Friday, December 10, 2010


Daniel with the Judge Head to Head agreed. The Judge nodding sagest he stepped behind the
Dorothy cushion but only for the length of time it took to ascertain the answer with the
Reasoning. Remembering the Lawyers Oration when he give to us his summation. Daniel telling
him “Your Honor wont you see the Man not even needing to lie he never even lied once to the
Jury he only is telling words in fragments not even listening eye think he’s got one of those new
IPod devices stuck in his ear to listen to the new age musick.” Recapping the summation now.
The questions from the Jury. “Did you see your client in the Alibi you told us he is innocent.”
“Eye Saw. Eye Saw.” Over then over he tells it like this. The Judge looked to Daniel very smugly
now. “There is piles of wood piled high outside the Barristers office in the pile outback they will
never need more wood then what Eye Saw there.” This is fulfilling Jewish Law. The one more
candle needed to fill the Hanukkiah. The Lawyer is not ever lying to try to save his poor
defendant when he gets out of court he goes to cutt more wood hence the saying Eye Saw Eye
Saw. ON the eighth Day of Hanukkah the Hanukkiah is lighted NINE candles full.
The thing is now over done kibbished kosher then fulfilled.
Until next year.
Oy Vey.
Two empty candles
Charlax guesses two mysteries.
The Third will never be knoen.How did the Universe begin?
WithinThe Word
The Word spoke.
The Perfect Created
Eye do have the opinion
when we get saved the thing becomes done signed in the Heavens sealed with the blood.
WHEN. Jesus saves. WHEN? When he died on the Cross is when he Saved us. Eye believed in his
Salvation. WHEN ? When eye went to Church or got religion when eye Saw Billy Graham preach
on the rooftop. When eye seen them clouds rolling in the sky. EYe guess you might say eye was
saved one thousand times in my mind in my Heart. Once saved is saved once. Jesus saves me so
then eye refuse to save myself. We do Confession we tell his namme.
Like John Linen Candlestick flash he floated over the candlestick on his anti gravity belt sash
once again eye rise like unleavened bread to feed the sunrise to the masses
sitting on the cornflake like the walrus.
Bigger then Jesus. Lennon Grade. Scarab about. Willfering.

