Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Welcome Matt

Welcome Matt
The kisses lemone oh so sweet
Welcome Matt
female english welcomed
Snitch Johnson
old son son of john son of snitch
Adore Smith
tradesman english male
Love Bread
female english love
Iron Posse
stems from gang terminology
Facebook Enemy
title of this poem
you were once my friend now gone you left me even iff eye clicked the mouse it was you that caused me to do this to us why did you take away my love and hurt me so much just before CHristmas no love on the day of remembering my LORDS birthday how he was Born in the Manger with Snow outside and swadling clothes on his little baby body it must be why he wore those purple fitted sheets all his life
he is sure wearing his GOlden WIngs now
Christmas BOneus
Tinkle Bells
now yall must knoe just why they call me so
for the pretty way eye walk
and Bells
for the pretty that eye sound
fooled you all
names for $666 AleX
strong man
super man
Exit Rug

Saturday, December 10, 2011


ELF, ELFELFEye took out my dreamcatcher full of nines (999999999) and hearts (

a penny for your thoughts

money rules this world the people think of nothing less they spill the beans must come from solyant green and brown the very idea that a man could come from being homeless to a millionaire or even a small business in the industry when eye feel eye will never work for pay the students coming out of school get all the smart jobs seem to be gone the way of misery is mine no job no check no prop under my feet is only the sidewalk now eye lay in poverty my homeless shelter edges of a roof iff no one sees me furtively edging into spaces meant for stepping past the sticks and stones omg no one should live this way at all but why eye feel the need to work so hard when all eye need to do is hide my bones beneath the cold cold soil and stop the day to day struggle of existance. Let me tell you it is this certain struggle for food and dry clothing that makes a man what he is it gives me strength that money cannot buy for me the life that eye have chosen seems so harsh until you think of poverty of rich the loss of love the loss of life that comes from worshipping a lessor god just numbers in a book they equal power for some people just add more to swollen bank accountants adding ledgers to existing dollars charging more for services already over extended. Today my heart is full of ewe and friend's who love me too my feet are dry my belly full of food my clothing adequate for a mild winter the first for me in several years of snow pushing the limits of my luck each day brings to me my own crazy satisfaction dropping some names to illustrate my happiness do you think e e cummings his works brought to the public in the form of new york plays do you think it made him happy to be homeless his work his poems his style of keeping rustic crude religion showing in his writings from his golden heart his poetry ruling him in love worth more then many ducats of gold the silver dross when asked to preform on television Jack Kerouac grabbed his tome and read from his book what he had written there in poetry do you not see yet how homeless he once was and yet the poem was his everything to be. Stop feeling sorry for this homeless poet and start reading more of what eye have there written in the vast crinkles of the paper of the web while eye can get online to make this POEM this POET is undone still happy just to thrive alive outside the dead poetry of love one ounce of poem words outweigh all the gold of time

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lost in Texas

Lost in Texas.docx
Lost in Texas
Time will keep all my findings from this Courtroom but let me please begin to list the many things eye found wrong with this Texas Town.
But first a message non commercial vintage.
When did the internet become the norm the fixt the great white hope of all the minorities cracking the web is fun for rich important people can still do it at home but tell me do any of us knoe how it works how does the thing become the online tool eye use ? How does it perk the signal and the sign in and then the smurf ? A little background music. Oh yeah the title beacons me you see eye have too much competition on the street too many idle people drunk crack smoking parasites intent on robbing me of sleep or something closer to my back the pack full of this laptop with accessories and so you see eye got back to this important subject line is HOPE for the future even at the Alamo. A little dry dehydrate humor from San Antonio let me just say this let me thank the Academy now before eye win the purse reprised and full of wishes yes so sweet my ewe is kisses full of love. So lets get back to where the bottom line is grid the thing is a solid grinning grid of electronic jargon accessed with electricity and a button actuator the whole process of signing in is most beyond me somewhere on the Astral Plain of God there might be something to be said for Zen and smart Bhuddists seem to know you take the case and you plug in the mouse and you CLICK you just CLICK and then you Click some more until you have the Proper place you go. There really is not much more to the WEB then that. It is easier to get my Dell online then to find a place to get a cup of coffee Lost in Texas.

