Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Church Deacon Reverend Mortise

Church Deacon Reverend Mortise
The Preacher was out sick so the Deacon took his place in the pulpit he looked just like the Reverend its why they picked him in the first place. Open the book of Romans. We will be Christians like the Romans was. He did not get very far with his sermon the visiting Evangelist got up to dance in the Spirit when he started to shout HAlleluia about forty women got up to dance with him in front of the alter this took the place of the Deacon's sermon it was so bogus to start with there is not many old Roman Christian's. The Romans were the Legion of the Crucifiers the very ones who took Jesus from the Jews to the Cross. NOthing is ever good for the poor people in this Land religion is the poorest of the given to the RICH they preach money to be the established Way to live. Eye slept in the Church doorway near the Crematorium the Markers on the Wall represented the people who were dead then buried in the ashes there. But this will not be the final resting place for even them will be the Body once more in front of God they will soon find themselves standing for the Judgement Day will come. Eye am supposed to tell People about Jesus instead they wish to here about my sinfull past mistake's they seem intent on refuting my Salvation comes from Him. EYe choose the path of Faith the Blood of Jesus for my life. He commanded us to love one another help others not just yourself live for GOD but be sure you do nothing to make yourself into the Goody Two Shoe who lives for works. Do not intend to come from ground of grave with nothing in your hand to give the living GOD then brag of things you've done to him. Think of it like GOLD for weight of the soul. Your Body on the Scale. For what you get for the Body is not ever worth the Soul the fortune would not last the Eternity to spend the time with Him is the only Way to go. Some of you did see my poems like this one long ago but he blessed my hands to give me this one just in time for Christmas come. One more time Just Say Jesus then be done. See Romans Chapter 10 Verse 13. Jesus the Living GOD.

Church Deacon Reverend Mortise

Charles Robert Hice
It is evident that St. Paul understood the text of Joel as relating to our blessed Lord; and therefore his word κυριος must answer to the prophet's word יהוה Yehovah, which is no mean proof of the Godhead of Jesus Christ. If the text be translated, Whosoever shall invoke in the name of the Lord, which translation יקרא בשם יהוה yikra beshem Yehovah will certainly bear, yet still the term Yehovah, the incommunicable name, is given to Christ; because invoking in the name signifies soliciting one in the name or on the account of another. He who is invoked is God; he, in whose name he is invoked, is Jesus Christ, who is here called Yehovah. He who asks mercy from God, in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, shall get his soul saved.

Darkstone poet

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