Thursday, December 17, 2009


A They must have detected my settings I am an ANdroid I change the computor a little so my email seems more normal to the humans beings. B The student that called in the Threat had a final test and could not face
it. C The ADministrator of this Lieberry called it in to have a day offing extending CHristmas vacation time in the offing. D It was Chee my new friend NO. HE at least was looking for FOOD today. NO one on campus or in the lieberry could have done it. It was a systematic panic button lock down for the younger schools was closed down all the campuses were suspected suspects. A good effort by Authorites to save as many lives as plausable I must say I am IMpressed at such a Mass Hysteria reduced. IN breaking news a man robbed the Licquour Store near Walmart with an Empty SHopping bag he filled it with JackDaniels once then tried to leave the store without paying. Butt the SWAT teamed up. They got him with the M16s at the door where he was handcuffed taken inn shaken down to the Jail to neverrobnomore. Once there HE asked them for his ONE PHONE CALL. Where he dialed the number of the SCHool House Lawyer scratched there on the wall of his cell. Still INebriated HE said to THEM : " I got bombed. I need money I need more MONEY I need more failure to communicate. I need to get BOMBED again some more " And this is WHY they CLOSED the Campuses of ALL the SCHools on TheBombThreat Day. SO sore.

Monday, December 14, 2009


It was a Tuesday no it was a Monday I think it started on that Saturday but It was early for the Seasoning. They carried paint guns they wore that armor for it is heavy and does not work well in the snow. They played a fooly on poor young Tommy. They found a short hill so HE would not be afraid to board it. They found some hidden trees where he would likely smack them. The snow was also hiding a hidden boulder no one saw it there. Poor Tommy fired his paint gun. Smacked the boulder way too hard. Everybody ran into the tree line trying to hide. They all fell into the hunters trap line. In a great big net they hung there while Tommy was going ON the board to get into the MedIVac. This never really happened except in animation from the charlaxandroidoneseven justintime for CHristmas pie. Bald. Horse meat is good substitute for CHicken. NO eye am only teasing. It must be the altitude dude. At least I was too smart to make a camp outside at Telluride. Be sure to obverse your childrens activities in the SnowDaY.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


They say STAY out of polotics and religion I say poet pour it on. Poetpoor. Talk to them take Jesus for a side of beef he flayed the speare pointe thrust he took the hit. Attaque the status assembled que. Hit them below the belt iff they is girly men hit them above the snow line iff they is women. Let them knoe when the public does not like it. Let them knoe when they have gone too far on streets of manure linned with passages of words in the dust. Take the thrust meant for others that cannot speak remember prisoners let them talk with your mouth let them poet with your pen. Let them begin to have that voice a poet has the right of admissions the right of assembly the right to redress those issues no one will touch a poet he is usually just dust. The dust speaks the stones cry out for justices. Poet pore that blood poet pore those encapsuled notes into the measure of GOD RULES in love. Say the namme of Jesus its okay. 666 has come today. The end of time is nigh I can feel the Breathe of Satan down my neck as I prepare to give the LORD my Head. Death is life instead. For as I poet pour my life into the living and the WORD I feel no dread. Poetpour.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

CHristian, Communist, Capitalist

CHristian, Communist, Capitalist
detracting headway marking in ruins the end of this world comes the beginning of Jesus Sorrows on this world the edge of the ruination of the beginning of the rule of Satan and the Mark of the Beast is coming call it 666. CHRISTIAN : CH i have this shirt on my back thats extra to me i can take it off and give it to someone that does not halve one on or better yet that needs it to stay warm iff i have not sweated on it yet I will do this CHristian thing. COMMUNIST: CO i have this shirt i made i cant take it off i must get another one iff i ihave to steal one from another poor communist i will do this and yet i knoe that it is wrong to take anothers work and yet and yes i will do this COmmunist thing. Capitalist: CA i have this shirt i bought i pay to have it cleaned i pay to have it neat both starched and irony. I will keep this shirt forever i will do this CApitalist thing.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


CharlaXWIll CLIV.
The little love god charlax lying frozen in his sleep
Laid by his side his heart-inflamed branded with a 99 cent cola from Mount Shasta,
Whilst many lesbian nymphs that vowed chaste life to keep
Came tripping each other in my dream;
but in her maiden hand
The fairest votary took up my candle flame
Which many legions of true hearts had warmed with girls desires;
And so the general of hot desire
Was, sleeping, by anear two lesbians hands disarmed.
This brand they quenchèd in a cool well by locomotion,
Which from Love's fire took heat perpetual as they move together like as one,
Growing a Pinocchio’s nose and healthful remedy,
For men diseased; but I, my mistress'es thralls they squeeze as like as one they please,
Came there was two of them and this by that I love the feel of them:
Love's fire heats water once, then water cools love twice in sleep I rise.
Bye CharlaXWill

Monday, November 30, 2009


Dear JIM: I do not make much money at the BAR and Grille on tips. Most of the other girls get a lot more money I think they must be turning tricks. And my tattoe shows a lot of men dont really like them. In between work and home I meet a man COULD be my husband soon. HE is a Greek Typhoon like the Island. One of those rich men with a boat tied up. He climbs inside the flaps and hides there I dont think he pays the parking lot attendent will tow it off iff he is not carefully there. He is drunk all the time but he has never hit me IM a lady but he does abuse his poor little boy poor little fellow gets no candy and has two black eyes on one side JIM do you understand me this is JANET. Like the one he had before healed up and he got it again all over the top. What a sad man he turned out to be. WHO? The Greek not his son you can see his love at least he is too small to understand what they done. JIM I am sorry that I ever left you.

