Monday, March 1, 2010


minions must decide
The CharlaX Poet has a capable of readershippe laptop in his monkey on the monkies back eye have a pre purchased bus fare a one way ticket out of here to go to then New Mexico is it really gonna be any better there???Android is searching for answers to his problematical searching is reavealing nothing at this pointe conjecture will they do it Betty Dont OR Willy MakeItt. Perhaps a non discretion. A Sequiter of mal propositioning. New Mexico may have embraced the stringent interpretation of Mosaic Law. Perhaps Socialism in the American version of the Law will now become the norm and Censorshippe the ruling force called god. Eye can wait to find out untill the end of May eye then find freedom in a new State of Religion are they Methodist ?? or Indian. American or Mexican? Eye querried the University at this pointe eye am no longer interested perhaps the student only policies will finally make them lose the public funding that also makes them accessible for public users they simply do not let the homeless laptop user use the Library on the campuses is gone. The public systematic is becoming even worse eye understand the problem they want users to live there to be residents of the city they reside inn. I just need a public place with a power outlet. And then a purchase price for coffee in mye pocket. Then eye need the number of the provider. Smacks of 666 to eye think its already gone too far. There was four cowboys sitting in the far corner they were talking way too loud from use of alcholic beverages the bar is over on the corner they only ordered food NO coffee then they said in unfriendly tones THIS IS DURANGO. As iff directing it at me as iff eye do not knoe the City eye am now living inn this new status quo was bothering me they would not let it go. Almost now inn fight mode eye wonder iff it was worth the trouble to be there? Eye need my coffee and this electrical connection to be online the internet. The girl was adamant. She thanked the boys for getting rid of THIS TRASH iff she meant me she was mistaken it was in advance of fact. I left when one of these stinking Cowboys said that old man STINKS real loud. It did it made me mad considering they all reeked of whiskey and bad food now. No incentive to use my last hour there on Saturday they close at three eye left at two. Who likes to be told they smell (good ) mabe (bad) non no. Boys eye wonder how close you were to a physical fight eye am not kidding now eye was that uptight eye can only hope that Tomorrow will be better for eye intend there to go back. Coffee money can be begged eye got my fifty cents back from a Christian lad. Its SUnday now. Conjecture?

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