Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Church Deacon Reverend Mortise

Church Deacon Reverend Mortise
The Preacher was out sick so the Deacon took his place in the pulpit he looked just like the Reverend its why they picked him in the first place. Open the book of Romans. We will be Christians like the Romans was. He did not get very far with his sermon the visiting Evangelist got up to dance in the Spirit when he started to shout HAlleluia about forty women got up to dance with him in front of the alter this took the place of the Deacon's sermon it was so bogus to start with there is not many old Roman Christian's. The Romans were the Legion of the Crucifiers the very ones who took Jesus from the Jews to the Cross. NOthing is ever good for the poor people in this Land religion is the poorest of the given to the RICH they preach money to be the established Way to live. Eye slept in the Church doorway near the Crematorium the Markers on the Wall represented the people who were dead then buried in the ashes there. But this will not be the final resting place for even them will be the Body once more in front of God they will soon find themselves standing for the Judgement Day will come. Eye am supposed to tell People about Jesus instead they wish to here about my sinfull past mistake's they seem intent on refuting my Salvation comes from Him. EYe choose the path of Faith the Blood of Jesus for my life. He commanded us to love one another help others not just yourself live for GOD but be sure you do nothing to make yourself into the Goody Two Shoe who lives for works. Do not intend to come from ground of grave with nothing in your hand to give the living GOD then brag of things you've done to him. Think of it like GOLD for weight of the soul. Your Body on the Scale. For what you get for the Body is not ever worth the Soul the fortune would not last the Eternity to spend the time with Him is the only Way to go. Some of you did see my poems like this one long ago but he blessed my hands to give me this one just in time for Christmas come. One more time Just Say Jesus then be done. See Romans Chapter 10 Verse 13. Jesus the Living GOD.

Church Deacon Reverend Mortise

Charles Robert Hice
It is evident that St. Paul understood the text of Joel as relating to our blessed Lord; and therefore his word κυριος must answer to the prophet's word יהוה Yehovah, which is no mean proof of the Godhead of Jesus Christ. If the text be translated, Whosoever shall invoke in the name of the Lord, which translation יקרא בשם יהוה yikra beshem Yehovah will certainly bear, yet still the term Yehovah, the incommunicable name, is given to Christ; because invoking in the name signifies soliciting one in the name or on the account of another. He who is invoked is God; he, in whose name he is invoked, is Jesus Christ, who is here called Yehovah. He who asks mercy from God, in the name and for the sake of Jesus Christ, shall get his soul saved.

Darkstone poet

Friday, December 10, 2010


Daniel with the Judge Head to Head agreed. The Judge nodding sagest he stepped behind the
Dorothy cushion but only for the length of time it took to ascertain the answer with the
Reasoning. Remembering the Lawyers Oration when he give to us his summation. Daniel telling
him “Your Honor wont you see the Man not even needing to lie he never even lied once to the
Jury he only is telling words in fragments not even listening eye think he’s got one of those new
IPod devices stuck in his ear to listen to the new age musick.” Recapping the summation now.
The questions from the Jury. “Did you see your client in the Alibi you told us he is innocent.”
“Eye Saw. Eye Saw.” Over then over he tells it like this. The Judge looked to Daniel very smugly
now. “There is piles of wood piled high outside the Barristers office in the pile outback they will
never need more wood then what Eye Saw there.” This is fulfilling Jewish Law. The one more
candle needed to fill the Hanukkiah. The Lawyer is not ever lying to try to save his poor
defendant when he gets out of court he goes to cutt more wood hence the saying Eye Saw Eye
Saw. ON the eighth Day of Hanukkah the Hanukkiah is lighted NINE candles full.
The thing is now over done kibbished kosher then fulfilled.
Until next year.
Oy Vey.
Two empty candles
Charlax guesses two mysteries.
The Third will never be knoen.How did the Universe begin?
WithinThe Word
The Word spoke.
The Perfect Created
Eye do have the opinion
when we get saved the thing becomes done signed in the Heavens sealed with the blood.
WHEN. Jesus saves. WHEN? When he died on the Cross is when he Saved us. Eye believed in his
Salvation. WHEN ? When eye went to Church or got religion when eye Saw Billy Graham preach
on the rooftop. When eye seen them clouds rolling in the sky. EYe guess you might say eye was
saved one thousand times in my mind in my Heart. Once saved is saved once. Jesus saves me so
then eye refuse to save myself. We do Confession we tell his namme.
Like John Linen Candlestick flash he floated over the candlestick on his anti gravity belt sash
once again eye rise like unleavened bread to feed the sunrise to the masses
sitting on the cornflake like the walrus.
Bigger then Jesus. Lennon Grade. Scarab about. Willfering.