Friday, November 20, 2009


Once saved always saved. Jesus Christ today is mostly a curse on peoples lipps when something goes awry a bad thing comes to them. The early Jews had Yahwah they wold not even say his namme for Reverance sakes. Moses never spit beside that Burning Bush and cursed Oh Jesus Christ He may have said please turn off those special affects but no I must digress reiterate He never even knew the mans namme. Jesus Christ the Poem. A flat is not an option rent too high near town the ground is never cold inside the shelter now. Jesus Christ its cold outside. Jesus Christ my food is good. Jesus Christ I love mye hood. My gloves and glasses all my lasses. Jesus Christ mye life is good to suffer homelessness in woods. The broken tooth that Arizona gave me the socks I wear the smell it drives me crazy. The life inside the love she gave me. Jesus Christ. What happy thoughts at Thanksgiving time. The love I have is mine and shared with her no end in sight have a happy Thanksgiving. Oh Jesus CHrist.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


A Paroday of Water on the Moon
There is bread on Uranus. There is only Twelve FIve Galleions BUckets of water in the valley of the moon. But the hills are alive on Uranus all of them are diffearant kinds of breaded loaves. Stay Tuned. Each man carried a CObalt Blue Phazor capable of melting a Solid ROck Hill into molten lavae Steel. No one noticed the Padre Jjhon Miesterson as he backed away from the group he never carried the Phazor they had givin him. A true son of GOD in his religion. He waved his arms around them and seemed sure of himself as iff the ground was made of Bread to feed them. They had come to Georgium Sidus a distance from Earth of 2,870,990,000 km on the only SOLID fueled CObalt Blue Radiation ROcket in existance. They were not wearing helments the outside temperature was Kelvin. Hydrogen, Helium, Methane clearing his helment when the Captain walked up behind the Padre Jjhon Miesterson was breaking a A ROCK into with his bare hands and eating half of what looked like a pound round loaf of Bread. Each Hill is a differant TYPE of Bread he told the Captain this one is Roman Meal there is lots of Bread here 8.686 x 1025 kg The Padre looked up and smiled. Captain THompson of the Starship CObaltprize grimaced up at the figure floating across the ground toward them when the Padre said Oh look Captain theres Jesus. Jesus Said unto them I am the Bread of Life. This Nth Planet from your SUN how did you arrive. Oh wait I can SEE you came to Heaven in a CObaltprize on a Solid ROcket Booster flies so you must now leave in your ROcket the same way that you got here but please take some bread with you to Earth. For I still believe in feeding my enemies. ASIDE the Lord said when these BOZOS leave eye can reassemble this place back into the ROcks its really made up of. Just wait until they find out what that WATER is I left there on the moon. They will never make a moonbase there for NASA cant drink angels leave there droppings there and here. What did you THINK that bread was. BreadOnUranus.

Monday, November 16, 2009


When thou shalt be disposed to light mye fire at night;
And place my feet in the eye of delight,
Upon thy side against myself I'll Play it Pianissimo
And prove thee morals virtuous, though thou art love foresworn. With mine own weakness, being best acquainted with mye own things of lusting,
Upon thy ALimony I can set down a story sell it for the money then apply it to the remnant,
Of faults concealed, wherein I am attainted for bye necessity I hide my play from public eyes for all illegal;
That thou in losing me behind the curtain shalt win the much moore glorius love.
And I by this will be a regainer too and also;
For bending all my loving thoughts on self while pity sakes has asked you not get bent,
The injuries that to myself I do in stimulation artful emulation,
Doing thee vantage in imitation of thy parte, double-vantage me with mye parte so long.
Such is my love entrusted, to thee I so belong as unto selfe,
That for thy right thing myself will bear my own thing all wrong.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


I am CharlaXJack. The WaX is what i do to prose poetry. The Crowded People roared with Laughter they proposed a toast to CharlaX the Poet then they pressed on they passed the hat come back. They said we were gonna build a Statue FOur Feet tall in Buckley Park to reflect your poets stature in this Community continuaely a remainder of you here. But I derided this idea. I had to decline such a generous offered because I reflected too much I said my feelings were hurt for I am not that short. Besides they still make Temples for that sort of stuff since CharlaX is not ever a GOD. They told me they were gonna make it out of Aluminum cans it would be too bright out in that Sumner Sun bouncing back from the snow blind back to CharlaX. They even drew a notebook in my hand they called it a CharlaX Chapbook on a standing on an Onion Sacked. Limning the surface of my poverty like Kerouac. Inn DUrango one block past Main Street in the rear Building there of the Law Offices is SMilin~Jacks Picture it surprised me they would be fans of homeless poetry. I stopped not saluting but smiling I was happy this picture of my Jack Kerouac was there in HIstorically a square window. It made me a better Saturday. TOday is short like this sweet poem homeless now and published once then gone. I hope Kerouac is smiling down from Heaven now to make him proud I decided to make a Food Poem. I saw Food in a Blendor. OR how can people eat that pulp with any kind of consistancy. After meal time during the next day comes deposit time rolls around like a large roll of teletype paper. Basically they could plop that pulp back into the blendor and reuse it at the least once more. How is your day? People need to eat stuff with there teeth then chew it with there belly. Not pulp plop consisting of pare jelly. Meat for the belly and the belly for that meat. Both shall perish fastor with the use of that blendor. I rolled a bycicle down that highway that has two rubbers just as tired as Jack was in his car at night over taxed and homeless. CharlaX rhymes with Kerouacs poetry. CharlaXJackWaX.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