Monday, November 14, 2011


Minimum Wage will not ever feed a family it was never intended for a Family provider it is a starting wage a place to begin your work career not the 57 year old man still washing dishes in the diner cause his Daddy taught him how when he was only 14 years of age and could learn nothing else because of his addictions and his sicknesses eye am 51 % handicapped listed with Workman's compensation for an accident eye had when eye was 23 years old they even had to give me Social Security DIsability but got out of giving me any money then this is what happened back than. AHHA a play on words. They Determined me able to work and refused my initial claim then when eye persisted with my claim they caved in and sent me to a OLD FOLKS HOME where eye was treated than like dirt they way people treat other people who seem to be winning there case. They gave me all the paper work for a THIRTEEN MONTH stay eye think eye was only there THREE DAYS when the NURSE at the desk made me go into my room like a LITTLE BOY in the middle of the day REFUSING to let me watch the TELEVISION. Eye tore my VERY IMPORTANT papers and tossed them into the WasteCan and left eye have never filed a claim after that first FIASCO. Sitting here and penning this eye have decided to NEVER draw my Social Security check at all. Eye will spend the rest of my life in freedom. The labor jobs and day labor jobs that eye have held are not acceptable to me in my weekend state. Weakened. From all my efforts to remain dry and sober and free. The monkey on my back and the things eye carry with me make me strong and usefull seeming. Iff only to myself then eye am just the one who is taking care of me. This is the time for the old joke the Cemetery must be the most popular place in town. WHY? because everyone is dying to get in there. Eye have been hurt by your version of what you think are good Americans Illegal Drug users Chicken cooking Homosexuals and white boyz. Refused service for resting my leg after hiking to Mcdonalds only to be threatened with arrest for Loitering next to the parking lot but eye was at the building next door.This New Nation which has No use for GOD in the classrooms or the fields. No Salute from me left inside me for your Flag or Uniforms. Nothing left to feel but hate for a non feeling Government who hate the homeless and the poor. Like the Spanish Inquisitor who just passed gas near me he tried to talk to me eye told him eye was busy go ask someone else HIS PROBLEM it is his problem eye had to go to Security after he cursed and threatened me iff he returns to my seat to cause me problems eye am to go and TELL them. It is better for Both of us iff he does not return. After a check of the main area on the first floor eye have decided he was only talking street tought talking they all do it here just to instill fear in others they must do it just to survive these ganger ridden streets of San Antonio. My day is filled with this WorkBaneEthic.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011





Jjust because they love you in spite of your problems and there problems will not hinder the love will be there until both of you are gone to Aaccept the fact of the limits of a finite world making you seem Ccross off the worry you saw the way she loves you sending you two messages sweating out her love into those fingerings on the mouse pad she must have been about to faint for iff her daughter or her boss had seen this action would have pounced on her she loves me so very very much Jjust Ccross Kkill the messanger it is the OLDEN ROMAN way Oorbit is declining your balance is failing you jump out now and get wetter quicker the Llove of one when ignited to the other flame becomes the most wonderful bane of existence is Aantipathy at its best on a holiday full of Nnoshing candy finding problems at your doorway lighting old doorways with Jackolantern smiles. Tthe candle light flickering nowadays is mostly electric a sort of a badge of the middle class to tell poorer people down the street hey we still got electricity. Ttender is the quick under the nails on my coffin is not sealed and eye must get out before the daylight comes to steal my heart for her in love it must be dark Eeternal life will keep us together what is only one old Halloween do not despair or worry dear for eye am here forever Rrolling down the palisades skipping over the moat to be your Nnugget found. Jackolantern

Just Accept Cross Kill Orbit Love Antipathy Noshing Tender Eternal Rolling Nugget. CROWNED

