Friday, March 26, 2010

Re Religious OR Not Religious

Re Religious OR Not Religious
In this discussion today we are taking affirmations of faith. You are re religious or you are not religious. For the purposes of this discussion which is for entertainmeant purposes we shall consider no one to be only religious. There is two archetypes of people. There is the saved and there is the re
saved. WHICH one are you. You can be both. Or neither or niether in your secular thinking. So we will continue to send messages back in time until we change the previous histories. Today we sent a message to Post Toe Styes some 700 years in the ago. Eye have been watching his forum thread in the hopes that Historionic changes can be palatably felt. So far he only posted a poem that was alrady there.e. oops the e is silent. Eye placed a copy of the message at Yahoo email as soon as eye see it on his Forum page eye will race there and retrieve it. YES there is the message there it is the message it there yes it worked oh this proves we can time travel on the computor. Wait Wait Wait this experimeant has failed here is the email eye retrieved it the message is gone its that dastarddly e again

Thursday, March 25, 2010 1:03 PM
"Charlax Hice"
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