All GOLD is Fools Gold. We decided that we wanted to limit people to NO hat at all in the Lieberry hall. But then we saw John F. Reeds Hair dew outside near the Animals Hall no wait thats ANimus Hall you idiot. So we decided everyone can have only one hat but than it got cold and even snowed. We soon decided to be bold allowing morethenonehat Rule number one. Morethenonehat Rule Number One says Hoods are not hats but people wear them over and under the hat but we do not have a hat limited at this time SO who is counting hats and hoods is not a regulation. The cap is under Sports. See Sports Rules and Regulations for cap. Turbines is under Foreign Exchangers Rules and Regulations. See that Sticker that says All GOLD is Fools Gold. This is a reminder to be aware of our Security Policy. Security Rules and Regulations. Rule Number One. A PreWrapped Turbin can contain many things most of them called Contraband. We DO ask them now to remove the Turbins at the door to the Lieberry and Check them at the desk. We are not checking Wool Hats or baseball Caps or hat bands or Brimes (see our no hassle Policy) for all Hats and Hoods mentioned in Rules and Regulations. Aforementioned Policey falls under the Header of Administration Restrictions just go try to download something on your Lieberry Computor. Copy and past a copy of the Rules and Regulations. this is the missing e. HatRule.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Is a long way from the Hacienda To the City from my door Senor~
Is a long way from the Hacienda from my door from my door Senor~ Is a long way from the Hacienda to the City Senorita~ Is a long way from the Hacienda to the door Senorita~ There she is. Is a long way from the Hacienda to her door to the City Senorita~ Mye lady stands looking for my Senorita~ is She calls mye namme with her love splendid want. Is a long way from the Hacienda PAPA from my door to the city Today as I walk. Is a long way from the Hacienda to the city from my door Senor~ e Senorita~. EN Franco. TheLoveSOng TheHaciendaDOor reste un long chemin de l'Hacienda à la ville depuis la porte de ma Senor ~ est un long chemin de l'Hacienda de ma porte de ma porte Senor ~ est un long chemin de l'Hacienda à la Senorita City ~ est un long chemin de la Hacienda de la porte Senorita ~ Là, elle est. Est un long chemin de l'Hacienda à sa porte pour la senorita City ~ Mye dame fait la recherche de mon Senorita ~ est Elle appelle namme mye avec son amour splendide voulez. Est un long chemin de l'PAPA Hacienda de ma porte à la ville en tant Aujourd'hui je marche. Est un long chemin de l'Hacienda à la ville de ma porte Senor Senorita ~ e ~.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


Too DUrango Public City Lieberry.
WHen I left you the doorway closed permantely behind me like a screen door catching flies. Sealing the area no longer FREE to me. Too take away any resource too then pretend too harbringer Knowledge of the Public Bumpkin. Eye give you back your ADministraited Lieberry mye head on a SIlver SLavery in this Country is still against mye Laws. Do not even tell me you are helping me then BLocking me from DOwnloads which is still only a COmputor FUnction. WHile I ask a CharlaX question of your eye. WHy is nuts so expensive in a Nutcan in the store but so much cheaper iff you buy a bag of Trail MIx out the door you have to sort out the nut you want from all them raisone things that you cant or wont eat them things is it still worth it just to get your Nut? You can keep your FLuxus Lieberry daily says D.A.CharlaX.Levy

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Is it GOD will, HIS image eye should keep
My heavy eyebrows to the weary sleep?
Dost thou desire mye holy rollers should be broken
While shadows of mine enemy do mock mine night?
Is it GOD spirit that thou send'st to mee from Christ
So far from highway into my shelter with no privey,
To find out where can I pee away thine idle hours found inn me,
The scope and tenure of GOD jealousy?
O, no, thy love, so much, is greater when I must sleep:
It is my GOD that keeps mine pet skunk awake,
Mine own true lover that doth mye slumber takes away,
To play the overseer ever for GOD sake.
For Bebe watch I, whilst GOD dost wake elsewhere,
Unlest she somehow spray me, with others all too near,
while CharlaXSLept while CharlaX sleeps while Bebe eats.

Saturday, October 17, 2009


I really have no time to hit each like and link I would never write the big one done THE prose the stinking rose that wins that boobey prize it flees the time away from eye suppose. I will relate to you the tedium the tandem dressing drink the 2 liter soda shove them booties on and go from store to home iff someone yells at me I yell right back. A little snore a few minutes more sleep then out the door onto the bike to highway hangging on to daylight. I advance down the road toadie on my way to this Lieberry into Glories in this City scaping scrounging Coffee on my way I gather more things than I may ever need to use them. Butt I refuse to be a bare naked CharlAX inn the snow. I may need more dry changes clean to just stay warm this winter I try to do a lot on Facebook but I am sorry for it seams. I also miss a lot to do there and so this is a poem of apopoleptic apology. I simply must now apoligize to all my Facebook Friends again I can not possibly relate to all the things all of you do each and everyday. I try to like the links you post I like to say hello to most I hit some apps return some gifts and poke poke poke. But mostly I wind up stuck in Documents just typing this scritch scratch scatheing creating erasing poem making conniving convincing writer of Prose Poetry attempting Fate. While still relating words of unlearned understanding worm to set before your eyes. This dubious fest try just to imagine a large white plate before you with one item to be eaten there in the Middle of your day suddenly there on your wall or written in his notes or on his wall in a note or photo album is this new CharlaX Poem.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