Thursday, June 30, 2011

wrong turn

wrong turn
wrong turn
too many turns the wrong way
the idiot on the bicycle pretending to be gay or happy
then demanding where did eye get my shopping cart
even suggesting that eye was stealing it GOD forbid forging monotones into my mind of sneaking up on the BIG K lot sneaking past the Guard shack running with the wind at my back lifting the cart from the nearest customer eye must have pushed it past the Guards were shooting at me then eye stood on the sidewalk waiting for him to come around the corner he is a NO SHOW he stood me up he is CHICKEN SHIFTING like every UNM person does. Eye hope he is a teacher there they deserve him. DID the idiot steal the buy cycle he was running from me on. EYe did strongly suggest he had no business on the sidewalk where eye was pushing my scrounge and found shopping cart this one is from Big Lots they are smaller not so noticeable as the larger shopping chains like SMITHS he chose to ignore me late for class eye suppose he is the bees knees on campus he still looks the idiot grin to eye think he got them cold clammy feet when eye told him where his buycicle parts would soon now be in his anatomy not mincing my words he took too many wrong turns but not the last one now eye keep my shopping cart moving on the sidewalk no buycycle on the path behind me AMEN. thankful the strongman from the UNM circus did not decide to take his last wrong turn again.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Tooth broke the uppers are broke even off and they stopped hurting so eye began trying to live with the constant pain now the lower jaw has betrayed me with a broken jaw tooth this sucker is hurting. It is only the food eye eat getting trapped when eye use my tooth pick wisely the pain mostly stops the thing is so loose eye can wiggle it with my finger this may be causing it to hit a nerve from time to time. At this moment eye have not taken medicine TODAY is Fathers Day SUnday and the tooth is not hurting now after Pizza Slice with Peach CObbler. Eyem drinking a Strawberry drink with lime. Eye found an antihistamine tablet capsule in my computor bag eye only took the one that was already broken open not the seal but the white powder eye think eye got most of the medicine ah ah ah
blah blah blah and so it goes on to say blah blah blah
you must understand me its what eye MEANT to say not what is written here ici become the written poem then decide just what it is eye meant for you to see blah blah blah eye spy the garden flower in the flower garden glowing the purple radiation makes the flower huge the purple flower will top two stories it will grow without the water without the food fed by radiation from Japan My sister told me life is Pain it is supposed to be painful. You got your wish my tooth is miserable. Playing cards with Jack slap your Jack Jack play the Jack Jack Go fish Jack Jack the deck Jack and finally the halitosis you think they did not notice but here is what they told each other when you left the room. The boy smells not just bad but like unto a cadaver eye swear he smells like he has been dead for three days. He bathes in the river stinks. Yes Peter your pater mater said this. The turtle writes a poem with the pads of its feet as it walks a long way with its house on its back it looks for food with each pad pad pad pad of its four little feet it gets the checkered flag it wins the race against the wicked white rabbit leaving pellets in the grass it goes so fast but sleeps too much in love eye write this poem now its gone the turtle won as time plods along eye forget my pain when doing my work of making a poem of prose no rhyme or reason but hope

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Secret Love

A Secret Love

A Secret Love

A Secret Love

I would rather be her secret love
Than make a movie in the porn o graph
To lay with Chinese women in the dark
If eye could love them one by one
And take turns kissing all of them
I would rather be her secret love
The substance of her dreams
The sure and certain love of her secret heart
The love to be kept secret in her dark
The love she always needs.
I would rather be the secret love of ewe.

Oh my secret heart

Oh my secret heart
so far away
eye love ewe
eye bite the apple for one bite
it rolled away and got so dirty on the clay
eye want some more to eat
bite the apple with the me
kiss the bearer of the fruit
kiss the cup
fragile wings bear love enough

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

two poems

two poems
Two poems on the poetry month
IN the course human events come to be tossed like salads out the chips lost to the garbage centers in my eye gone sour on my life now now ded ded ded dodo birds fly. Long thick tendrils of ice enter my mind. Define poem to be whatever the poet pens them to be. Poe or Emily. They wasted time with the forms of poetry. They would have done better to be prose penning ghosts telling lines over lines of misrhyming prose. Did Edger Allen ever touch his toes did Emily get kissed. Did they kiss the toes of this bearded one. Isn't prose funn. The love of Poe for DIckenson. Eye will wrap the venison in flowing robes of velvet for the purple flower to chew the tanning hide to make her moccasins we ride the wind tonight. The girlfriend is creek Indian. The picnic steaks is venison. Buck Poe not Roe Dickenson. Eye could do more in this vernacular however this Day is tedious longer then my patients will allow no im not the Doctor Jim eyem the airplane mechanic. Holding upp her wings. We fly.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