WHEN. Jesus saves. WHEN? When he died on the Cross is when he Saved us.
Happy Hanukkah
Eight Candles burning on the Hanukkiah
One empty for John Lennon.
eye never cared much for
Mark David Chapman
its still onlhy my opinion
Sonnet #106
Three Candles remaining on the Hanukkiah
Dec7 the sixth day Hanukkah
The first candle lighted to represent the cruise of oil given to the temple by the LORD each day
thereafter did the light of the oil lamp shine for ell Jerusalem for ell of time.Posted: CVI.
Charlax Violet One. When in the chronicle of wasted time the crisiseye still ever see descriptions
of the fairest mothersAnd beauty pictured making beautiful old mother rhymeIn praise of ladies
dead and lovely smitten knights,Lancelot with Guinevere Arthur on the townThen, in the blazing
hot swelter of sweet beauty's best,Of hand in finger, of foot in slipper, of lip in lipp, of eye to eye,
of brow beaten down,eye still ever see their antiqued white pencil would have express'dEven such
a beauty as ewe master man now.So all their praises are but propheciesthe wolf is hungry for the
loverOf this our time is nearly now upon the morrow, all you figurine porcelain pretty pretty
women;And, for they look'd but with divine inwordly eyes,The Mincetrials sought to ruin you
they wouldThey had not skills your worth much more then even this to give you much of
anything:For we the undersigned with portions of our bount,which now behold the lighted
Hanukkiah find three empty holders in the present day,Hard eyes will wander, but hard
tongue will give her praise. Written in the Purple Marble of your love with grunts with groans.
Sonnet #106
Posted: CVI.
When in the chronicle of wasted timeI see descriptions of the fairest wights,And beauty making
beautiful old rhymeIn praise of ladies dead and lovely knights,Then, in the blazon of sweet beauty's
best,Of hand, of foot, of lip, of eye, of brow,I see their antique pen would have express'dEven such a
beauty as you master now.So all their praises are but propheciesOf this our time, all you
prefiguring;And, for they look'd but with divining eyes,They had not skill enough your worth to
sing:For we, which now behold these present days,Had eyes to wonder, but lack tongues to praise.
The Fifth Day of Hanukkah sees six candles lighted the ninth candle is the first one lighted to
pretend to oil that never ends. The Hanukkiah has only four empty holders. I slip into the sunrise
not happy with my fate the only good that comes today is the Christmas Coat. This true story is
brought to you bye Charlax the true story teller. The COAT is quilted with the compony logo it
was inside the trash bag in the Alley it actual fell from the trash truck when they dumped my
fave dumpster the COAT is clean like the Jumpsuit I got yesterday no more need for blankets I’m
set for the cold of winter thank you Jesus. Its the miracle eye was looking for to keep me religious
on this Hanukkah so keep looking for my Hanukkiah every Day.
FIRE in Carmel
written in Stone
The common mistakes all men make
they went too quickly
where Angels fear to tread.
They did not go with GOD
they went in Gasoline engine busses instead.
The Wailing Wall of Stone
There is the thing of Wall zoned
in Israel
they still go there to stand there
then they pray
To Jesus
The Love for You in Stone
The rock where I did lay my head
the stolen bedding gone
someone warm
but they got my dirt on them
The end of time etched in Stone
Every crucifixed gravestone
some of them no dates
some of them no body left
some of them just gone
some of them will be there soon
some of them will not
some of them with love
some of them with hate
The Beginning of Love in Stone
Waiting for the Lord to Come
but keeping you in love
this life seems unfinishe.......
eyem just pandering to my Mandarin
Orange you jealousy green eyed Lady
Brown limpid pools of legs
surround my flesh tones
lost in reverie
eye list my itinerary
then sleep sitting upholding on to this my love
the Ghost of Poem
Poetry is full of dead poets
no one but your friends will get your poetry
the lieberry book would be too big now
they would never lift it from the shelved
perhaps they publish homeless poets
only iff they make it bog
like eecummings
misspellings not included
Flowers Faded
absence of Snowed
ten thousand poems gone
Six Hanukkah Four Candles
Eye dreamed of love eye felt no shame the need is mine to mend my broken love inside the GF left
me she once loved me she provided this release for me now its only Au naturale to seek it
somewhere else my ewe lambe has got it unconditionally she needs me just like eye need her the
extra love is only one more secret twist the description of my love is this from behind you then up
beside you will you see how shy eye have become with you its almost madness so intent eye seem
you might not guess my secret in time is he just being nice to me is he in love is better understated
then spelled out bold. Let her guess to this my meaning for she is the Lady eye the bard in love.
My ewe she loves my secret iff either one of us were questioned neither one of us admits it. So
hush hush her daughter knoes not of it. My love is hidden in her heart. If you see my secret find
my love seem to be the love no doubt you might think this poem is for you with ewe it is it was it
will be here for quite some secret time. Four Candles for the Third Day of Hanukkah. The Sixth
one counting down on the Hanukkiah.
This is supposed to be the third poem for Hanukkah. Then the fire destroyed my good mood.
They went to the end of the Earth to burn the prison guards to death. Do you believe in accidents.
Or Fate. They were not numbers on the slate. People died. Jewish people of Israel so sad it seems
so hard to just continue with my life for now the poems stop. This Second Day of Candle lighting
is for the Memorial of the people who were destroyed today in the Fire of the Carmel. Prison
Guards brought in for reinforcement 40 men died. So this the Second Candle is flaming now for
them. Three Candles lighted counting a Ninth. The Seventh counting down. We will be still going
to the Ninth. Eye only hope the news tomorrow is better somehow. The three lights for the second
Day of Hanukkah a seven left the two commemorative.
Eye pictured the Hanukkiah on fire for the men of Israel who died.
SO we close this with one word eye found.
The Rabbi lights his Hanukkiah ONE Candle only on DEC first then he snuffs it out then waits
for the next evening on the Dec 2 he lights the Second Candle for the first Day of the Hanukkah
no one gets his meaning for it only pertains to GOD. He lights the first candle to be the OIL that
burned for the eight days of Hanukkah when the Temple was rebuilt in 164 BC. It was just the
little before my time. When eye entered the lieberry this evening some well dressed Man almost
obstructed me his question was this one “are you just passing through??” like the smiler in the
night ? non so Eye reminded him not to obstruct my entry then eye asked HIM iff he Had some
sort of question for me?? but he Had shot his wad then waddled off. NO doubt he is now in agony
from my repartee. The Rabbi lights the second candle tonight to be the first represented Day of
the covenant of the Temple of Jerusalem. Since there is seldom food found in the world in winter
we will just not describe the feast today. I think they must have eaten dates which were preserved
in urns then used to give life to insides of people still living needing food. Eye will not let you
SHRINK my Brain it needs to expend its synergy in words designed to pull the listener to the
understanding she whats Read then giving love to them the ewe the girls the friends. Eye did not
learn life from the books but then they helped. To let this poor suffering Jesus give this prose to
upper crusting nose please do not let my simpleton poetry poem now or ever will escape you or
brush my truth from sight these Temple Candles lighted here were lighted upp for Jesus Christ.
This is the Eighth Day counting down.
OR Day Two of Nine.
Nine Christmastime Days
This is the First Candle of the Hanukkiah
Judas Maccabeus kept the Covenant with God the Oil kept the light for eight days the ninth
candle is used to light the others symbolising the unrelenting God. You suffer the loss of your pet.
Or you took some suffering from the loved one. Listen to the poem in the music from Chopin.
Then go get Pink Floyd. When your life is filled with sadnesses then light the ninth candle now
then the first one tomorrow. Sit with self be forgiven feel the LORD inside of thee. Or other Faith
of Charity the Indians Chant the Holy Days they sing of life within the Tree the love is there for
all to see. Wish ewe were here with me beside me to love me to kiss my hands to hold me to fill my
heart with your love. Do you think you can tell? Cathedral in a Cage. Du du du ne ne ne How eye
Wish How eye wish you were here a walk on part in the war For a lead role in a cage sounds like
Cathedral in a Cage. Ewe you are the church sometimes all by yourself so alone without my
touch but yet your love is saving me my no regret forms lines in my Brain my love for you is not
for sale to give to them who cause your pain. Keep the secret in your safe keep me locked inside
hide me in your precious love. Eight days of loneliness celebrated in the nine of them
commemorative. This is the first the ninth Day of my love my Happy Hanukkah.
HanukkahIn Judaism,
an eight-day festival of dedication and lights that takes place at the beginning of December. It
celebrates the recapture of the Temple in Jerusalem from Antiochus IV of Syria in 164 BC by
Judas Maccabaeus, and its rededication.During Hanukkah, candles are lit each night and placed
in a nine-branched candlestick, or hanukkiah: this commemorates the Temple lamp that stayed
miraculously lit for eight days on one day's supply of oil until a new supply could be made,
demonstrating that God kept his covenant. There is one candle for each of the eight days
(an extra candle being lit to mark each day),
and a ninth with which to light the others.
The lights of Hanukkah symbolize the faith that must not die.
eye see the old JEWISH Rabbi holding out his hands in supplication
its very nice your poem
its too bad your just not Jewish.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



One person gets liked the other hated on the same stage night after night they fight they spar with jokes with words they fight they seem to be the cats meow or the thing the cat dragged in. Depending upon the one you like the one you dislike the time it took for you to decide the one or the other the fisher or the fisherman's brother. Warp the woof woof the wrap it up in lion cloth. The lowest person on the totem the highest Chief they seldom meet in the glen the time is not the same for them. The dealer works the house the player is the mouse the fleece the pounce the cards fall to the house more then to the guest they will find out the odds will even out. Turn about is Fair play. So now we get the reason to be here. Turn about is Fair play. Lets dissect this old wives tell. It is your turn in the barrel tonight. Its your time up to Batt. Its your deal. The stage lights lighted up you're ON. Step over to the table give me your thumb. Eye did this only once eye did ask the Guard what iff eye refuse this test ? He told me he would break my thumb. Eye did seventy two hours for the identification process then they let me go disgusted with my misdemeanors record. Eye seem to be very proud not to be the felony person. They still release felons on the street with picture ids with egos so the cops will find the traces its too hard for me to tell iff they were sheep or only goats in woollen linens. Some times people even ones in the Authority will do mistakes they make mistakes. Your money is no good here this will be two different ways the means the poor Man better get out but it means the rich Man gets it free. Contrasts.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