He stood there a Tall drink of water his Mall for driving spikes was in his hands, I had just got threw telling him that I did not want to think of him as a human being because he drinks more beers then me, and I had never seen him sweating. He laughed his smile he told me thats because I have a girlfriend she drinks most of the beers I buy. I was wringing wet. My jumpsuit was clinging to me too, wet to dry properly all summer long even in this summer sun the foreman was a Cowboy. It was so hot humidity and temp was hot. Everytime I pulled a shovel of that miry Red Clay from underneathe that Railroad Tie and sailed it off my shovel full to the side of them long tracks, He smiled his laugh. A foreman to the corps. You are leaving another dead Indian out there. I almost cried. Too proud to Quit just because I was working for the Bosses Brother In Law. I tamped some more Rocks certain that iff I got bigger ones large enought the gravel would finally break the Tie one day. The other workers noticed this Both Black men semi retired most all of Seventy Five. One of them took my shovel from my hand. He pointed too the smallest Gravel he could find you fill your shovel with this smaller stuff we aer tamping Ties not Rocks. This JOB was tought. I kept on tamping the larger stuff the Rock was meant to build my strength up after all I was now digging up them Indians from underneathe them Ties. I was strong and tough working in that Summer Sun was fun. Sweating out them beers I drank too much at night. Back to the track. The foreman slapped his Mall on the rail having warned us first he was still the White man after all. The Plates fell off the bolts where he had used the torch let go the Rail was twisting like a noodle does one end still a noodleing attached to bolts still placed on plates. The Rail almost got me but just missed what can I say it was a Good Lord Day. I saw him cringe for all his tough ways he thought that Rail had GOT me. He hurried over to where I was still prancing on each foot a little dancing side to foot in place to avoid the Railroad Rail, still somehow moving like a Snake. He smiled his laugh at me, Why arent you hurt then he said this Let me tell you BOY, these Rails soak up some heat is why they twist like that when I cut them bolts off with this Acytelene Torch of Bosses. It was a nightmare in your Daytime, for I am the Devils Nephew. I just dragged the new Rail into place and fit the longer bolts in twisting them both back out into the bucket and finding two more old ones much shorter that would actually fit them plates I took my Railroad Wrenched and twisted them no trace of sweat at all the jumpsuit now a Uniform I was still thankfull for a JOB, still working for my Absentee Boss and this Foreman He had hired his sisters Husband my Bosses Brother-In-Law, the Devils Nephew. We never whistled out there on them Tracks while we were working on the Railroad.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


hush little charlax dont you cry momma gonna buy you a larger size nail them nails them coffin nails momma gonna buy you a special grail when that olemissyriverbird begins to singe momma gonna rock them businesses namme no nammes no brand nammes and still make complaints okay here goes its a breakfast place and rhymes with Lennys bruce was there he gave me plenty grief no special prices for a thief in time no coffee brought to you at booth without a breakfast bought at this regular price order now over to the coffee place now get a discount price is right get a dressing down with every cupp look out they are laughing in the back at you out the door to pay regular over to the fancy place with DISCDollars for a namme I want the internet added advertisement for shame you must bring to us a coupon from the internet to play with coffee good and plenty go back and print one out then over to the grocery at least they gave to me a coupon with a free cupp of (dubious size) iff thats a tall size then I could never order a small one would be nonexistant sorry try again to hit me with a freebe

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


I am still afraid to die. A dog tied to all the living vista visages. Better than to be a dead hero unforgiven. I noticed all the faces of the people who lived here in this Small City, COlorado, DUrango. They were steadfast in the snow. They were poorly dressed for so cold a clime. Yet not a whimper of regret did I detect on vista vistages no helplessness. They lived in it. They shoveled it. They travelled in it. Walked on bridges with them vista visages had the commerce necessary to converse while they traverse simply they lived best. Perhaps the danger lies. Perhaps as long as I stay dry back and forth in Snow will finally make a man of me unless it kills me first. Then I will die all my younger youthful fears were justified. Please just remember this I stayed I tried to keep a Faith house alive near Vista Visages.

Monday, September 21, 2009


ninjja hairey
I was so busy in my mind. But then i lost it. I wanted this one to tbe the classic poet remake. I think i found the theme iff not the words. Hate. TOday is hate day. Pornography needs to be cleaned up. MOvies about love are needed any size group is still appreciatied. But untie my people let them go from bondage this is what i hate. "It seems the murder took place as part of a sexual bondage fantasy," he said yesterday. URBAN LEGEND it seems i have seen these things happen as well as just surmisse them a Detecative mind searches for answers. Zuckerberg said that Facebook's goal with Beacon was to create a simple mechanism for members to share information with their friends about their lives outside of the site. It had to be "lightweight," he wrote, so it wouldn't get in the way of what people were doing on the Web. Ninjja Hairey will go to blazes when she dies. Someone like that will not die peacefully. Perhaps she will get aids. Or they will have to search for all the parts and pieces of her in the car crash. Its all just part and pieces of the budjet cutting neo Nazi ruling of the masse of Salmon Rush dies they do indeed they leap upstream to afford a copy of the Satanic Verses has been banned for masquraiding as prose the odour of a skunk in someone elses nose is praise to one in need while 666 has come at least to only one librarian. She needs glasses enters building code laughing at the door still locked behind her she is standing nakedly yearning for she is greed as no one comes or calls. The state Attorney General’s Office has charged Nina Silchuk with first-degree theft and defrauding Medicaid, which provides money to the poor. She failed to appear for her arraignment Thursday in King County Superior Court and a warrant was issued for her arrest. I got this is a web crawler search. Imagine this conversion Why do you still write such awefull sorties call them prose when you yourself must knoes CharlaX would be banned in all them German Countries still at war. Ithoughtthiswasapoem.

Friday, September 11, 2009


Tem per a tic. NOT temp er atic. Not Tempor temper Temp or attic. Tem per a tick. I took my index finger placed it in my mouth I wet it all over with my tongue then took it out. I took my index finger placed out in the wind I felt the coldest side then off I went to follow men. I took my index finger placed it on the trigger of the gun. I never pulled the hammer down I walked like the crab in the light of the sun. I followed Jesus then I left and went away. I neared the light but then I frowned. The Earth is not my home but here I stay yet all alone. A lonesome finger in the wind without a home a temperatic figure growing cold. CharlaXDEfinition : Windtemperatic : the direction a wet finger indicates in the cold wind. ie. North. Usually and old.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