get reedy for April now

losther no loser eye
by Charles Robert Hice on Saturday, March 12, 2011 at 9:26am

no loser eye

she left me

not the other Way round

round round robin

find my heart today

do not leave me in the Land escaping

further confessed further confused

hopelessness is not love

you did not give love to me

be of good self


never darken my door no more

no less then treason

is your reason

you do not wish to give

love is sodden in your wine

go cry

elvin fairies never lie

you did so

you become

the new non person

of one



eye think you might find

this to be simple

not complexed

her hubby might

have gotten jealous

of our time spent

this my be ull it is

she might love me yet


This Earth is cess pool there is no honest charities the people who handle the money you donate kept it they don't pass it on to victims of hopelessness they do not see one red dime of nothing you give to them. yes its true. they rolled it up in drug money snorted upp the nose in hundred dollar bills. iff u truly wish to help someone like Japan roll up some Salomi's in your bed troll over there find some poor people on the ground give them something to eat so help me GOD mhy Jesus will give it back to you when you see him. Its called CHarity.

Monday, February 21, 2011


You were born in my heart in 2010 when first we met. The princess of my fiery needs the complex woman the simple girl but yet you see this Man is marred by martyrdom. You were someones wife when eye first met you were someones mother of children yet you rule my one desire of love. You seem to have girlfriends online close friends who've never ever met you like me worshiping you from the depths of want. This is not about me but it is about me because its about you. You do amazing things with photography you do you tubes you do very pretty profile pictures but still you seem to me the most wonderful princess letting me dance with you is torn my heart into two pieces. The Shadow Man online verses this rich flesh bleeding guy. How do you tell such the beautiful girl she is loved by the most poorest poet in the world. With this poem eye do let you see me. Eye do love you in spite of who we seem to be. Thank you for instilling this love inside of me. Keep on being my princess dancer we seem to be hurting no one least of all ourselves. Love is love is to love is to love. You fill me upp.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


then time
with you
yes you think he goes but does not Care
but caring for you every moment dear
enought to let you keep your Day
do your thinking have your Way
be yourself not some Shadow
byteing of my love
love me when eyem with you
its thanks enought for love
let me be your lover
iff only for one portion of your long eventful Day
its here with me for every minute of my
leaving you to play
but don't you think eye feel you loving me
even when it seems your busy doing something else
oh yes

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


We the users of the eye needle still under the church steeple still got no where to lye our people down the treadle lock them in the cattle cars send them to the Chambers to get gas for cars to ride them ranges without wires of Any kind of sign of love putt them inn them Bean cans putt the labels green then gold. The more expensive Gold cans got meat in them the less expensive green ones don't even list ingredients to show the nutrients. Do buy no beans from New Mexico until your sure the homeless fiasco is over with. Iff those Solyant labels green or gold list meat for ingredients just fold those cards walk out of stores. It is your Uncle Bob the old homeless one. He wondered just the little too far from home. Getting the green instead off the gold will not help much when you inch the opener you will be eating your own Aunt Belinda.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Every dime store novel western they did the hero left the initials GTT on the door to his Cabin fever running in him to blaze the Way to Tejus. Now eye find myself somewhere inhospitable to eye wish to GOD eye could just stay here this time. Eye go but not willingly hesitatingly into the old highway walking forever one more time. Pilgrim is the namme. My instinct for these things is telling me to start out in March but things here deteriorate some more so eye might go before the cold is completely gone. GGT. Gone to Tejus. GGG gone to Galveston. God Willingly. The streets here full of fighting gangs Rome the streets the campus is open the drunks go in then out just past where eye sit typing this the skaters the bikers the users the killers they shout they wish to bring my bones down to the pit the open rode will not be no worse then this. The limits of the finite mind will not prevail eye will limp 400 miles to see the Gulf to feel the beech under my butt. One impression of the Waves when the sky is blue then sunny one more smile of endless days before eye die the cold of night balanced against the warm breezes from the Oceans see. Eye will find bye Faith some other place for me to be. No one of us is truley free. ONe more effort to be me.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Jared Lee Loughner Insane.