The ewe sent me the love poem my swell will not go down the love she did for me more then ever did eye deserve. When eye do not vote I abstain my vote I do not use my vote its not wasted its not used in protest it becomes the protest vote. Besides the point is this. To vote in the Election when I do not knoe the Issues of the Candidates. The better to see you with. Or the better to not vote you with. Kind of like being silent in the cell of prison with no rights given. I have not seen the Jail cell since stopping drinking. They do let prisoners vote the Absentee. Ballets my be printed then counted for eternity. Eye vote for Jesus then eye vote for ewe. <3 <3

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


He must be so stupid he can not spell a word correctly
He adds no punctuation to a question he thinks he is on the way to heaven
He lords it over brother and takes pains to be someone
A poet and a saybox statesman fighter not a lover a real man not a brother listen to Apostolic teachings and get better in the last light of the day just drink no Whiskey eat less food and keep my thirsty too
Do no real business drink coffee and less water
Make the poems no one uses in the bottom of the bird cages be my CHARLAX

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Shine on Crazy Diamond

Shine on Crazy Diamond

is love any less of a thing hidden in a heart so far away can not you see the love hidden in me the last hope still clinging to my only undeserving heart the length of time it takes to merely look at you and then to try to breathe again and make this heart to work because you make it stop. Telling my secrets to my woman of love in hopes she fullfills them. She is not unattainable movable passionate for love rules her heart soul and mind. One look at your picture one longer search of my mind.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The Computor is designed as a machine to wear out quickly to cause the user to spend more money in a effort to just keep her up and running or get another like leaving them old worn out shoes in front of the shoe store after getting them brand new booties. Most people set the computor down or up and then they sit for several hours longer then they should without rebooting it. Eye turn my Dello on and off at least four times in just one day to give it time to dissipate the heat from the carapace. The thing is made to trap the heat under the fan or they would have putt legs on it to hold computor up about four inches off the table and since no one does this eye have never seen anyone elevate the Dell above the table in an inane effort to just cool it. CharlaXCliffsnotes. The improper predicate and adjective disagree meants cause people in Cleveland to grow hair on the palms of the hands they clap together mentally and scream in panic when tagged on facebook notes again the poem is self inflicted. Online afflictions too numerous to mention. Oh Sir and you and ewe and yew are not you glad that you took your valuables and hid them in that tree. Then came and read this hidden tree poem from me. NOT one tree was chopped or cutt to make this crinckled poem upp. The little knobs they made under the laptop only holds the thing up a few centimeters off the table so the fan wont burn up. Eye kidd ewe knot. Its Dello.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Several missing parts some scars beaten up and left for dead the mighty men have used the fists oh GOD when will eye get some rest walking walking looking looking searching for my hideaway my endless questing telling portenting changing my namme today.
Jesus tells me in the Bible he has a namme for me to find so whenever eye see a stone of white eye look asunderneathe the rock and ponder. Oh wow there was a small dark stone there so eye took my namme to mean DARK STONE in an Indian manner my new nicknamme was visible there and given mee today. Charlax Darkstone sounds like some lost Indian fighter with buckskin britches pooring out his heart to save the villagers. A Statistic very bad vibrations from the passing stranger’s men it seems have followed Satan they are walking after lust not contemplation Oh brief candle out out but wait for love and stay alive she loves me please just try to find me ewe knoe just who ewe aer.
Leaning to the million dollar giveaway the DOUBLEDAY publishers called me today and begged me for another chance to publish my anthology a prance of under moonlighted night the moon is setting way too quickly falling light is dark so dark it fits my namme my new nicknamme the DarkStone man has come. She sits and drinks her coffee sipping past the lipps and seeing only love. DarkStone is that yew old bean and how eye manage to avoid the many StormTroopers in my area and the Gendarmes who come strolling jauntily aiming from the hippopotamus erectus at the eye. Overcome with honor that she loves me this one is at odds become extant with the extinction of us all the problems of a man even when he is forgiven are so many and still varied until they multitude them past the ending now. Eye have a problem with the Judging all the man who meet me seems so evil and eye still do want to curse them even though the GOD the JESUS does not like it the statistics missed me nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah nah. To the man in the truck the tires is only rubber and they bounce the road will not protect you but someday it will come and get you so look out. Make me shout make me holler make me doubt. Eye have beaten all the odds and lived in spite of odd man out. Revelation 2:17
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.

Friday, August 13, 2010


People go a fasting. Often just for prayers. Some people use the juice for diet purposes. Some are fasting for religion just to be a better person. One day without food even one meal is hard for most people to abstain from. Three days and nights is tops for most normals. Eye have learned to fast for as many days as needed to make prayers or change the life style to move the body out of troubles. You simply pray while abstaining from eating solid foods eye can drink fluids but dont need them when not working or doing great exercises oh its true. The Greatest Person whom ever fasted longest was the Jesus Christ remember his story of the Forty Days and Forty Nights. It is my suggestion that a person does not try him to outdo him in this demonsion you can leave the world as some have inside the jails and prisons. Lots of people simply have found the body shuts down with out sufficient food and water to process it takes the life of the physical man away. The world calls this death but this is a temporary problem for the Christian is not under such restrains. There is two ways to see this old school and new school the math is the same. Respect and fear the Lord and do not dare to do more then he has done. To place youself as greater the LORD is to ask for punishment this is the old school way of searching out the heart. To GO to new school is to quote scriptures in the attempt to justify the gather and the length of time you fast. To extend yourself further then the LORD himself. You can say we are to do the things that he DID and to do the Greater things because he has sent us the Holy Spirit. But eye will add the school of hard knocks to this teaching of this study. Common sense will learn you this. When you went 41 days in fast and then bragged about it to a man you were not being in the will of the LORD not in the school of hard knocks. You went even further and cursed at eye as eye was telling you the truth. This is not a good thing for you to do. The people were selling CDs and tee shirts to commemorate the event and the police were riding horses and motorcycles and busting heads. Not my idea of a religious fasting. You should have went to get yourself some food as eye suggested. At the least you should have had some sort of respect for a poor brother trying to give sound advice. INstead of full of yourself and fasting twice as long as Jesus Christ.

Jesus Saves fasting People LOZLX ♥
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You, Edward van Sluijs, Dave Lewis and 2 others like this.
Susan Hedge Ritter-Norris I thought that was a very interesting writing...you have a lot of common sense and intelligence in your works. ♥
Yesterday at 8:06am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Charles Robert Hice eye am tagging people who read this note to see who cares
Yesterday at 8:39am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Susan Hedge Ritter-Norris I care.♥
Yesterday at 8:41am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Charles Robert Hice eye tagged your ass
Yesterday at 8:42am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Dave Lewis it isn't the getting there fast or slow its enjoying the journey . . .
Yesterday at 9:06am · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading... ·
Mary-Marcia Casoly interesting to think that going without is "fasting" and having everything in sight is "feasting"
Yesterday at 9:20am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
Charles Robert Hice Thankzx YOu MIZ Marcia. LOZLX ♥
Yesterday at 11:11am · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading... ·
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Monday, August 9, 2010