high noon paroday version
Gunnslinger lifted up his glass He stopped and stared hard at the clock upon the wall of the bar stool under him his back so straight no fear upon His face but it was hot in this place. His forehead beaded sweat He streached his hand He lifted up his drink again this time He drank. Here is what He said inside his head His thoughts spilled out spelled out for us for having read. I am fast I am a lawman come to bring lefty back to justice. My holster is not new but old and oiled, the tie down on the trigger hammer pulled back to keep to keep the gunn from blowing off my toe. I am old, but so is he and slow is what they are telling Me. He shoots too wide can't hit what he is aiming at the barn door closed is safe no bullit holes or splintered jamb no battered loft above the door. I drank the whisky neat and quick so that it did not touch my tongue don't like the taste of it in a hurry now to get the JOB done. The CLock says one minute till HighNooN. I stepped into the street He came out of the sun. My back was to the shadows waiting paitently as he slowed in front of me I saw him Cheat and that surprised me he was using his right hand was closer to his gunn. I saw surprize inside his mind when My bullit smacked into his gullet he dropped his barking gunn for I have won. The Train ride home the casket of this man I shot my badge was earned but no ones knoes the secret cost this Lawwman's work is done.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Please don't call me Sharlax. CH as in CHA. CHA as in Charles. The Charl is like as in a churlish imp a young jew boy all limp and uncut version. The AX is for the Cross of Jesus. Say it with that hard CH not charlots speel it charlotte like the shallot as in seafood on the halveshelled. I, CHARLAX, bought my little notebook where I still pen my dreams drawn in blood I must have bought a thousand of them when still a teen in school they hated me how they must have hated me. My dreams to be a poet not a bloody Actor on the stage. How important yet impotent. RequestDenied. They even carried Jesus to the grave.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


666revisedrevisitedoncemore 666revisedrevisitedoncemorePicture Identication is required. Photo ID. Do you have an address in COlorado. DO you have a place to stay. Homeless ??? Oh no sir not when we find your nesting place. !!! Lets examine this again travellors and visitors from all over the world come into a given place most every day none of them are legal residents of the state. Many important and RICH $$$ people go incognito. Undercover policemen pose as old men bums. To infiltrate the systematic changes that society places on an infertile man not bristling with weapons not shaking in fear at jackbooted nazi reaching tearing home from backpack to keep it then incinerate it. Knives and gasoline was never meant to be the chosen weapon of policemen. How dare the threaten me's I have recieved. What is a citizen even a homeless one should be treated with dignity and at least offered a chance to abscond the incarceration is against the law. I seem to be wanting to protest being locked up even when it has not happened to me yet or at least not yet where now I am at or even in a very long long time ago. Can I remember it Oh yes I can. I can see the place they burnt my sleeping bag the WOMAN cop had a knife behind her belt but when I looked where she had pointed I got scared cause it was gone. Mabe just mabe she would have used it on someone of lessor smarts. When the men arressted me they said my Alchohol content on the breathalizer was only .30 not bad they said you are not really drunk. I had only had three beers that day. Because. They said because you are homeless. I was in jail FIVE days and when I returned to the scene of this crime my things were burnt unto a cinder. I found the beers as well as the remains of bed I bet the FEMALE copper laughed when they exploded in the gasoline flame they made. Do I stay angry. Let me ask the average JOE homeowner schmo. What would you do IFF you came home to find it rubble and ashed. Think about this last 666revisedrevisitedoncemore.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

" I Married Let's Be Annies"

" I Married Let's Be Annies" u is an Upside down n b is d turn it around and see o is also o in retrospect." I Married Let's Be Annies" When I get home I am greeted there by kisses two of them not one kiss I kiss them both its better than most people get there none. Even when they had one they was too hung up to get that one too often or too long taught from Birth by Satan that its wrong to love. I come between my wives and lie to them aside I smile and glad to be alive I linger there where neither of them touch I love to be where they are not. An ANNdroid loves. He uses sight not touch. A Voyeur peeking undercover from the time it takes to love. I like four of some things. Two of others. Not just one of any loving. And when depression fails to overcome me I cast my bread upon the waters meaning love. I kiss and then I kiss I sigh and then I sigh. I do everything I do at least three times. Because I married let's be annies at sunrise. Please look more carefully at the picture turn it upside and it spelles ELLE NU. Surprise. I love both of you.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Mueller Train

The Mueller Train Jack MuellerJack Mueller was a stony faced old mule driver from Kansas City. He was a mormom. Jack was hard tacked a decent docent fellow but brutish as his mule where it does count. Standing in the lead of that Train on that narrow path. Whipping the air making it crack. Never touching the mule with the cracker. The harness was getting old the leather creaking. The Blinders were not made for mule but horse. One eye of Jenny kept peering under to see the edge but Driver Jack kept moving for the train must go on. The stench of left under wheels and hooves mulching in misstepped apprehension. The added stress of the long deep ravine the flies the flies the ever present flies. One step more the wrong direction life is over for the leader of the Train. The Strain would be unbearable for most lessor men of lessor stuff. Crack went the whipped Crack went the wheel suddenly snapped the axle gone the whole precarious wagon was leaning to the left hangging over the edge peering down into the desert abyss. Jenny took the falter left the edge with wagon Jack grabbed the harness went down with his ship. He was screaming but the distance soon made it unheard to the others they had stopped and there they stayed until they learned something of the outcome. The wagon landed in a miricle the mule was under Jack they sort of collided like worlds gone mad. He pulled his hand from harness where he had twisted it to stay forever thinking that at least he would have the mule up there in Heaven. Gideon would have been proud of the bray of that Mule Jenny. He unhooked her from her burden and together they walked back up to that Train. At least he would not go threw that again. The Mueller Train.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