WHEN. Jesus saves. WHEN? When he died on the Cross is when he Saved us.
Happy Hanukkah
Eight Candles burning on the Hanukkiah
One empty for John Lennon.
eye never cared much for
Mark David Chapman
its still onlhy my opinion
Sonnet #106
Three Candles remaining on the Hanukkiah
Dec7 the sixth day Hanukkah
The first candle lighted to represent the cruise of oil given to the temple by the LORD each day
thereafter did the light of the oil lamp shine for ell Jerusalem for ell of time.Posted: CVI.
Charlax Violet One. When in the chronicle of wasted time the crisiseye still ever see descriptions
of the fairest mothersAnd beauty pictured making beautiful old mother rhymeIn praise of ladies
dead and lovely smitten knights,Lancelot with Guinevere Arthur on the townThen, in the blazing
hot swelter of sweet beauty's best,Of hand in finger, of foot in slipper, of lip in lipp, of eye to eye,
of brow beaten down,eye still ever see their antiqued white pencil would have express'dEven such
a beauty as ewe master man now.So all their praises are but propheciesthe wolf is hungry for the
loverOf this our time is nearly now upon the morrow, all you figurine porcelain pretty pretty
women;And, for they look'd but with divine inwordly eyes,The Mincetrials sought to ruin you
they wouldThey had not skills your worth much more then even this to give you much of
anything:For we the undersigned with portions of our bount,which now behold the lighted
Hanukkiah find three empty holders in the present day,Hard eyes will wander, but hard
tongue will give her praise. Written in the Purple Marble of your love with grunts with groans.
Sonnet #106
Posted: CVI.
When in the chronicle of wasted timeI see descriptions of the fairest wights,And beauty making
beautiful old rhymeIn praise of ladies dead and lovely knights,Then, in the blazon of sweet beauty's
best,Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,I see their antique pen would have express'dEven such a
beauty as you master now.So all their praises are but propheciesOf this our time, all you
prefiguring;And, for they look'd but with divining eyes,They had not skill enough your worth to
sing:For we, which now behold these present days,Had eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise.
The Fifth Day of Hanukkah sees six candles lighted the ninth candle is the first one lighted to
pretend to oil that never ends. The Hanukkiah has only four empty holders. I slip into the sunrise
not happy with my fate the only good that comes today is the Christmas Coat. This true story is
brought to you bye Charlax the true story teller. The COAT is quilted with the compony logo it
was inside the trash bag in the Alley it actual fell from the trash truck when they dumped my
fave dumpster the COAT is clean like the Jumpsuit I got yesterday no more need for blankets I’m
set for the cold of winter thank you Jesus. Its the miracle eye was looking for to keep me religious
on this Hanukkah so keep looking for my Hanukkiah every Day.
FIRE in Carmel
written in Stone
The common mistakes all men make
they went too quickly
where Angels fear to tread.
They did not go with GOD
they went in Gasoline engine busses instead.
The Wailing Wall of Stone
There is the thing of Wall zoned
in Israel
they still go there to stand there
then they pray
To Jesus
The Love for You in Stone
The rock where I did lay my head
the stolen bedding gone
someone warm
but they got my dirt on them
The end of time etched in Stone
Every crucifixed gravestone
some of them no dates
some of them no body left
some of them just gone
some of them will be there soon
some of them will not
some of them with love
some of them with hate
The Beginning of Love in Stone
Waiting for the Lord to Come
but keeping you in love
this life seems unfinishe.......
eyem just pandering to my Mandarin
Orange you jealousy green eyed Lady
Brown limpid pools of legs
surround my flesh tones
lost in reverie
eye list my itinerary
then sleep sitting upholding on to this my love
the Ghost of Poem
Poetry is full of dead poets
no one but your friends will get your poetry
the lieberry book would be too big now
they would never lift it from the shelved
perhaps they publish homeless poets
only iff they make it bog
like eecummings
misspellings not included
Flowers Faded
absence of Snowed
ten thousand poems gone
Six Hanukkah Four Candles
Eye dreamed of love eye felt no shame the need is mine to mend my broken love inside the GF left
me she once loved me she provided this release for me now its only Au naturale to seek it
somewhere else my ewe lambe has got it unconditionally she needs me just like eye need her the
extra love is only one more secret twist the description of my love is this from behind you then up
beside you will you see how shy eye have become with you its almost madness so intent eye seem
you might not guess my secret in time is he just being nice to me is he in love is better understated
then spelled out bold. Let her guess to this my meaning for she is the Lady eye the bard in love.
My ewe she loves my secret iff either one of us were questioned neither one of us admits it. So
hush hush her daughter knoes not of it. My love is hidden in her heart. If you see my secret find
my love seem to be the love no doubt you might think this poem is for you with ewe it is it was it
will be here for quite some secret time. Four Candles for the Third Day of Hanukkah. The Sixth
one counting down on the Hanukkiah.
This is supposed to be the third poem for Hanukkah. Then the fire destroyed my good mood.
They went to the end of the Earth to burn the prison guards to death. Do you believe in accidents.
Or Fate. They were not numbers on the slate. People died. Jewish people of Israel so sad it seems
so hard to just continue with my life for now the poems stop. This Second Day of Candle lighting
is for the Memorial of the people who were destroyed today in the Fire of the Carmel. Prison
Guards brought in for reinforcement 40 men died. So this the Second Candle is flaming now for
them. Three Candles lighted counting a Ninth. The Seventh counting down. We will be still going
to the Ninth. Eye only hope the news tomorrow is better somehow. The three lights for the second
Day of Hanukkah a seven left the two commemorative.
Eye pictured the Hanukkiah on fire for the men of Israel who died.
SO we close this with one word eye found.
The Rabbi lights his Hanukkiah ONE Candle only on DEC first then he snuffs it out then waits
for the next evening on the Dec 2 he lights the Second Candle for the first Day of the Hanukkah
no one gets his meaning for it only pertains to GOD. He lights the first candle to be the OIL that
burned for the eight days of Hanukkah when the Temple was rebuilt in 164 BC. It was just the
little before my time. When eye entered the lieberry this evening some well dressed Man almost
obstructed me his question was this one “are you just passing through??” like the smiler in the
night ? non so Eye reminded him not to obstruct my entry then eye asked HIM iff he Had some
sort of question for me?? but he Had shot his wad then waddled off. NO doubt he is now in agony
from my repartee. The Rabbi lights the second candle tonight to be the first represented Day of
the covenant of the Temple of Jerusalem. Since there is seldom food found in the world in winter
we will just not describe the feast today. I think they must have eaten dates which were preserved
in urns then used to give life to insides of people still living needing food. Eye will not let you
SHRINK my Brain it needs to expend its synergy in words designed to pull the listener to the
understanding she whats Read then giving love to them the ewe the girls the friends. Eye did not
learn life from the books but then they helped. To let this poor suffering Jesus give this prose to
upper crusting nose please do not let my simpleton poetry poem now or ever will escape you or
brush my truth from sight these Temple Candles lighted here were lighted upp for Jesus Christ.
This is the Eighth Day counting down.
OR Day Two of Nine.
Nine Christmastime Days
This is the First Candle of the Hanukkiah
Judas Maccabeus kept the Covenant with God the Oil kept the light for eight days the ninth
candle is used to light the others symbolising the unrelenting God. You suffer the loss of your pet.
Or you took some suffering from the loved one. Listen to the poem in the music from Chopin.
Then go get Pink Floyd. When your life is filled with sadnesses then light the ninth candle now
then the first one tomorrow. Sit with self be forgiven feel the LORD inside of thee. Or other Faith
of Charity the Indians Chant the Holy Days they sing of life within the Tree the love is there for
all to see. Wish ewe were here with me beside me to love me to kiss my hands to hold me to fill my
heart with your love. Do you think you can tell? Cathedral in a Cage. Du du du ne ne ne How eye
Wish How eye wish you were here a walk on part in the war For a lead role in a cage sounds like
Cathedral in a Cage. Ewe you are the church sometimes all by yourself so alone without my
touch but yet your love is saving me my no regret forms lines in my Brain my love for you is not
for sale to give to them who cause your pain. Keep the secret in your safe keep me locked inside
hide me in your precious love. Eight days of loneliness celebrated in the nine of them
commemorative. This is the first the ninth Day of my love my Happy Hanukkah.
HanukkahIn Judaism,
an eight-day festival of dedication and lights that takes place at the beginning of December. It
celebrates the recapture of the Temple in Jerusalem from Antiochus IV of Syria in 164 BC by
Judas Maccabaeus, and its rededication.During Hanukkah, candles are lit each night and placed
in a nine-branched candlestick, or hanukkiah: this commemorates the Temple lamp that stayed
miraculously lit for eight days on one day's supply of oil until a new supply could be made,
demonstrating that God kept his covenant. There is one candle for each of the eight days
(an extra candle being lit to mark each day),
and a ninth with which to light the others.
The lights of Hanukkah symbolize the faith that must not die.
eye see the old JEWISH Rabbi holding out his hands in supplication
its very nice your poem
its too bad your just not Jewish.

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