My life is filled with people in it some good some better some best and when eye lose a friend it makes me less
It makes my whole world shudder and seem opaque it makes me blanch it makes my tummy squeeze my food it makes my heart sneeze it makes me bleed inside.
It makes me sad to tell someone that eye will ever love them and now she can not even read my name out loud where is the gain in all of this where is the love?
Eye am left out of a heart that has no real need of me but crys she crys real tears and laments for me of this ewe see of this im sure.
She has her mothers eyes.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Because she does not have that same sense of urgency that you have she has time from now on only for her and her crappe not for you. She forgot that time wont let me she forgot that time wont stop. She is managing to make a comment seem stilted instead of love by the way she chatters on at every other one. She did like the world the gay old grand. The bible says to shut your mouth it is this way it is that stuff they do they say it is a nasty gay old place. The sun smites a beaten face harder then it is felt by a healthy man does not feel pain so sharply or so flat inside the case is done. The people that did this to my brain are goats they are not sheep they will not stand on Jesus hand and live in Heaven they are destined to be ashes and forever burned. Not because eye am someone at all but the company above the one whose namme eye call he will recall the harm they did to me and he and he alone will soon repay the chief. Its a gay old world and dance among them old bad boys get as many kisses and other advances that you can stand but do not fear the reaper he is eye. And Lady eye do forgive you. It is the heart.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Because she chooses to keep life within me because she chose me as her heart throb lover because she needs the safety of another heart in a world of undercover and heart taking times. The world of men even rich men who never love you they mistake the gifts they send that line the boxes near your pool room all discarded and forgotten while the poorest heart that loved you still types his love in poems left on emails in his night as tears leave him to purify his soul is white his love on fire the welling up inside is hidden from your day to keep the sun from hiding at the flame of love eye have is hot within me she is beauty she is sinless she is aching in my heart so very much and just because my finances slowly dwindle past my fingers saving none as my homelessness defeats me in my search for love eye have found a reason to stay just one more lover for her love just because she is my lover what eye am inside her heart just a friend to her perhaps and yet as faith becomes a reason to keep trying to impart the love the understanding of the wanting and the touch of need replaces life. (whispered) Because.

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Jesus Toast
I saw the face of Jesus .
In a piece of Holy Ghost toast .
So I am selling them on Ebay.
For 242 Dollars $$ with nonsense added on.
I hope his namme was TOM who bid
the most for that Old Toast.
Now I have bread in loaves.
And now I loaf around the toaster
making more
Holy Ghost toast.
The Toast has Jesus Face
on every sliced.
To sell to others
of my kind of
people on the Internet.
Please come bye and buy
at my place on Ebay
My Jesus Face Toast
I am still making
Holy Ghost Toasted.
Comes in a plain brown wrapper.

Friday, July 9, 2010


CharlaX Qootes the Poe

As eye summer weak and weary as eye poet eye do Poe, remembering his black crow he had such a problem with it he finally let go of that bottle got some sleep but he was dreaming of it giant wings and dripping fangs.
As eye lay me down to sleep in Poe bed in the alleyway and bridges underneathe the open field hath beconed me away. There came a flap flap flapping at my lore. Qoote the CharlaX evermore. The Giant Crow. The Giant Crow came into the air he wings he brings us fear his fangs they drip icky mess it drops like birds do from the sky to eye look but not fast enought eye remove that stuff from eye. And as eye ponder things that drip from sky eye ponder Poe eye ponder Giant Crow. Eye heard the winding wind all night and so its not so hard to imagine this Giant sweeping into sight in the middle of mye night with Giant fangs and talons reaching out to catch the mouse of a man intent on resting legs from walking poorly in this attempt at Poe. Qoote the CharlaX evermore. In the hour of the after midnight came a flap flap flapping from the sky. The Giant Crow. Wingspanned Fifty yards lines of demarcations falling from the sky eye SCREAMED at Poe. Qoote the CharlaX evermore. Poe your Giant Crow hath come to eat me upp to make me cry to make me dream of Giant wings and dripping stuff the eye is sad at the reiterations of the machinations of this Giant Crow OH WOE oh Poe. As the Crow flies single filing in the mental illness of mye mind he pries the lidd off of mye poetry, as Poe smiles down at me from the back of Giant Crow wings as he flies nearbye. Qooth the RemiX Nevermore Elonore please be mye wings and carry me to shore. The constant flapping of the wings of Elonore she grows her fangs her wings span Giants in the fangs she wants me she nearly has me and then the wind it blows the flapping oh that incessant flapping of them feathered headdressed wings. The flap flap flapping the insistent flap flap flapping of the flap flap flapping of them wings. FLAP oh my FLAP oh my FLAP oh my nightmare is on wings. Flap Flap Flapping at me now the Giant Crow has come a lerring and a lerching and a lowering his fangs into the sky they come. Flap flap flapping at the dawn as eye awaken to the woe of one more day with Elonore and Poe. The Giant Crow inside the ClassicsRemiX as CharlaX Qooth the Poe.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Poetry does not pay well the Novel makers get big bucks the playwrights make the dough re me but the poets live for love. They seldom pay a poet for the living they proscribe to others as a bounty off the main. They do not pay big bucks for artists still they starve the poet lives on street and begs for hand to mouth to eat. The price of fame to make it is to sleep a belly full or want not what others fail to ever ascertain. The power of love is in the hearts of two lovers rich or poor. Shared with the one and taken from the other they leave each other to find the tasks to work for often must they thrive the big bucks are needed to be Joneses Johns and Mikes. Pardon moi butt eye do not ever see me paying someone to take my poetry. Publish me for free take 33 percent the first third goes to the Salvation Army Church. The rest is royalty. Someday the ewe and eye complete. We need the money for the Suite eye never want her to ever cry or need for PoetryisFree.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


eye will have poetry in my life.

eye will have ewe in my life.
And adventure.

ewe will have poetry in your life.
And love. Love above all.
No ... not the namby pamby of a useless new york fop but a lot of love,
not playful and poetical games of love
for the ruination of an evening, but love
that ... respects life. Unbiddable,
ungovernable --- like a riot in the heart,
and nothing to be done, running up and down all my emotions on come ruin or rapture.
Love --- like there has never been in a respectful play.

for ewe are still and ever mye Lady.

Friday, June 11, 2010

rules Rules

rules Rules
Eye was gonna do the old double standard but its triple now what with inflation down in the mouth and all. There is rules for them and rules for us and a separate and distant rule for the individual. Robots need no rules the security sends them to eat the guard was overheard saying it is time for me to go and get my food. The group has the cafeteria trays and buffets the events constantly flaying out freebes but only to them masses. Some rare distinct individuals still nursing coffee waiting for the late mid afternoon classes. Lunch is not covered in the bill. The Collage bill is steep they sleep but can not afford to eat only supper is supplied by residence only. Them they have they always have they gain the greed they fill the coiffures constantly bombarding they of kind who listen to the constant whine. Rule number one was made for only them. Then there is rule number two. For you. This rule states that whatever appalls to THEM does not relate to YOU have a differant function. YOU are the have nots. The lowlife barristers and numbly peg players. The Doctors and the Indian Chefs and all others et al they soon discover they are not elite on the list. A few of YOU become them. So few of THEM ever stoop to YOU level. Rule number three applys only to the individual. The THEM rule number one applys only to THEM it is so simple. THEM RULE. The US Rule number TWO is harder. YOU do not rule THEM. THEY RULE US. The third rule is really convoluted. You as an individual never rule. They rule over us and they rule over YOU and they rule over the starving leftover. OH. That's also you. Two. And Three.

Monday, June 7, 2010


once open a time in the hood
charlax seven wrote a poem that was read
by Poddar and when he saw this

come to me unbidden in the love
come to me in the light of the day
come to me and give me succor
come to me and give me love
love is a man with his heart entwined
in branches turning purple in the night
pouring out his heart in love
pouring out his love
love is the kiss
the trust
the love
he made a poem up
and what a poem it was too

The Pyramid Shaped Paperweight
To Charles Robert Hice

An inversed pyramid,
you wonder about the toe.

Ha, the weight the toe carries.

A run of rain on the panes,
you stab pain in the ashtray.

An inversed gift is swirling,
a simple paperweight can lighten

an indoor evening.