JesusShavesMeewe.iciIt is starting fights in bars it is unnerving the bravest foe it makes love to images it sees when used in love at proper times can be amusing to us all beauty can be seen or held at bay or eaten as a candy evil eye to some an omen of coming destruction sight for blind iff given by the Lord from Heaven a Jesus can. Sighting down a Gun Barrel a hunter sees his foe his love a man can squeeze that trigger then jerk his meat feed his family in winter Hide can be a place to go get warm. Yes, Jesus Shaves me. Who has a razor bladed but who grows a mess upon my face my hair is out of place who shaves the upper cheeks to look a little less a Wolf. He gives me life for Who has died. He gives me food for who still eats he gives me sight for who still writes and reads. He may be inside of people all around but who no longer sees my Jesus in them shaven face frowns. Thought sometimes seeing groups of singers saying Jesus even they ignore the total stranger not wanting to be blessed by Jesus Shaves Me. Yes, Jesus Shaves Me He gives me coat and hat He gives who boots to walk upon the winter tarmac. Singing songs and hymns and fooling masses Yes, Jesus Shaves Me.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Who was home early in the Summer Sweltering Shelter the drinks are only cool in the shaded heat. The old one from yesterday left here is colder than the one who brought today from town misspent the time could not find FORD on river. Who alternates his drink sucking at them both bottles in this heat as soda dwindles from both containers who heard the SatyR coming like as a two legged deer walking. There is no mistaking the sound of them Golden Cloven Hooves : Clip Clip Clip Clop Clop Clop Clop Clip Clip Clop Clip Clip. He clicks and minces with each step the eldest of all gods His Bearded Countance all wooly on both ends but something like a leering human where it counts like a Satan Lancealot come down from Heaven full of love. The only clue of whereabouts the smell that awefull smell of wet wool too long left out to breed all sorts of sinfull smells. His fingertips were sparkling fire of flames the Devil does not smoke nor chew naught but profane remedies red chinese berries he finds growing in the grass on Mountain sides and overpass. The only pathway taken by the mirass of gas sucking intake engines whinning as they throttle up to overtake the carcasses of deer or carapace of who. Who could not kiss them dark black lipps he pulls them over fang of over larger tooth. Who frowns as SatyR almost smiles. Who is glad as Satan leaves and goes away : Clip Clip Clip Clop Clop Clop Clop Clip Clip Clop Clip Clip.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Computor changes Numbers so random changes change with each random reservation and cancellations change late assignees signing in five minutes late can change the total assignation designation and the Inputt Terminal has a differing view of overall differing areas nothing else changed but the place that I was making the reservation from but the length of the time the same amount of waiting period but now who has a differant number as a final destination. I had two extensions on a session when i left quite certain that this thing now has a reservation i noticed one available computor. It was still open so strang. So guess where the Inputt Terminal sent me back to the Computor i was using for one more hour session. So why did not who get all his full extensions. Here is what most probably occured. The third extension came and went without a word of register in time but who reserved his own computor time, available no longer but red reservation letters with my TIME my login clearly available NOW, someone else snagged the Green One. No Reservation needed now for the Indian. For them not for who must follow through the system. I reserved a Computor at the Upstairs INputt Terminal. YOu guessed it it was Number FOUR. I now had a weight of 55 minutes. I walked downstairs to the DownStairs Inputt Terminal. There i was given a reservation for Computor 6 but with the same 55 minute weight. Since nothing else was changed except the area of the Inputt Terminal, who has decided the Computor is a Sentient creature and must also be able to think at least in differant ways in differant areas it thinks most differantly. UNLESS someone upstairs was making a reservation simultaneously with who now down the stairs. He (the INdian) no doubt has Number Four reserved in 55 minutes more. Who has Number 6 in 55 minutes. Only the Computor really knoes. It's Sentient.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Giddy Bag

A Giddy Bag
A Giddy Bag
A giddy bag is only merely a nylon bag with a draw string it is not good for carrying weighed heavy things but it is designed for light weight carry such as a sleeping bag rolled. The namme may be a throwback to GiddyUpGO and old wild west term a Cowboy may have said this to his Horse after leaping into the Saddle from that high rock jump. OUCH. Who always said they must have very tight jeans on to land like that and still chase after them bad men. While who is penning this who wants everyone just to remember that most Cowboys just was reacting to being jumped on by trail thugs they were not heroes or Sherriffs or rangers except for Lone. Lone Ranger. Ouch. What punning er penning. Roll this one up and putt it in your Giddy Bag pardner then pull the Drawstring tight on your GiddyBag goodnight.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Solar Winds still trace an oblong orbit where third planet from its sun was racing on its Celestial pathway around the SUN is Black a hot Coronae Haloe the only evidence of its trace. For one day the ugly Creatures there impaled the Living Christ of GOD upon a tree. Killing in Crucifixtion the only means to live a life COnfusion is now the Ruler of the BlackSun. We have heard there was a Judgement day. The Lord now risen from the Dead took SOULS from Earth to Heaven where they play while somewhere left forever lay others in BlackSun. A lake of Fire and Brimestone was always there like an Evil Eye in SKY of Earth a silent witness to the Evil under Sun. Perhaps GOD reached down from heaven after Book of Life was closed and putt away. We think He grabbed the Earth in a giant nailscarred hand perhaps a Single Dropp of Blood left on the Hillside of GOlgotha. He took The World with all the Dead Souls there and tossed it up spinning like a curve baseball into SUN. There is the Flames of Hell sputtering and Black at Judgement come. The Second Death is the lake of Fire and Brimestone. AJudged the little SOlar System stopped. NOw working like a clock which spring has sprung. All remaining Planets just exploded a little pile of stones where each one was. Today the Intersteller Mappers took off the Milkeyway from Routes Venues Areas and Advertisements for the BlackSun. NO place left to play.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


Satan met Daniel Webster. The Devil: Can you tell me the length of the driving rain? Daniel Webster: Oh Pain. Only GOD can really know it. Where do you get these awefull questions you Devil ? do you sit in your office all day make them up just to torture the like minded weak? The Devil: Come on Daniel Webster, play my game, answer my question. Figure it out with your intelligent way. Sway back and forth on those Barrister toes back on them heels let me play. Can you tell me the LENGTH of the Driving rain? Daniel Webster Barrister is rocking back and forth forth then back on heels begins to make his answer to Satan. Daniel Webster: The length of the driving rain is the distance from its conception the Cloud in the Sky drops of water fall in lines swept by wind driven all directions in the Storm until they hit diverse places in real time. The Devil pauses and swipes at his sweat. The Devil was smiling now frowns down stroking his beard on his chin He astounds me this Daniel almost figured it out. Yes, Webster, He concedes, yet you gave me no LENGTH? one more time now What is the LENGTH? Daniel Webster frowns down, rocking ceasing eyes searching side to side for the answer is right in front of him he can see it now. You Devil, I have it now. The length of the driving rain is the certain distance from the Cloud to the Ground times the wind driven distance as the storm begins to howl, the final mathematical equation is just one word "DiverCity". Satan Bows. In Mock Humility. Defeated at once. He howls much like a storm driving rain with its wind he turns back just once and spits. "DiverCity". Yes Daniel Webster YOU win. You still own your soul YOU won. You may live.

