Sunday, January 30, 2011


Every dime store novel western they did the hero left the initials GTT on the door to his Cabin fever running in him to blaze the Way to Tejus. Now eye find myself somewhere inhospitable to eye wish to GOD eye could just stay here this time. Eye go but not willingly hesitatingly into the old highway walking forever one more time. Pilgrim is the namme. My instinct for these things is telling me to start out in March but things here deteriorate some more so eye might go before the cold is completely gone. GGT. Gone to Tejus. GGG gone to Galveston. God Willingly. The streets here full of fighting gangs Rome the streets the campus is open the drunks go in then out just past where eye sit typing this the skaters the bikers the users the killers they shout they wish to bring my bones down to the pit the open rode will not be no worse then this. The limits of the finite mind will not prevail eye will limp 400 miles to see the Gulf to feel the beech under my butt. One impression of the Waves when the sky is blue then sunny one more smile of endless days before eye die the cold of night balanced against the warm breezes from the Oceans see. Eye will find bye Faith some other place for me to be. No one of us is truley free. ONe more effort to be me.

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