enought clothing needs to be at least manufactured sown buttoned up and zippered. Cover me with lots of snow to putt off building too put off go eye do not wish to travel now in winter wait till spring has come the snow must cover me must cover me till when the dislocation finally comes. Real life imitation art the snow is falling now its almost whiteouting the final pinal solution for mye Sunday coming down too hard the rain in Spain falls mainly on the Plain old snow reverberate again. Like a white pussy cat all covered with sooting. DisLocaTioned

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Doth the maker feel the snow the wet the rain the cold? Or doth he only make a paroday for thee? A CharlaXWilliamSOnnett ReBackPedaling Doth the maker feel the snow the wet the rain the cold? Or doth he only make a paroday for thee? Perhappenstance he doth them both a little moreth then he liketh. A CharlaXWilliamSOnnett Sonnet 94 They that have power to hurt, as like unto the Gods and will do none They that have power to hurt and will do none are like the Gods, That do not do the thing they most do shower down the rain the wind the sun the snow upon us all as seeing that they do this monumental land fall,Who, moving others, are themselves as stone, edificied above the clouds in sky Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow, as ice they impart no love to one another in the heavens They rightly do inherit heaven's graces from the dead they rise And husband nature's riches from expense not out of pocket or the fence; They are the lords and owners of one anothers faces, indeed they all look like there Jesus Others but minions of their excellences. The summer's flower is to the summer sweat and toil in haywired poultry found asleep, Though to itself it only live and die is cast in teeth, But if that flower with base infection meet the owner who is God the Fatherer , The basest weed outbraves his dignity: indeed he bes the beast that he can be For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; iff thou canst but believe me try the sweet and sour pork rinds near the door Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. Doth GOD feel the rain the answers no. Sonnet 94 They that have power to hurt, and will do none They that have power to hurt and will do none, are also Godlike being less then stupid That do not do the thing they most do shower nothing like the fires of EgYpt down on those who must deserve this fire and ice, Who, moving others, are themselves as stone, above is all so nicely taken up Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow, there is no reasone to heat up seeing there is no seasons in the heavens They rightly do inherit heaven's graces from the resurrections facing thus eternity And husband nature's riches from expenses incurred from using wrongfully the liberty; They are the lords and owners of their various faces, Others but stewards of the minions fair to middeling there. The summer's flower is to the summer sweet as hay baled wet, Though to itself it only live and die is hard aluminum like cans, But if that flower with base infection meet the fan, The basest weed outbraves his dignity: forsooth the beast in paroday For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; left over things turn rancid in the seeds Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. Doth GOD who made the rain feel wet the answers non.


Monday, March 1, 2010


minions must decide
The CharlaX Poet has a capable of readershippe laptop in his monkey on the monkies back eye have a pre purchased bus fare a one way ticket out of here to go to then New Mexico is it really gonna be any better there???Android is searching for answers to his problematical searching is reavealing nothing at this pointe conjecture will they do it Betty Dont OR Willy MakeItt. Perhaps a non discretion. A Sequiter of mal propositioning. New Mexico may have embraced the stringent interpretation of Mosaic Law. Perhaps Socialism in the American version of the Law will now become the norm and Censorshippe the ruling force called god. Eye can wait to find out untill the end of May eye then find freedom in a new State of Religion are they Methodist ?? or Indian. American or Mexican? Eye querried the University at this pointe eye am no longer interested perhaps the student only policies will finally make them lose the public funding that also makes them accessible for public users they simply do not let the homeless laptop user use the Library on the campuses is gone. The public systematic is becoming even worse eye understand the problem they want users to live there to be residents of the city they reside inn. I just need a public place with a power outlet. And then a purchase price for coffee in mye pocket. Then eye need the number of the provider. Smacks of 666 to eye think its already gone too far. There was four cowboys sitting in the far corner they were talking way too loud from use of alcholic beverages the bar is over on the corner they only ordered food NO coffee then they said in unfriendly tones THIS IS DURANGO. As iff directing it at me as iff eye do not knoe the City eye am now living inn this new status quo was bothering me they would not let it go. Almost now inn fight mode eye wonder iff it was worth the trouble to be there? Eye need my coffee and this electrical connection to be online the internet. The girl was adamant. She thanked the boys for getting rid of THIS TRASH iff she meant me she was mistaken it was in advance of fact. I left when one of these stinking Cowboys said that old man STINKS real loud. It did it made me mad considering they all reeked of whiskey and bad food now. No incentive to use my last hour there on Saturday they close at three eye left at two. Who likes to be told they smell (good ) mabe (bad) non no. Boys eye wonder how close you were to a physical fight eye am not kidding now eye was that uptight eye can only hope that Tomorrow will be better for eye intend there to go back. Coffee money can be begged eye got my fifty cents back from a Christian lad. Its SUnday now. Conjecture?