Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jared Lee Loughner Insane.

Jared Lee Loughner
Critically Ill.
No Way out he will be ultimately executed. There is one student here in this New Mexico University he is telling his girlfriend he should do just what Loughner did down in Arizona. The boy is not the fighter he is thin no muscles but when he pointed his finger then brought it up in place just like the Glock eye cringed then it got me angry got me mad. The sooner the better give him Jesus iff he don't need or want Jesus give to him death. Eye think Jesus should be the option. Loughner could dance in the Holy Ghost down in every southern mission getting soup getting laid in silk PJs. Eye will be merciful to him who gives mercy. But to him who hurts people he is the devil now. Confidentially to Loughner. You better hope they do not putt you in the Prison there. Bubbas got no sense of humor just that strange sort of homo justice. Uppend in the muddle of your cell blocked. Did you get my drift. No soap. Just bend over. Goodbye to Loughner my God have mercy on your soul. The press is showing no mercy because you offed important people well let me tell you Killer Kreep the worst one to us public users is the little nine year old girl. She is asleep in Jesus. Singing with his Angels. Unless you get religion Mighty quick your about to embark to your eternity of fire with brimstone. Smirking there wont help you no one sees or cares the flames will punish you forever in the dark. When eye wanted to write this eye eye wanted you to feel the hate eye got for you but eyem the Christian not even feeling sorry for you now just hoping they get it over quickly let you die. We the people of AmeriKa do not wish for you to sit in prison eating solid food. Get the smirk off your face get relay ready to die now K is for Killer K is for Kreep K is for Loughner in the deep end of Grave. OR show some remorse for what you did start screaming for Jesus. He is the only one GOD who could even help you now.

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