Friday, July 10, 2009


every thing who has done is linked up the thing to remember is its linked to every other one every time you open who it goes to a new page some of you do not have windows some of you have apples and appelettes strang offbrands of dell or even laptops only have look up capabilities cannot open webpages DO you have a pop up blocker it will be in tools on the tool bar on better computors the rest of you have to punt go look it up mabe its in the start go look and turn it off let the freebe ads come up then X them off whats left is pure CharlaX stuff. WHo wants to be read perused used up.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


The mouse would not work the time does not print on the printer for the waiting period. They suggested that its AI. It only does that when you do it. No one else has ever had this problem. Dadada Dadada Dadadadadadadadaddadaaaaaaa. You CharlesDarkstone CharlaXAndroidoneSeven you have entered an area of confusion commanly called the TwilightZOned. WHen Charles entered into the elevator it said it was going up to the second floor. The polarity reversed the thing felt like it was dropping. He had a witness but the boy will never talk to anyone or admit what happened. They will accuse us all of using drugs or sniffing old wet socks because the proscribed pattern fits the masses but fails to touch my lashes back AI say get back up on the elevator to the printer does not print the waiting time but only just for him it omits time they seemed convinced the higher echelon the problems dont exist the complaintant only AI. The boy was ridding with me he admitted it to AI but will he tell others that it happened AI do doubt it now. They pull up near the door expectantly then horror as they realize the time the time the time is zoned for nine. When AI step off of the curbed the street looms large AI run the risk of being meat. The cars seem to bend they try to get at me The BUMPERS point a ninety degree turning at the last moment form AI reverse the polarity to drive them away in lanes of Twilightzones surprised they failed to mow me down. The roof is rood how cosmetic made of rain falling threw on you but the Apertures where no one sits or stands the rain it stops the sky from falling on the AI in this TwilightedZOned.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Sequeaster was a rich eye the richest man in town. He drove the only Edsel Diesel for miles around it was a 1965 not old enought to be a Classic Car but he still got the Antique tags for State Rules say over Thirty Years will Qualify. He had it painted much like the one he saw in the Edsel Diesel Magazine a 1958 Model T Car. His Motor was just some remake he was convinced when he found the MOtor tag it said 1953. Pretty old for Edsel Diesels. One day he needed a parking light. The Napa Store insisted on installing the new Halogen Bulb so now when he parks at the night stand of the Post Office in DUrango one light is white the other yellow like a blinded cat in the night. The Napa Store manager tried to explain but the man refused to listen hating to part with MOney for anything but LAW. Sequeaster said eye got to park at night but here is not no rule about color of the lights. Then off he drove the Policae man was nice wrote out a ticket for parking lights on without headlights showing. Smiling waving as he drove off. Sequeaster so forlorn He parked the Edsel Diesel near the river revved it up. He reached down pulled on the parking brake then he let it off in gear the thing rolled toword the river as he bailed out jumping clear at the last possible moment those SUmmer Time Blue Tears in his eye. Iff ewe go down near the Albertson Store at nite when the San Juan River is flowing low ewe might ewe may see the Edsels tail Fins as iff some swimming fish is in there getting away. Hit them quick with a flashlight to get that Reflection back from the tail lights it looks like the Edsel Diesel Demon them Brights Red eyes looking out behind that abandoned Edsel of Sequeasters forever swimming in that San Juan Colorado River.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Darkstone poem
The lantern was green on the River banked near the undertoe of eye took the plastic pooper picker upper from the store front cafe and stuck it deeply in the water of the river it came up twisting heavily from side to side the fins was stuck like a fish hook got them up eye tossed the largest fish eye ever saw onto the river banked near mye egYpt bag there was only a large lump where the fishes belly should have been was this protruding navel like eye took mye knife and opened the fishes belly and what to mye surprise did eye find it was a scroll with this upon it this is what the scroll was saying We live in an Underwater Cavern we wanted the world to knoe of Mermaids and Mermen we love to kiss and frolic and love is the way we live under the water in Rivers and Seas and Oceans of love we live to be free. And carefully eye ate the fish raw and spit the fins out and there was a Mermaid in the water of this river eye was a Merman and we were in love now we live in the Undertoe Cavern of love.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Ewe has a persona Aura of purple hue a heart of love a Kiss inside of eye am short kind of short and uninteresting whitebeard unkempt hair is there but scary. They think of mee iff they think of mee at all as ironfittings on a pedestal near the door a TV watcher a friend to be ignored. But ewe have the kindest Hue eye ever have seen that few minutes that it takes for love to blossom forth eye would bee an amazing little man iff only they could guess at package under wrapper old and torn and vintage gray. The yearning deep inside the heart for love. The old man want. The eye have never ever done it like this syndrome this old man wants to try a new heart to try a new love but wait eye have found it in ewe kiss. No need to hurry off to search for more than this ewe has it in her heart inside her kiss she has eye inside her love.

