Saturday, January 1, 2011


Prostrate Angels fall knees weeping for the Chinese culture stood for facebook Walls before the computor became our typewriter. IMplore you to be the Confederate embrace religion of the brotherhood please stop these annihilation attempts we need this planet to be pure when the Lord comes to find no radiation in this century. Big bullie of the north with the bigger stick turn it off let the switches to the nuclear weapons rot. You need to boil the eggs in China learn to eat the egg whites with the yellow add the SALT for Israel unleavened vine for figs not thorns be good people learn to shake the dancing hands. You need love you people seem to need more love then other Orientals do not give into your Prime Donna Uniformed totalitarian anger give yourselves time to grow into persons of distinction drop the thumb on pictures of love use the things in your mind which have been given to you to create evidence of GOD. Make love not war is the path to Peace the Apocalypse will come without your bidding let GOD decide the millenniums you go choose one more Day of Peace let freedom become your battledore. We Wait for your intelligent decision signed the whole world full of people in it.

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