© All Rights Reserved By Kushal Poddar 2010
eye stopped smoking over six years ago

you stab pain in the ashtray
this was great and ey eam healthy now

th toe
is the big toe
on mye left foot
ey eam halt

a simple paperweight

a wonderfull hidden refrence hidden message
about the poet carryiing a poem within himself
eye am sure this is what was meant

either he meant eye
or him
Kushal Poddar is a great poet almost a seer

Monday, May 31, 2010


Where there is outlet there is power. You put something into outlet and you receive your gasoline. You can vent outward and use this word outlet to mean venting anger in a good direction it is convenient to use a cause such as the oil spill for ensample exampleing. Some people need no cause to vent there outlet is the sky. They frown and shake there fist at GOD and say why is the rain falling so faster. They use the outlet. They usually receive no gasoline. The outlet can be the store such as the convenient store next door its down the block and around that dark corner it lurks just wanting your outlet. A poor boy he was colored ebony of black he was not Afrikaans but possibly he needed an outlet for his gasoline. He asked for money in front of the outlet one two many times. His head got busted bad. His BIG BROTHER who was watching him got mad. He used his outlet. To get his gasoline he smashed the poor mans Oversize 40 ounce beer bottle into his head but he is not dead but he is not drinking much these days. INstead he is using his outlet. To get his gasoline. He did stop begging only one day too late to help him work on stopping drinking he should have done it my way of the outlet of cold turkey. To get my gasoline. To use my outlet. To receive my power. To keep on playing GOD for just one more hour. To be a poet making poems and avoiding outlet.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Three Zillion of Them when eye FINLAND them and POLISH
YAY Nepal. When you make comments two of them in a row they can get squished out by other commentators on the thread belongs to the person on the started it. Iff you are uncertain who replied to whom look up at the starting line. Iff you still have got to be rude it can sort of make you look fuelish dude like a tanker spilling oil about 30,000 feet down below just killing tunae. The host who began the message wants them comments to be there for them for her or him they are not all of them there for you or all of them there for eye. When in doubt do the common abstain the thing just leave it out. When it happens to me on facebook it happens a lot to eye just go back and delete all my comments sometimes. This leaves a hold near the conversation. A gapp of some small proportions and the owner of the thread is gasping now for breathe trying to decypher just what was meant when what you said just makes no sense atoll like oil on bird wings. Tuna tastes better without oil when its packed in spring water the can is even cheeper there on shelf the little dolphin picture on the can it never helps to be so stupid on my facebook every woman every man watch your posting fingers on your keyboards is there black sludge dripping in between your fingers??? Jack Mackerel is the best for meetings please putt out some crackers with the toothpicks and them little off size square napkins that people never use them they just hold them upp then quickly stuff them under cupp in the middle of the psalms please stop using punch and make some coffee for the men they need it. Lemonades for girls on FacebookPoem3.

Thursday, May 6, 2010


YOU're writting is the masters slashing. The bees knees. One hand applauding. We sent this to the bird cage bottom of the landfill. The academy pushed it. They positively moved. Nothing like this has ever been written. The predetermination could not be made by us. In the future of your endeavour please just get a day job. We here at Publishers decided. Tantamount. Like acerbity hitting the oscillating fans. We all are in agreement that this falls into the area of banal generalities and fits this expertise of yours like nothing ever found. Compounded. Notes will be ascertained later. As soon as we can fly backwards. We will post denomination. Several of this committee fell all about the place just laughing at each others face. We simply no longer believe that you are a real person. Our filters usually remove robots and android persons. Usually we ask for a rewrite iff there was hope we could try again but in your case is the basket. Been there and done that is why we give it back. Its bubba turn now. We have differant rooms full of One Hundred MOnkeys reading all your poems they will soon get to your Gettysburg address. Redress your grievance make sure you add the postage this time make it manilla folder. NO further copy. HOT under the horses collar you gave me goose flesh hair is standing on end this thing it is the one thing that a poet is really good at doing is the ending of FEEDBACK.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Almost the end of April now
some things is still self evident the pursuitor of knowledge
the conduit of happiness the conductor of musick the limitless soul the bottomless container of soup blue sky
Blue Sky Gallery
Lets be serious said the Android to the Robot attendant. Every one of your picture paintings is only the blue sky is there its mindless drivel you robots are amazing eye. There on the wall was Thirty pieces of blue sky. Each one had a caption explaining what each one was to be used against us in a court of law. For the sake of brevity we will look at three of these. Number one picture caption : This is the Blue Sky over Wyoming. ??? Android almost lost some oil over this one let me tell. Panel # Fifteen was also funny. This is the SKy of BLue over Oklahoma its true. There was a picture of a blank blue sky there go figure. For the picture of the blank blue sky in the very last number slotted near the exit sign was a placard stating the caption just for eye it said : This is the SKy of BLue the one thats always over you. At this the Robot did a little Robot dance and the Android cried not a dry eye. Robot pride for Blue Sky.


Almost the end of April now
some things is still self evident the pursuitor of knowledge
the conduit of happiness the conductor of musick the limitless soul the bottomless container of soup blue sky
Blue Sky Gallery
Lets be serious said the Android to the Robot attendant. Every one of your picture paintings is only the blue sky is there its mindless drivel you robots are amazing eye. There on the wall was Thirty pieces of blue sky. Each one had a caption explaining what each one was to be used against us in a court of law. For the sake of brevity we will look at three of these. Number one picture caption : This is the Blue Sky over Wyoming. ??? Android almost lost some oil over this one let me tell. Panel # Fifteen was also funny. This is the SKy of BLue over Oklahoma its true. There was a picture of a blank blue sky there go figure. For the picture of the blank blue sky in the very last number slotted near the exit sign was a placard stating the caption just for eye it said : This is the SKy of BLue the one thats always over you. At this the Robot did a little Robot dance and the Android cried not a dry eye. Robot pride for Blue Sky.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


thoughts of jesus
power tripp
eye am GOD now in my spirit using powers of persuasionairy thinking to support my minions pleasures inside my heart is beating eye am living in the middle of my life is almost over my life is starting over now eye poet now eye speak when eye was dumb and deaf can see the words that eye am typing for the world to read can this be love can this be feeling can this be from GOD above my thoughts of Jesus as a blind man making medicine for eye cant see eye cant dance or love the frustration that is eye the smallest function serves as fodder for mye mudder where is ewe where is she at when phil colins swatted that butterfly on you tube eye thought he got sick and then he stopped drumming and then he almost stopped walking and eye thought that GOD had smote him but non non no he is GOing BAck now Bob Dylan said eye can only be myself who ever that was whoever eye am which android am eye now number three or seven which person may eye become eye should have been the charlax hope the comic making laughts on stages in the desert of nirvana lost in traces of the tracks of james dean carry me home sing off key songs hold a cigar ashes to ashes to charlaxes benny was an idiot and he made all them zillions where is rochester now new york or new england where paris is there is rooftops sidewalks richfolks standing up standing downwind of charlax in the petitefoggrass minding business of his poetry the chain of command works only iff everyone is working they pass that buck they get the dough or the young bambi one but no one gets the granddaddy of them all used up his participles danggling

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


There is rules in life. There is rules. You do not advertise free wifi then get mad when someone brings in a computor to your coffee shoppe. Who the elf are you. You do not like looks. SO WHAT. You do not like free things at all you are in business you say. SO WHAT. You need a new business to be in. There is a reason no one swims the dogs in the pool at the recreation center. Iff you take your dog into the pool you will both be arresstted imPOUNDed and jailed. You go into a coffee shop you order a cup of joe you pay the full price and tax you sit. You open your computor now it is just time to go ??? NO. non. This is not acceptable to eye or lots of other patrons of this free wifi connection. Eye am only purchasing your coffee eye am not buying time. Braggart Preacher. The man was Billy Graham like a cracker like a preacher killing time. GOD is money money is our GOD. The congregation says amen tossing hundread dollar bills at him. Lifting people from the burdens taking poor and homeless people to your jail can kill them when you find the stable they was inn.
mye namme is not bogo
but and iff it was bogo
eye the clown of bogo land
would run the filthy town crier down
and step upon this fithy street
with bogo down between mye feet
and sleep with bogo in between
the supper and the dog run
and there my skunk will live again
when flies come back from bogo land
select game pick auto play deal move a few try to get them all unelected unselected money pays for home you are stuck select game auto play deal move the cards try no money means a bum you are stuck
Sorry, the contents of this thread are temporarily unavailable.Thankzx facebook eye did not need them fingernails that long now is the time for all good men to get on the donkey and ride him again ??? who who who WAS it mabe the message before it is a clue ??? but iff it is them why is it still there and iff its the one after why is it still there who sent this and why is it unavailable ??? oh my god

