Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Tooth broke the uppers are broke even off and they stopped hurting so eye began trying to live with the constant pain now the lower jaw has betrayed me with a broken jaw tooth this sucker is hurting. It is only the food eye eat getting trapped when eye use my tooth pick wisely the pain mostly stops the thing is so loose eye can wiggle it with my finger this may be causing it to hit a nerve from time to time. At this moment eye have not taken medicine TODAY is Fathers Day SUnday and the tooth is not hurting now after Pizza Slice with Peach CObbler. Eyem drinking a Strawberry drink with lime. Eye found an antihistamine tablet capsule in my computor bag eye only took the one that was already broken open not the seal but the white powder eye think eye got most of the medicine ah ah ah
blah blah blah and so it goes on to say blah blah blah
you must understand me its what eye MEANT to say not what is written here ici become the written poem then decide just what it is eye meant for you to see blah blah blah eye spy the garden flower in the flower garden glowing the purple radiation makes the flower huge the purple flower will top two stories it will grow without the water without the food fed by radiation from Japan My sister told me life is Pain it is supposed to be painful. You got your wish my tooth is miserable. Playing cards with Jack slap your Jack Jack play the Jack Jack Go fish Jack Jack the deck Jack and finally the halitosis you think they did not notice but here is what they told each other when you left the room. The boy smells not just bad but like unto a cadaver eye swear he smells like he has been dead for three days. He bathes in the river stinks. Yes Peter your pater mater said this. The turtle writes a poem with the pads of its feet as it walks a long way with its house on its back it looks for food with each pad pad pad pad of its four little feet it gets the checkered flag it wins the race against the wicked white rabbit leaving pellets in the grass it goes so fast but sleeps too much in love eye write this poem now its gone the turtle won as time plods along eye forget my pain when doing my work of making a poem of prose no rhyme or reason but hope

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