Jared Lee Loughner
Critically Ill.
No Way out he will be ultimately executed. There is one student here in this New Mexico University he is telling his girlfriend he should do just what Loughner did down in Arizona. The boy is not the fighter he is thin no muscles but when he pointed his finger then brought it up in place just like the Glock eye cringed then it got me angry got me mad. The sooner the better give him Jesus iff he don't need or want Jesus give to him death. Eye think Jesus should be the option. Loughner could dance in the Holy Ghost down in every southern mission getting soup getting laid in silk PJs. Eye will be merciful to him who gives mercy. But to him who hurts people he is the devil now. Confidentially to Loughner. You better hope they do not putt you in the Prison there. Bubbas got no sense of humor just that strange sort of homo justice. Uppend in the muddle of your cell blocked. Did you get my drift. No soap. Just bend over. Goodbye to Loughner my God have mercy on your soul. The press is showing no mercy because you offed important people well let me tell you Killer Kreep the worst one to us public users is the little nine year old girl. She is asleep in Jesus. Singing with his Angels. Unless you get religion Mighty quick your about to embark to your eternity of fire with brimstone. Smirking there wont help you no one sees or cares the flames will punish you forever in the dark. When eye wanted to write this eye eye wanted you to feel the hate eye got for you but eyem the Christian not even feeling sorry for you now just hoping they get it over quickly let you die. We the people of AmeriKa do not wish for you to sit in prison eating solid food. Get the smirk off your face get relay ready to die now K is for Killer K is for Kreep K is for Loughner in the deep end of Grave. OR show some remorse for what you did start screaming for Jesus. He is the only one GOD who could even help you now.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Liffe Sunday Jan 16 2011

FOR Doctor MLK

When eye got old eye miss the boy who lived in me
eye miss the eye who still wanted to be free
the young boy loved
no help is coming for the boy
the boy is gone
the boy died trying to get friends
his friends hated him
for no good reason
they treated him like the diseases
then the boy is now the grown
the time they spend
to do to the grown
just what they did to the boy
they leave him to be alone
they let him to rot
they love him not
they even tried
to send him home
before his time is done
he liffes to write
just one more poem
he liffes for love
non violence
given us by the great Doctor
Martin Luther King Junior
is like the rainbow
given to men after the storm
the reassurance of the world continuing
without entirely ending
until the end comes
skin is off white flesh tones
for everyone

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


you were there

the boy with the silver hand gun

should be confiscated

made to run into the bull pen

New Mexico state prison

he is mental ill

the hospital is not good enought for him

eye um only telling you this

for my own inconvenienced

he caused me mintle distress

homeless invested time

in the hotspot is gone

no easy thing now

to get my coffee in the morning

no its not funny to me

no where to leave my property


the street buzz is this

its the shooter they missed

but they got everyone elses intentions

on the TO DO list

Lord GOD Jesus upp above

now eye be Glad eyem not the COP

or the ShootOR

this is true story
OR is emergency room
the BOY shot up UNM University Hospit*l

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Prostrate Angels fall knees weeping for the Chinese culture stood for facebook Walls before the computor became our typewriter. IMplore you to be the Confederate embrace religion of the brotherhood please stop these annihilation attempts we need this planet to be pure when the Lord comes to find no radiation in this century. Big bullie of the north with the bigger stick turn it off let the switches to the nuclear weapons rot. You need to boil the eggs in China learn to eat the egg whites with the yellow add the SALT for Israel unleavened vine for figs not thorns be good people learn to shake the dancing hands. You need love you people seem to need more love then other Orientals do not give into your Prime Donna Uniformed totalitarian anger give yourselves time to grow into persons of distinction drop the thumb on pictures of love use the things in your mind which have been given to you to create evidence of GOD. Make love not war is the path to Peace the Apocalypse will come without your bidding let GOD decide the millenniums you go choose one more Day of Peace let freedom become your battledore. We Wait for your intelligent decision signed the whole world full of people in it.