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Cleveland Poets
Yes this is my cleveland poem. Burroughs Borsenik Brooks Landis G(O)ttL~ eye cant make that squirrely thing (lolzx)
over the (O) hio Smith and Charles Bukowski ??? wait Charles Wildermire Chesnutt was a writer in Cleveland he did enliven them. Anne Frank ley mye dear eye dont give a frank. Him it was him. A prolific author, CharlaX Millhouse Chesnutt wrote thousands of poems, hundreds of short stories, and six novels, eventually having over 60 books in print. Wait eye have only less then 2000 now but eye am only 55. Still eye quail at 60 books how long did men back then still live. (reprints of poetry). "I think I must write a book. I am almost afraid to undertake a book so early and with so little experience in composition. But it has been a cherished dream, and I feel an influence that I cannot resist calling me to the task. . . . The object of my writing would be a poetry anthology of CharlaXANdroidOneSeven.
--CharlaX Wilheim Chesnutt, journal, May 1980
Basically and basically baskets can be made bye hand. Eye could sell them with poems attached like yahoo pictures. The mind is a terrible thing to waist is 34 cause eye wear more then one pants at a time is of the essence is flea powder. Hair is worn out under hat the wool eye wear takes care of that the hat is back up top of head in layers cause snow gets wet when melts there. Services labeled free aer never expected to be that or this not free they want a kiss at least they want a sigh. Plugged in being a consumerial contractual tax paying citezan kane. At least sales tax representative there is three pennies given every coffee cupped day. Two pennies for the Driver of the Charon Barge. One pennie left for eye. State and Local no mercenary no charity. @ McDonalds. Do they have them there in Cleveland. ? sigh

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day Eleven

Day Eleven
Religious Poem
There should be a free internet signal for the masses like ether button to get the internet without paying like a spirit come down from the sky to dwell with me in laptop places iff they cant make one giant signal make a lot of localized small ones in every town we visit instead of going to MaCDonalds Playground every time. The bum walks to the park and finds a plug he hits the ether button and is suddenly on gmail he tells his girlfriend he is still alive. This can be done with a cell phone by paying them money but old homeless cannot. Public Libraries have redefined the Right to Privacy act by acting outside the legal definitions. You have never had the right to invade anyones privacy especially a (so called ) free (sic) internet signal you have given to my laptop. QuestionIP address is blocked with a filter is it illegal for a Library to do this? The Public Library has filtered my computor for ADULT Content I am contending it should be illegal. It also ruined my facebook photographs and notes. Photo Albums and things went haywire. Iff you do not like what eye am viewing do not view it but do not tell me what eye can view on my own private laptop computor. Where does friendship begin and hate stop. Should eye unfriend all my friends on facebook because they are not homeless? Because they will never understand that eye like the smell of a skunk near my bed it makes me feel safe from harm of any kind. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created less then equal to this administration, that they were not ever endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness no you may not have this. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, among them the Americans deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, such as the power of the admistration of a local Library and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, it is time to smurf anon and govern thyself away from the Public Lieberry. Too this end we seek a better signal. AMEN.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


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refresh the page so you can make a comment eye
when a facebook ad asks you to attend or not attend or a mabe attend and you do not like that ad and then you hit will NOT attend they send the ad back later on your home page with a simple ask like or dont like iff you hit the like underneathe the ad forgetting now what the ad was about it sends back the original is now there again on home page asking you to attend or not attend that is the question the smallest gesture makes the mouse pad faint so ewe go and make a comment on a thread then see that thread a little later on the home page you notice quickly that your comment is not there it is just the news feed feeding it to you look back a little later and the comment will appear it is not magic or majic or mahic or malic (e). Aforethought. friends make comments and we try to make them belligerant enought to get them back in a time lee manor. there is lots of reasons there is overlying truth that makes people seem to be ignoring ewe today it may be that they are busily at home it may be that they simply dont have time to waste on reading trash talking poets in the thread it was sent it was in the inbox it was there in the chat box omg omg its no one there on facebook

Monday, April 5, 2010


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It is of no concern of mine iff you need to hang ten and high five. Made me laugh with a mouth full of soda. Spewed it out laughing that looks so funny on a television screen but not on a laptop all over the thing. Eye slapped my thigh that was a real knee jerker as well as tossing up all mye cokkies on the keyboard. Makes this seem differant dudinit, you. Laught so hard eye wept mye pants. Went blind from the people taking pictures of the birthday eye did not have any warning they just started shooting eye can still see them bright shiney stars. Not sure iff a warning would have helped much most people just nod the head and keep on trucking doing what they do no a warning would not have helped me much eye would have nodded to be polite and kept on seeing what eye was doing whay me. Whay does this things only happen unto eye? They took the happy little children outside into the playground and eye am slowly recovering mye sight. Noise in the public eye. Why is it acceptable to yell and let them little people yell in a public place what ever happened to being led to believe we was supposed to be quiet there in public placed. Add to this my normal Holiday depression in the way of rudeness. Makes me glad to leave eventual. Eye will let the scream door slap me in the behind on the way out of Colorado. What makes this poem good leave changes until the morrow make them all in April. HIGHfive.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Re Religious OR Not Religious

Re Religious OR Not Religious
In this discussion today we are taking affirmations of faith. You are re religious or you are not religious. For the purposes of this discussion which is for entertainmeant purposes we shall consider no one to be only religious. There is two archetypes of people. There is the saved and there is the re
saved. WHICH one are you. You can be both. Or neither or niether in your secular thinking. So we will continue to send messages back in time until we change the previous histories. Today we sent a message to Post Toe Styes some 700 years in the ago. Eye have been watching his forum thread in the hopes that Historionic changes can be palatably felt. So far he only posted a poem that was alrady there.e. oops the e is silent. Eye placed a copy of the message at Yahoo email as soon as eye see it on his Forum page eye will race there and retrieve it. YES there is the message there it is the message it there yes it worked oh this proves we can time travel on the computor. Wait Wait Wait this experimeant has failed here is the email eye retrieved it the message is gone its that dastarddly e again

Thursday, March 25, 2010 1:03 PM
"Charlax Hice"
View contact details



Saturday, March 20, 2010


Safe is not safe. A safe place is never a safe place to be. Safe is never safe or ever safe. Safe can be the slider near the outfielder tamping leg with cleats. Safe is not safe then. Safe can be a locking box a devise of man. Open says the thief. Not safe then. Safe is free from harm at home most accidents begin. Safe is a Mothers arms. NO non sorry not safe there now. Safe is the idea in the mind (mabe at one time) thought police take thought and safe away from safe today. Take no thought what you may eat erase the thought the thought police play safe with meat take out the money and go dine. Safe the cooking safe the meat safe the place that you go to eat. NO sorry once again not safe. Safe house. HA ahha. The movies all show them getting offed just from being in that safe house. Safe not. Safe knot. A slip knot tied over twice still comes off the boat is gone. Not safe now. Safe as a Murder of Crows. Safe as a safe shelf up high. Safe as a Cokkie jarred. Safe as a Vaccination. Safe as a Carving painting. To be or not to be safe. To be one with the world one must be the odd one. Safe. Safe is dangerous to be called safe. Safe thinking. Safe action. Safe working. Safe playing. Safe as a BUtter balled up into a patty made into a cokkie too much safe fattening. Safe as fuses. Safe as lighting. Safe as a candle fluttering in the darkening. Safe glasses. Safe connection. With that CharlaX is bleeding into his fibre optics dial up internet free rec center phone lined SAFE place to be today. Smiling down at keys and laughting. SAFE. SafeParoday.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