Friday, June 5, 2009



Eye like to give a look of Agony
Because eye knoe its true
Eye can not sham Convulsion,
Nor Stimulate a Throe-
The eye glazes but once and this is death
Impossible to Feign
The numbers upon the forehead
Bye Homey Anguish strung into the 666
the MegaDeath

Saturday, May 30, 2009


sing this to the TUNE of "The Streets of Laredo"
As eye walked out in the streets of DUrango
Eye wore them pointy toe boots in DUrango
As eye walked out in the streets there one day
mincing when leaving the last shop and grill
eye can tell yew aer a cowboy
blistering toes to be cowboy DUrango
hoping no one was hiding there watching me squeal
walking so toughly on hard sidewalk DUrango
reaching for every support on the street
leaning on widows and orphans eye creep
trying to navigate too where eye sleep in DUrango
full of caffeine on the Streets of DUrango
pinching whats left of my cowboy feet
walking the main street past the train
skirting the rain on them streets in DUrango
singing this song as them leather boots squeak.

Location: facebook

Saturday, May 23, 2009


on the bus a driver is careful of most people little children he will work around them carefull avoiding touching even women deferential to the wheelchairs but the poor old man dressed down with backpack looking for the hoboe look sitting there seems to be invisible as the driver tosses dirty looks iron heavy hooks and solid objects off the floor breaking poor mans foot and knuckles where he batted hook away from slamming into eye his hooks lines and sinkers hurt as he barks at eye "YOU ARE IN MY WAY OLD MAN" he just does not do that to no one else eye must protest this treatment of the eye. My foot is still broken my hand still ever hurts the only solace that eye find is inside the heart as eye am leaving your Misearble City of Tucson your misearble SUnTranBusLine (R)(TM) behind. Pehaps more careful now with people who still live there whom have no choice must ride the bus with evil bone breaking Teamster(TM) Leaders Drivers on DISBUSSSUNTRAN marking time.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


You can only see a person’s finished work the end result the words of fitted lines the frames the rhymes. Not the research lines the subtitles the erased words in the rubber mind the long list of things to add forgotten no epic made this time the thing is just another CharlaX added to the list on the last place people look when they are given time to browse. The lines dot out to intersect in spatial finesse as if it is the artistes’ conception of the rings of the universe. Add some color the long think lines become the blue ones turning purple on the ends the thin ones yellow out to read the normal lines becoming black as ink and turning white on page. There is a little dab of do you can you see it in the middle of the imagined lines that blotched ink blotted out of all the missing letters the misspellings and the wish fers just lying there its hard now to describe the color gone transparent non but opaque a word eye like to use is fine. The missing lake. The part of eye the tumor did not eat. The Circle drawn in the center of the lines must represent the finished poem all the intersecting coming from the hub to represent the meat. They meet. At center of the storm of life. To form a poem from CharlaX.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

TITLES: Jack Gilbert’s Pet Rock

TITLES: Jack Gilbert’s Pet Rock

Jack Gilbert’s Pet Rock

Jack Gilbert’s Pet Rock
A Paroday of Jack
Eye have a monolithos in mye pocket binder notebook eye call it the pet rock it is as heavy as a stone eye use it to backspace the computor by just misplacing it on the backspace button on the keyboard is this lava obsidian one of a kind of a heavy green substance found only on the planet Krypton. Eye take the rock and place it on the keyboard button to hold the thing down so it’s on automatic backspacing. It eats old lines and spaces off the printed places that eye visit and leaves a strange red substance there they called it Red K in all the comics mags. Eye Jack the words in the book to read the only things that seem to mean about the home eye always have an island made of stone until they bury me but wait perhaps they can’t scratch the surface plate to make a hole of six feet asunderneathe the stone of monolithic island home. Eye Paroday the recipient of monolithium Jack Sullivan. No wait its Gilbert not Sullivan you nutt you Gilbert nit wite wait for it its wit you Jack Gilbert nutt with your pet rock you monolithic knit whit.

Monday, May 4, 2009


IT’S THE LAW. Flinging stones. Flinging stones to kill the wrong bad evil doer woman. We are fair eye sees and sad you sees all drunken muscatel and reeffered there. We light the censors full in Church sniffing curls standing there drinking barrels full while stoned we stand hallucinating mushrooms eaten by the handfuls. To obey the Lord we need to Kill the sinful people. Tossing stones into the waters of time; killing time by killing people. We form a line of killing people we get them all one by one by one. Then sin is gone. It was the LAW. But somethings changed now we stopped the killings dropping stones we walked away one by one by one. We saw the Jesus come forgiving so we changed our minds again the one who made the law fulfilled it fully filling it with love we must attempt it this new and better way. One by one by one we walk today. Dropping stones fulfilling laws while loving GOD this Jesus come the sinful woman walked away.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


GameEnder®™ by Hasbro ™ Company a subsidiary of Zappersunlimited®.Com powered by WhirlyPower® a division of the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater ™ Company. Under the direct tutelage of President Whirly himself comes this wonderful destruct button icon for Children playing games everywhere there is a Computor terminal. Three Dimensional DestroYGlasses® sold separately. Donald Plence the Treasurer of this Company makes this announcement. No Children those archaic free glasses you get from the Movies houses just will not work for you on this Game icon. To enable the grid square and see the ICON to end games quickly you MUST purchase the DestroYGlasses® from this Company. Hasbro ™ has added a no escape clause to the warrenty warranty. In the event your Brother is playing a game and you use the Game Zapper in a lethal manner to end your Brother game you must escape the hands of your Brother we do not furnish a button for that. You BOY are on your own with THAT one. Hurry now to an internet store near your area or use this link to order form. void where prohibited. The glasses come equipped with the Four Dimensional lenses this enables the Grid the Grid is only in the Center of the screen it is never off to one side or near the bottom or top or in any corner thereof. Locate the Icon with the (GE) on it (for GameEnder) what else? Press the Icon (it’s a Hasbro ™ button) this Fires the GameEnder Zapper game over. Works in any Universe. Not sold to households with the last name of Smith Smithe or Smythe. $144.95 @ per each item. Both units are not sold together as one. Sales tax is never figured. Add $22.50 iff ewe live in a country other. Order TODAY and BE the GameEnder BOY. Readthefineprintatthebottomofhewarrntywarrentyalwaysaninstructionalnightmareforchildredewe.