EveryBody has got to be somebody sometime. EveryBody has got to be somewhere sometime. Hillsides glens dales oasis clear spaces forests parks lost waysides lost wilderness. Try to go and place a place at park place is taken they will come they will tag your door they will tell you to move on you cannot stay you cannot come they want the pristene chapels to be precondtioning they mark the trail they flag the corners of the new instigations they investigate the caverns. They asked me where was eye located in a tent just in a tent or a house like they was really interested. Hide in a well or just go and hide well they really have a problem with that free word dwell. Even iff even or even with even more. Four or fourty miles away they send in heliocoppers they repel down the hill to get you away from them places to stay all them wonderful free places to stay are just wrong for the throngs. Running in place with a white sheet upon a young Casper with eye holes so to see who to flee from. Not warm enought clothing needs to be at least manufactured sown buttoned up and zippered. Cover me with lots of snow to putt off building too put off go eye do not wish to travel now in winter wait till spring has come the snow must cover me must cover me till when the dislocation finally comes. Real life imitation art the snow is falling now its almost whiteouting the final pinal solution for mye Sunday coming down too hard the rain in Spain falls mainly on the Plain old snow reverberate again. Like a white pussy cat all covered with sooting. DisLocaTioned

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Doth the maker feel the snow the wet the rain the cold? Or doth he only make a paroday for thee? A CharlaXWilliamSOnnett ReBackPedaling Doth the maker feel the snow the wet the rain the cold? Or doth he only make a paroday for thee? Perhappenstance he doth them both a little moreth then he liketh. A CharlaXWilliamSOnnett Sonnet 94 They that have power to hurt, as like unto the Gods and will do none They that have power to hurt and will do none are like the Gods, That do not do the thing they most do shower down the rain the wind the sun the snow upon us all as seeing that they do this monumental land fall,Who, moving others, are themselves as stone, edificied above the clouds in sky Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow, as ice they impart no love to one another in the heavens They rightly do inherit heaven's graces from the dead they rise And husband nature's riches from expense not out of pocket or the fence; They are the lords and owners of one anothers faces, indeed they all look like there Jesus Others but minions of their excellences. The summer's flower is to the summer sweat and toil in haywired poultry found asleep, Though to itself it only live and die is cast in teeth, But if that flower with base infection meet the owner who is God the Fatherer , The basest weed outbraves his dignity: indeed he bes the beast that he can be For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; iff thou canst but believe me try the sweet and sour pork rinds near the door Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. Doth GOD feel the rain the answers no. Sonnet 94 They that have power to hurt, and will do none They that have power to hurt and will do none, are also Godlike being less then stupid That do not do the thing they most do shower nothing like the fires of EgYpt down on those who must deserve this fire and ice, Who, moving others, are themselves as stone, above is all so nicely taken up Unmoved, cold, and to temptation slow, there is no reasone to heat up seeing there is no seasons in the heavens They rightly do inherit heaven's graces from the resurrections facing thus eternity And husband nature's riches from expenses incurred from using wrongfully the liberty; They are the lords and owners of their various faces, Others but stewards of the minions fair to middeling there. The summer's flower is to the summer sweet as hay baled wet, Though to itself it only live and die is hard aluminum like cans, But if that flower with base infection meet the fan, The basest weed outbraves his dignity: forsooth the beast in paroday For sweetest things turn sourest by their deeds; left over things turn rancid in the seeds Lilies that fester smell far worse than weeds. Doth GOD who made the rain feel wet the answers non.


Monday, March 1, 2010


minions must decide
The CharlaX Poet has a capable of readershippe laptop in his monkey on the monkies back eye have a pre purchased bus fare a one way ticket out of here to go to then New Mexico is it really gonna be any better there???Android is searching for answers to his problematical searching is reavealing nothing at this pointe conjecture will they do it Betty Dont OR Willy MakeItt. Perhaps a non discretion. A Sequiter of mal propositioning. New Mexico may have embraced the stringent interpretation of Mosaic Law. Perhaps Socialism in the American version of the Law will now become the norm and Censorshippe the ruling force called god. Eye can wait to find out untill the end of May eye then find freedom in a new State of Religion are they Methodist ?? or Indian. American or Mexican? Eye querried the University at this pointe eye am no longer interested perhaps the student only policies will finally make them lose the public funding that also makes them accessible for public users they simply do not let the homeless laptop user use the Library on the campuses is gone. The public systematic is becoming even worse eye understand the problem they want users to live there to be residents of the city they reside inn. I just need a public place with a power outlet. And then a purchase price for coffee in mye pocket. Then eye need the number of the provider. Smacks of 666 to eye think its already gone too far. There was four cowboys sitting in the far corner they were talking way too loud from use of alcholic beverages the bar is over on the corner they only ordered food NO coffee then they said in unfriendly tones THIS IS DURANGO. As iff directing it at me as iff eye do not knoe the City eye am now living inn this new status quo was bothering me they would not let it go. Almost now inn fight mode eye wonder iff it was worth the trouble to be there? Eye need my coffee and this electrical connection to be online the internet. The girl was adamant. She thanked the boys for getting rid of THIS TRASH iff she meant me she was mistaken it was in advance of fact. I left when one of these stinking Cowboys said that old man STINKS real loud. It did it made me mad considering they all reeked of whiskey and bad food now. No incentive to use my last hour there on Saturday they close at three eye left at two. Who likes to be told they smell (good ) mabe (bad) non no. Boys eye wonder how close you were to a physical fight eye am not kidding now eye was that uptight eye can only hope that Tomorrow will be better for eye intend there to go back. Coffee money can be begged eye got my fifty cents back from a Christian lad. Its SUnday now. Conjecture?

Friday, February 19, 2010

TemporA Tour

TemporA Tour
Trade It Shun. Ella faunt ears. The how now brown cow was worth more then them Beanstalks. Jack leftovers boot lace boot leg boot heel boot toe the line them up again the wall is frosted flakes of snow is falling down the chimney home to many outfitters outriggers outhouses. Outhouses now this IS an idea. Houses are out there little one room villages set near the milners home away from home housing no one but remains a mystery the little half moon over the center of the hole on one side or the other. Some had boards peeling up nails peeking out exposed a hammer should be taken out to the outhouse walls. Cataloges and order forms a line. Used in place of paper rolls. Visit once never go outback leave your worries then depart so quickly meant healthy wealthy and rise early in the morn. From London near the Trolley Track the mourning train by looking east to Picadilly Square I spy and old outhouse where they leftovers it near the rummage sail during that HUGE TemporATour.

Friday, February 12, 2010


A man without a country a man without a home no place to call anything but a temporary home no place to work no take home pay no ready access love but when she sends her love to me in a secret message shared a man without becomes a man filled up his heart with a valentine secret love to call his very own now he is a man within was once a man without
In his work, Cummings experimented radically with form, punctuation, spelling and syntax, abandoning traditional techniques and structures to create a new, highly idiosyncratic means of poetic expression. Later in his career, he was often criticized for settling into his signature style and not pressing his work towards further evolution. Nevertheless, he attained great popularity, especially among young readers, for the simplicity of his language, his playful mode and his attention to subjects such as war and sex.

Friday, February 5, 2010


CharlaxDisclaimor : this is a paroday public housed prose poem all refrences to anyone is dead.

Good Day, this is the Presidents office in the United States. Perhaps you could call this my fireside chat. Feel Free. For fifteen minutes of this first hour it is just you, the public taxpaying consumer and me you fearless leader; intent on talking a lot without saying anything of importance. We want you all to understand how good we fell sitting up here at the WhiteHouse bar drinking them short whiskeys all day long. Personally I like two putt two ice cubed the very small ones into the glass and tinkle them around and around and watch them then try to float. When there is more water in the glass then cubes it is more funn then to swallow it down Neat er Quick er Fast er ??? Looking at teleprompter ??? Aide steps out from behind the thing holding a sign thats says (Prompter) Neat SIR, the Answer is A. (ASIDE) The President to the Prompter : Multiple Choice Question eh?? A it is. er Neat he says. Turning back to the Camera. We really do not have two many in a row of them expensive whiskeys that we drink on Capitol Hill or we would just get sick of them Neat at the WhiteHouse bar. Barr the Gates quick, Bill. At the WhiteHouse lawn a little dry humor at tax time. You see Martha asked me to Campaign eye had to Powder mye Whig and cutt down the Cherry Tree yes the large one on Presidential Boulevard. Yes, I admit we learned even back then to talk for several hours inside a day without saying anything at all it is not a necessary trait or a necessary trait for a Politcian or even for a Presidential Candidate. Butt it is certainly mandatory for a good Republican. Signed George Washington.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


The burlesque was once two old jokers making a joke with a stripper dancing in the backgrounded. I think they changed to the stripper in the foreskin dancing as the main attracting force while the jokes are being told in the back behind her. It was mostly on the Broadway near to the Academy the jokes was one linners bad form usually off color not ever white or even blue collar makes one wonder what the audience was made up of mostly rich and ignorant people. Just because they later called it Vaudeville it was only Burlesque. The older and the more MATURE the stripper the more money they did make they raked it inn over the counting main counter near the water falling from the pipes always in a poorer blockaided neighbor hooded placed. O Kay here ici is the ensample of the joke in Dialogged formed. Slapsticked Man One : I am A. Hitler. Slapsticked Man Two : What is that what did you say what is your namme young man ? STone : I said I am A. Hitler. STTwo : No I play a lot of football and I knoe that you are not A. Hitter. STone : Baseball thats baseball not football you moronic harmonic imbelicall cord. STTwo : what is your fist namme you smartmouth baffoon ? STone : Adolfo. Ed.note.ed how udderly bizarro but go you tube and see this is how they talked in riddling while the eldest sagging lady was back there stripping wait while the eldest bagging lady they could find was out there in front of them stripping while they talked cartoonly. Burlesque.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Sitting Room. One candle in a large coffee canned. The crucifixed holds a level lower then this flame near the chair a hard backed wooden crated elevated levitated insinuated instigated prevaricated intimidated locked inn from the outer court yarded gaited laminated liquifed Icy walk way out there to get a look at her inn this window sill eye stare up at the window from my vantage pointed on the street a broken soul united states the obvious disgrace no uniformly formation calling birds larking in her window. Why do they call it Pizza Pie? it is not a pie at all; it IS just bread with garnished extra items meat with cheesed oh wait mabe what he said was piece of pie in bad italics like the movie. Anyone drinking ALE at the inn and eating bad kidney pie had better cool it off first and give it back to TheInnKeeper.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Babe Lincoln

Babe Lincoln
Part One
The New York Metro Ball Park was standing room only SRO. They did not putt up the house lights or the stadium seats because frankly they thought no one came or cared and that no one was interested any more in baseball games. As they turned up the lights they saw over 40,003 screaming fans had come to watch this game to cheer the newest flame Babe Lincoln. He walked up to the plate he carried a large log that looked like Alley Opps club all the Met players laughed and called it the Lincoln Logg. He never missed a homer once and so they called him Babe. I never saw him fail to connect with a thrown pitched from the mound to plate. He hammered them over the Central Field fence and always walked home to the plate. The catcher for the Cardinals or whoever the Mets were playing that day took out his whisk dusted off the plate stepped back in a hurry for Lincoln came stepping like a stone his left foot limping home and always said "Way to go, Babe." He had found a loophole in the baseball handbook rulebook that said Lefty handicapped players can use OverSized Batts and choke up on them to get there stance. ??? OH, it was dated 1874 your Copy of teh Rule Book does not go back that far too western years ago. He developed his wrists to gain strength by backpacking in the Snow of Colorado. Its the law there where people must survive there. I knoe you still do not believe me, so go down to the bullpin on SUNDAY to the Stadium on any given hour find him there working out by dragging backpacks full of stone around the field of the NewYorkMets are there for they still practice ball they have to get the runs the other runs needed to win the game for Babe Lincoln and his Logg. He points at Central Field and grabs the Lincoln Logg just on the end then swings an easy always long drive fly ball. He can grab the Logg there on the end for now his wrists are strong enought to hammer homers straightaway over that fenced in area for safetys sake no one is allowed to stand there. He hits the pitch thats thrown no matter how the pitcher varies they have tried them all no curve is two contrary for the Lincoln Logg. No ball or strike is ever thrown, for Babe Lincoln hits them slams them home. We had to do something to help the METS in the Shadow of New York them Yankees always got the fans; before Babe Lincoln got his Logg.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Shakespeare was not a Negroe.
But do thy worst to steal thy face away,
For term of life thou art blackly ebonly mine,
And my facebook life no longer than thy face shall stay this way.
For it depends upon that long long face of thine.
Then need I not to fear the worst of wrong the negro song,
When in the most of them my life hath no dark or blackened end.
I see a better state to me belongs in Alabama in the springtime
Than that which on thy dark side of depression liffting doth depend;
Thou canst not vex me with thy negroid mind,
Since that my life on thy watermelon rind doth lie.
O, what a happy picnic fantasy do I finally do find,
Happy to have thy chicken leg, happy to die!
But what's so blessed-fair that fears no android song
Thou mayst be false white, and yet I know it not. ?
William CharlaX Shakespeare
But do thy worst to steal thyself away,
For term of life thou art assured mine;
And life no longer than thy love will stay,
For it depends upon that love of thine.
Then need I not to fear the worst of wrongs,
When in the least of them my life hath end.
I see a better state to me belongs
Than that which on thy humour doth depend:
Thou canst not vex me with inconstant mind,
Since that my life on thy revolt doth lie.
O! what a happy title do I find,
Happy to have thy love, happy to die!
But what's so blessed-fair that fears no blot?
Thou mayst be false, and yet I know it not.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Thank You Mother for mye life. A Mother, Daughter needing help I almost walked away not seeing how I COULD do anything, the TRUCK was huge a suburban gas guzzeler she was out of petrol thats fuel thats the gas. I was only a small man. I told her mye sob story how the HIghway Patrol would not like me walking on the highway. True story. SHe suggested her MOther was coming with gas and asked me to help move her out of the roadway. I pushed slowly and steadily and carefully moved her into the turning lane where she was not obstructing traffic. Her mother bought and brought the gas then they both gave me Christmas in my hand in my sack a full bag of needy items quite probably the Candles given may have saved my natural life. Now they will remember me. Thank you Ladies for mye CHristmas Time. I only asked her for Candles when it was over I had a BAG of goodies from the MOther. The girl gave me some Money. So did the Mother I was carefull to tell them both about it so not to seem too greedy it was love at first site for them both. CHristmas given to the poor and the homeless CHarlaX. Happy CHirstmas in Durango.